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在俄罗斯,茶的种类主要包括红茶(чёрный чай)、绿茶(зелённый чай)、柠檬茶(лимонный чай)、砖茶(кирпичный чай)、茉莉花茶(жасминный чай)等。

“Чёрный чай”就是我们所说的红茶,在俄语中“чёрный”是“黑色的”,之所以使用чёрный这个词,是因为红茶在泡制的过程中,如果大量使用茶叶,茶水的颜色很深,有时甚至呈现出黑色。在俄罗斯,人们在泡制红茶时,喜欢向其中加入糖、果酱、牛奶、水果等,在饮用时,喜欢吃一些甜点和面包。如今,随着人们越来越追求健康饮食,俄罗斯人对绿茶的需求不断增加,很多人更倾向于饮用绿茶。饮用砖茶最多的是布里亚特人,绿砖茶是他们日常生活中的主要饮品。砖茶通常制作成块状,在煮制时,将砖茶敲碎,放于茶炊中煮沸,有些人也会加入一些牛奶、糖等饮用。在俄罗斯饮茶不仅作为一种交际手段,更是生活的重要组成部分,“托尔斯泰曾说:Я должен былп пить много чая,изо без него не мог работать.Чай высвобождает те возможности,которые дремлют в глубине моей души.(我应该多喝茶,没有它我就不能工作。茶使沉睡在我灵魂深处的能量得以释放)”(唐芳,2010:27)由此可见,饮茶在俄罗斯人的生活中是非常重要的。


茶炊(самовар)是俄罗斯茶文化的重要组成部分,俄罗斯有“А какой же чай без самовара!”(无茶炊怎能算饮茶!)的说法。俄罗斯人非常喜爱茶炊,茶炊曾是俄罗斯皇室必不可少的器具,在民间很多家庭都摆放一或两个茶炊。图拉州是俄罗斯著名的茶炊生产地。19世纪初,图拉市的茶炊制造业发展迅速,并逐渐成为茶炊的主要生产基地,在图拉市有上百家生产茶炊的工厂,曾经皇室贵族使用的茶炊也在图拉制造,所以在俄罗斯有句著名的谚语“В Туру со своим самоваром не ездят”(去图拉不用带自己的茶炊)。茶炊的材质通常为铜质,结构通常是中部为空心直筒状,用来放置木炭等燃料,水环绕在直筒四周,茶炊的大小不一,形状各异。有的工匠在茶炊表面绘画各种精美图案,外观十分精美。

在俄罗斯,每逢亲友相聚、逢年过节,有“пить чай за самоваром”(围绕茶炊饮茶)的习俗,人们都会使用茶炊,一起饮茶。可是随着社会的发展,传统的茶炊逐渐被电茶炊取代。如今在俄罗斯,茶炊不仅是一种饮茶工具,同时具有很高的艺术价值,在一些地方甚至成为一种文化符号。


通过饮茶,不仅促进了不同民族间的文化交流,同时也丰富了俄罗斯民族的语言。在俄语中出现了一些与茶有关的俗语,例如:Чай да сахар!чай и сахар!чай с сахаром!(祝您尽兴品茶!)在俄语中有时чай会出现转义用法,例如:На чай!(给、收小费)。чай在句子中还可以作插入语,意思是“大概”、“看来”,例如“ты, чай, не придёшь?” (看来, 你是不会来的了?)。在俄语中还有很多与茶相关的谚语,例如:В городе чай – гостям угощение, в деревне – себе наслаждение. (在城市里—茶可以招待客人,在乡村中—喝茶就是享受人生。)В хорошей посуде и чай вкуснее. (吃美食不如喝茶更美味。)Выпей чайку - забудешь тоску. (喝茶时会忘记寂寞。)За чаем не скучаем - по семь чашек выпиваем.(喝下七杯茶就会忘记烦恼。)Коль чаем угощают, значит уважают. (假如有人请喝茶,那就意味着尊重。)От чаю пьян не будешь. (喝茶的人不会成为酒鬼。)Пей чай, не вдавайся в печаль.(喝茶不会陷入忧愁之中。)Пей чай – удовольствие получай. (喝茶就会得到快乐。)Приходите к чаю - пирогами угощаю.(来喝茶吧,用准备好的馅饼招待你。)等。俄罗斯饮茶文化不仅是俄罗斯文化的组成部分,也丰富了俄罗斯的民族语言。






























































作者:王芳 单位:河南理工大学音乐学院







Marriage occurs in the human society since the dawn of time, marriage is the foundation of a family, and also is the foundation of society, which combines males with females to form a stable and sustained relationship. In the human history, the origin of civilization is along with the evolution of marriage. In other words, the evolution of marriage improves the human society to develop step by step. In the traditional China society, once two people get married, they will not be allowed to get porced. Marriage like a holy contract among couples, and two people should be responsible to each other. However, in the different era, the culture of marriage is very different. In the feudal society, marriage was determined completely by parents, and the groom and bride have no chance to choose their own freedom of marriage. But following the development of society, the concept of marriage is gradually changing, marriage become more and more opened and free. Nevertheless, in contrast with America, there are many concepts of marriage which are greatly different. So, the essay through analyzing these differences digs up the reasons of difference between China and America.

