这部小说以摄像机般的写实手法记录了桑提亚哥(Santiago)老人捕鱼的全过程,塑造了一个在重压下仍然保持优雅风度、在精神上永远不可战胜的老人形象。起初,有一个叫明诺林的男孩跟他一道出海,可是过了40天还没有钓到鱼,孩子就被父母安排到另一条船上去了,因为他们认为孩子跟着老头不会交好运。第85天,老头儿一清早就把船划出很远,他出乎意料地钓到了一条比船还大的马林鱼。老头儿和这条鱼周旋了两天,终于又中了它。但受伤的鱼在海上留下了一道腥踪,引来无数鲨鱼的争抢。老人奋力与鲨鱼搏斗,但回到海港时,马林鱼只剩下一副巨大的骨架。孩子来看老头儿,说:“它没有打败你,它没有。”(“He didn’t beat you,Not the fish.”)
故事中出现了一个叫明诺林的男孩,在老人的故事里为什么有这个孩子的出现?年轻,象征着力量和希望,即便是老人,他的内心同样是年轻的。这个男孩起初是要跟老人学习捕鱼的技术的,但后来被他父母安排到别处了。在故事的结尾,当孩子看到那苍白的鱼骨架和老人那伤痕累累的双手时,“he started to cry,and an the way down the road he was crying”,孩子心痛的不仅是老人那双流过血的手,他心痛的是老人历尽艰险才得到的战利品竟然被鲨鱼咬噬得一干二净,更心痛的是老人在历经长达84天的凄惶失意极度紧张艰苦的考验后所换来的却只是更大的失望。孩子的“放声大哭”使读者产生强烈的听觉感,深深地撞击着读者的心弦。这哭声包含着孩子对老人深深的同情和无限崇敬。这哭声显然是孩子在老人的英雄气概感召下性格走向成熟的起点,象征孩子的回归。这一象征手法的处理昭示出“他是在通过一条相当新的路子返回到他的起点”,表达了作品的乐观主义倾向。
小说中有一个极其重要的象征物,就是桑提亚哥魂系梦萦的“那群狮子”。它代表旺盛的生命力和青春,象征着老人对力量的追求和对强者的向往,每次梦见“那群狮子”后都会给老人增添无穷的精神力量。小说的结尾“The old man was dreaming about the lions”――“那天下午,桑提亚哥在茅棚中睡着了,梦中他见到了狮子。”这是一个富有寓意的回声,体现了海明威的人生哲学与道德 理想,即不向命运低头,永不服输的斗士精神和积极向上的乐观人生态度。
2、Superficial 浮浅。
3、anesthesia 麻醉。
4、Tender >>>温柔。
5、禁锢- Empty。
6、 Forever 优雅。
7、欧典-The empty。
8、倒吊 Scream。
9、Fleeting time。流年。
10、crossing out°
12、别挽留 Letitgo。
13、1ost 1987蝎子。
14、知足 Content つ。
16、silent 黑白年代。
17、peaceful 少年 。
18、护花铃CEm Hop - Type。
20、魄悲 〔Triste。
21、Liberation 解脱。
22、orvR 音符。
23、Superficial° 浮浅。
24、梦徒 Dream ACT。
25、失夜 Sakitama。
26、Very cold. 很冷漠。
27、Charm 猫姬。
29、A monologue. 独白。
30、控制欲 Callous。
32、挂念 - hcs/u3。
33、Luce .典当半世宿命。
34、甜蜜的死亡 Revenge。
35、夺命的冷淡Deatй began。
36、Jasper 碧玉。
37、Ord1nAry 平淡。
38、Distractions. 分心。
39、One、Life 独厮守 ぢ.。
【摘 要】In the late 19th century American naturalism appeared in the United States as a new literary trend, which took Darwinism and Spenserian social Darwinism as its base. But it has features of its own. As a naturalist writer, Jack London followed the principles of American naturalism in his writing. And his most of popular novel The Call of the Wild fully demonstrates the naturalist features in terms of its theme, character portraying and writing style as well.
【关键词】naturalism, nature, Buck
Jack London was one of the most celebrated American writers at the beginning of 20thcentury. During his lifetime he published over forty volumes of works, including one hundred and seventy-one novels and short stories. Simply from the respect of the quantity of his works, London challenged equivalence, let alone the quality of his many novels, such as Martin Eden, The Call of the Wild, and The Iron Hell, to name just a few.
In the late19th century, a new literary trend appeared in the United States. With the development of science and technology, new ideas about man and man's place in the universe began to take root in America. The world was no longer a smiling one, but the one full of struggle, conflict and competition. Life became a struggle for survival. Darwin's ideas of evolution and especially those of Herbert Spencer had great influence in America and helped to change the outlook of many rising authors and intellectuals, and produced an attitude of gloom and despair which characterized America Literature of this period. (Chang Yaoxin 1990:p196) Hence the appearance of American naturalism.
Naturalism, as a literary trend, was first known to the world in the 1860s, with Zola as its pioneer. In literature, it is a movement “based on the theory that human behavior is mechanistically determined by heredity, environment, or physical impulse”. (Collier's Encyclopedia 1982:p212) Due to its scientific accuracy and exactness of picturing the society and human life, very soon naturalism found its followers in many countries. In a short Period of time there appeared different kinds of naturalism in different countries. And in American there was American naturalism.
Comparatively speaking, American naturalism appeared a little bit later, at about the end of 19th century. However, it survived that of all other countries. One can even find its trace in John Stein beck's works. Most of the American naturalist writers were influenced by Zola's naturalistic view in one way or another, but they did not totally accept his literary theories. What is more, their understanding of naturalism also varied. Therefore different writers held different views towards naturalism. In spite of this, due to the similar social and historical backgrounds, these writers also shared some opinions in naturalism, which formed the main features of American naturalism. The following are its main features:
First, American naturalist writers all took Darwinism and Spenserian social Darwinism as the philosophical base of their works. Most of their works were concerned about “the survival of the fittest. Heredity and environment determinism.”
Second, they paid great emphasis on the truthfulness and exactness of their writing. That is to say, American naturalists reported truthfully and objectively, with a passion for scientific accuracy and an overwhelming accumulation of factual details.
Thirdly, American naturalists employed scientific methods in their writing, analyzing everything from the point of science and thinking nothing of human morality.
And last, they took a pessimistic view towards life and human beings as well. The whole picture they portrayed was somber and dark, and the general tone was one of hopelessness and even despair.
Jack London was among these young writers appearing in the later part of 19th century who took naturalism as the doctrine of their writing. Naturalistic features appeared in many of London's novels, among which The Call of the Wild was a distinguished one.
The year 1903 saw the publication of Jack London's most well-known novel The Call of the Wild, which described the legend of a dog named “Buck”. And it is this book that earned him international fame. The vivid description of the wilderness of the frozen northland and the legendary life of the hero quickly attracted readers all over America, and soon afterwards the book was translated into many a language. Even today anyone who wants to make any comment on Jack London will not fail to take this novel into his consideration.
As a naturalist writer, London put his dog hero into the uncivilized frozen land to see how Buck would behave in order to survive. Quite to his satisfaction, Buck quickly adjusted himself to the changed environment and appeared to be the fittest. The whole story was narrated under the guidance of naturalism. Specifically speaking, The Call of the Wild fully demonstrates naturalistic features in terms of its theme and writing style.
Darwinism and Spenserian social Darwinism serve as the philosophical base of naturalism. Darwin pointed out that the process of species evolution was maintained mainly through natural selection and that only the fittest could survive. Spencer applied this theory for the human world and held out that in the human society also existed the struggle for living. In the process of species evolution, environment and heredity played important roles. One was determined by his heredity and the environment around him. Perceiving human life in this aspect, naturalists were inclined to see man as a pawn in a game over which he had no control. (Ousby 1979:p158)They began to feel desperate and disappointed towards human life. And sometimes this kind of pessimism towards life went to such a degree that they regarded human life as a total failure. Holding this view, most of the naturalist writers showed in their works a tint of amorality, that is to say, they talked nothing about human life as a total failure. Holding this view, most of the naturalist writers showed in their works a tint of amorality, that is to say, they talked noting about human morality in their works. In The Call of the Wild, Buck and other characters' fates clearly showed all the above.
First, Buck's survival in the world of club and fang clearly illustrates the theory of the survival of the fittest. Buck was powerful in striving for living. In the process of natural selecting, he was apparently the fittest. Coming from the warm south, Buck was at first shocked at what he met in the frozen northland. However, the extremely awful wilderness, hard work, attacks from other dogs and whipping from his masters did not defeat him. Compared to other Southland dogs in the north, Buck was fit to live there. He learned to work and live in the hostile northland. In order to live, he forgot all the politeness and “dignity” he had learned in the civilized world and began to steal, play tricks and even kill other living creatures. All these marked that he was fit to survive in such an environment. And compared to other sled dogs, Buck was the fittest. He could do what other dogs unable to do. He learned fast and could do a better part of the work. Besides, he acquired the ability to scent wind and anticipate danger beforehand In the process of natural selection, only be fit for living is not enough. In the harsh environment , only the fittest can survive. One of Buck's companions, Spitz, was a strong dog with much living tricks and knowledge of the living conditions there. He was even the head of the sled dogs for some time. However, Buck's arrival threatened his position and eventually Buck killed him. Apparently he was not unfit to live in the north, but compared to Buck, he was not the fittest. Hence his doomed fate.
The theory of the survival of the fittest also applied for human world. All the people that survived in the cruel environment appeared to have adjusted themselves to the changed frozen northland. Most of Buck's masters living or working there, including Perrault, Francois and Thornton, all seemed to have acquired certain qualities: strong mind, rich experience, etc. On the contrary, Hal, Charles and Mercedes knew nothing of the living conditions in the northland before going there. And to make it worse, even when they did come to the north, they refused to adjust themselves to suit the changed environment. They had no idea of how to prepare for the travel and how to live in the outside world. They were totally at a loss when confronted with difficulty. Apparently they were not fit for the new environment. They came to Alaska for gold, but what was waiting ahead of them was not gold, but death.Buck's process of changing from a pet to a wolf also illustrates the determination of the heredity and environment. Buck's survival in the northland was for the most part due to his inherited abilities from his ancestors. When in Judge Mill's house, Buck was a civilized dog, knowing nothing and caring for nothing except playing with his masters. But once in the northland, he learned everything so fast that one cannot help thinking of his forebears. Actually, the experience and life style of his ancestors began to come back to him, he learned to dig holes in the snow, make comfortable nest, and even kill other living creatures for survival. In addition, the word “heredity” appeared more than once in the novel, showing clearly the author's intention in making the reader believe that heredity played an important role in Buck's “development”, or rather, his degeneration. And the “hairy man” appearing many times in Buck's dreams was more of the ancestor of the human being that that of the dog, indicating that Buck, although the descendant of civilized dogs and a pet himself for some time, could not forger all the memories of his ancestors.
And Buck's heredity coming back to him again for most part resulted from the changed environment. Being a pet in Judge Mill's house, Buck lived a comfortable life, his daily duty being only to accompany and play with his masters. But when he was put into the northland, he was forced to recall all that his ancestors had done to make a living and throw away all the human civilization he had got. Here the environment determined Buck's fate. Just imagine if Buck had remained in the “Sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley” all his life, or had he been sold to other places, his story would have been quite different. Only in such an awful environment can a civilized dog like Buck come back to be a wild one, or rather, a wolf.And in such a cruel environment, it is hard for one to obey any moral principles, nor is it necessary to do so. This was also what most naturalists' opinion. A majority of naturalistic works refused to describe persons as autonomous individuals capable of moral choice. In order to live, one had to throw away all the moral values. London clearly realized this and he even went extremes by making a dog as the hero of his story, thus he avoided praising or criticizing the hero's activities, and “the decay of Buck's moral nature can thus be tossed aside without the reader losing respect for Buck” ( Auerbach 1995:p51). In the frozen land, it was useless talking about selflessness, gentility, generosity, etc. all of which meant nothing but the possibility of dying from hunger, thirst, or just becoming the prey of other living creatures. One cannot criticize “the Scotch half=breed” when he shot Dave, a wounded dog, simply because that was his best choice. Similarly, Buck's “decivilization ” from stealing to killing Spitz can neither be criticized, as here what mattered most was whether he could survive, not how he managed to do so.
Buck's role as the hero of the novel also shows London's pessimistic view towards human world and human life. Being so disappointed with human life and the civilized world, he purposely made a dog as his hero and put him far away form the civilized world into the vast wilderness. Under London's pen, most of the people Buck met after his kidnapping were “evil-looking creatures”. The dog-dealer, the saloonkeeper and the clerks in the express office all ill-treated him, giving him nothing to eat or drink, and the man in the red sweater nearly bit him to death. Hal, Charles and Mercedes were Buck's masters, and they were even worse in treating Buck and other sled dogs. These three people seemed to have captured all the weakness of human beings, such as ignorance, laziness and selfishness, etc. Among Buck's masters Thornton seemed to be the only one that equaled the name “human”. Although he also had many shortcomings, for example, once he nearly caused Buck's death just for the purpose of checking Buck's loyalty to him, and on another occasion he ordered Buck to pull a sled of one thousand pounds only for his own dignity, yet he was very kind to Buck and London depicted him as a symbol of human civilization. He bore the bridge for Buck to the civilized world, and in Thornton Buck found the most valuable thing in the world-love. Unfortunately, this “last man” was killed in the end, leaving Buck to return to the wilderness. Actually, London's disappointment was most clearly shown in his designing for Thornton's death. The only man in the world “disappeared”, and since “the rest of mankind was nothing ”(London2000:p44),the whole human civilization was vanishing.
Another thing showing London's disappointment towards human beings is the relationship between people described in the novel. Thornton ventured to save a dog even at the cost of fighting with a stranger accompanied with two relatives, but he only showed his indifference at the sight of Hal and his partners' death. What was even more amazing was the harsh relationship between Hal, Charles and Mercedes. They were relatives, but what they did in the frozen land was not to hang together to solve problems, but to quarrel and make a fuss on trivial things. Such was the nature of human beings! Their death was unavoidable, and London's view towards them also reflected his view upon all human beings――disappointment.
Writing style:
In order to depict a true world, naturalists showed great interest on the truthfulness and exactness of their writing. They argued that the art of writing lay in clearly recording what happened and no one had the right to insert any comment in the process of recording. They regarded their words as a mirror, which reflected exactly the mortal world. And the language they used was of various kinds for this purpose.
In The Call of the Wild, London's depicting of Buck's story was just like a mirror reflecting the real life. He chose Alaska as the main site of his hero's activity, only because he himself had been there in 1897 and knew well of the living conditions there. He just truthfully recorded a story he had been told years before. He intended to hide himself behind the paper, taking notes of what happened to Buck and what the surroundings were like. He just let the story stretch out by itself. In addition, London described everything in a tone that characterized the total objectivity and impersonality of the writing. Hal and his partners death was depicted in extreme coldness, the scene presented here was just like a like a list of photos taken by a camera.. London just intended to tell the reader what happened to Hal and his partners, and as to whether one should pity or feel sorry for them, it was not his concern.
As for the language, the author tried to apply different styles of language for the purpose of truthfulness. In the story one could find expressions that were supposed to be used only from the point of view of animals, such as the “yellow metal” for gold, “hairy creature” for the human being; informal language used by uneducated people, such as “Some dam day him kill dat Buck” (London 2000:p19), “Him think to take de job”(London2000:p25); proper expressions used in ordering dogs to pull the sled, such as “Gee”, “Haw”, “Mush”, etc. and formal language as well. In truth, it is the use of various kinds of language that makes the characters portrayed in the novel so vivid that one could even see them when reading the story. Different ways of speaking characterized different kinds of people, which gave the reader a true picture of human society.
Under the guidance of naturalistic features, Jack London depicted in The Call of the World a dark and bleak environment, in which every living creature was controlled by scientific and natural laws, that is, one's fate was decided not by himself, but by his heredity and the environment around him. In order to achieve this effect, London employed various writing techniques characterizing naturalism, for example, he avoided talking about morality and pictured through scientific methods people of lower status, even animals. Besides he also used many kinds of language to suit different kinds of people. And the general tone in the novel is a pessimistic one.
Jack London was an American writer who came come from the lower part of the society. Thus he was able to pay special attention to the poor and have keen understanding of the living conditions there. Being a naturalist writer, he took all his heart in depicting a world of cruel living laws under the guidance of naturalism. Actually The Call of the Wild is not simply an animal story. London intended to imply that human world was just the same as that of the animals in that any individual had to try hard in order to survive. One can observe between the lines how people of low status, in order to make a living, had to try all kinds of jobs. In the meantime they had to be aware of the attacks from their companions and from the outside world――the society as well. All their lives they were struggling, just like Buck, for a piece of meat or simply a comfortable nest.
London's prose style is forceful and colorful rather than precise. He told his story through action rather than through words, and he seldom stopped to preach or lecture to the reader. It is his coldness, his animation that make him one of the most popular writers in America, his books has been and are being translated into a dozen languages and his fame has been sent around the world. Nowadays London is regarded as one of the most outstanding American naturalist writers and many characters he has invented are still alive in the American literature and in the reader's heart all over the world.
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