1. The cultural backgrounds of Marriage in Chinese and American.

In the traditional China social, marriage sometimes is shackle for women and will determine a woman’s fate in her entire life. Once woman get married, she have no right to porce with her husband. Only her husband can porce with her. Even her husband is addicted to alcohol, gamble or have other lover outside. So in the old days, these women’s fates are very miserable, because moral principles force them to obey their father, old brothers, husbands and grownup son. Woman’s marriage is completely appointed by her parents and old brothers. When her husband porce with her, she will face the morality denounce. While in the American history, marriage is a private matter and no one can intervene without permit. They have the right to live with the person they like. But once they find that their marriage is a mistake, they will make the second choice, because it is brutal to force two people who don’t love each other any more to live together.

2. Engagement.

In china, when a man wants to engage to his girlfriend, generally, he will give his future wife a betrothal ring as a symbol of their engagement. Besides, he will go to visit his future parents-in-law. If his girlfriend’s parents think he is reliable and is able to make their daughter happy in the future, they will permit the man’s proposal, but the man often has to give his future parents-in-law a considerable amount of betrothal presents. If not, his girl’s parents usually oppose to marry daughter to the man, because they think the man is poor and their daughter will not be happy with the man without material base. After the marriage get the permission of their both parents. The engagement is successful. Therefore from engage to get married. The man will spend a large number of money. Nowadays, in china, the expenditure of marriage become a huge pressure for man, because girl choosing to marry to a man, largely depend on whether the man have a commodity house or have a car. However, the price of house in china is unbelievable high, most of they can not afford to buy a house in city with their very low salary.

While in America, when people fall in love with each other, they will go to the other’s family to meet the future parents-in-law, and to adapt to the other’s family. When a man proposes to a woman, then if she promises the proposal, they will immediately arrange the time of their parents’ meeting. In general, a man will give an engagement ring to his fiancée. It is enough in the materials about marriage. Woman needn’t have to marry with man who has houses, cars and deposit books. She just gets married just because of love. Not according to man’s wealth.

3. Difference on wedding between China and America.

The largest difference in wedding between China and America, on the one hand, is the difference of Color of wedding. In China, on the wedding day, red is all the color, Bride dress up red cheongsam to marry with groom. The doors, windows, and all kinds of furniture are affixed on Bright red xizi, because red represents joyfulness and prosperity in traditional china. Compared to China, in United States, White is the first choice of wedding color, and represents the purity and nobility. On the big day, both new house and church of marriage are decorated with white flowers, and all the clothes the bride dressed are white. People regard that the bride with white bridal veil symbolizes purity. On the other hand, the marriage of two countries is greatly different at the sounds. In China, people think that the more noise, the more cheerfulness, and bride and groom will get more blessings. Therefore, that day of marriage is full of the sound of firecrackers. However, the songs of the marriage are all soft and peaceful in the wedding in the United States. After the music is started, the whole church is without any other noise. Then marriage will proceed in a very grave atmosphere. In United States, on the wedding day, the bride must bring five things to Church, which is a new one, an old one, a borrowed one, a blue one, and the a sixpence in the shoes. This culture is originated from the Victorian era. And the five things mean five traditions respectively. A new one means that the bride’s latter life will be full of happiness. And the new one can be replaced by the newly-bought materials in the marriage. An old one means that the relationship and friendliness between bride and her parents will still continue. The tradition can be showed by a hereditary jewelry the bride dressed. Some brides will dress up their mothers’ old bridal veil. A borrowed one, which should be borrowed from a happy woman in marriage and the woman must be one of the bride’s relatives, Means that the old one will bring good lucky for the bride. But the borrowed one must be given back. A blue one, because in the traditional custom. Blue represents purity and loyalty, and can be embodied by the blue hem of bride’s suspenders. At last, the sixpenny in shoes means that the newly component family will be prosperous. And it also means that the bride’s bridal veil must not be sold, but can be borrowed or threw off. If not, the marriage relating money will quickly go to the end.

4. Concept of family.

In the traditional culture of China, man work outside to make money to maintain the whole family, and the woman stay at home to take care of the old, children, and husband, even though woman have done much work in the pision of family’s labor. Whereas, woman are often in the subordinative position, and haven’t right in the family. Most of women regard their husbands as the dependent of whole life. If their husband porce with them, they cannot remarry with others. Which results that a married man prefers to pursue the success of his career, rather than to pay attention to his wife, his family. There is an old story in China, the Dayu flood control. Dayu passed by the doorway of his own house for tree times, he didn’t come in home once. At the First time, his wife is ill, at the second time, his wife is pregnant, and the last one is that his wife is giving birth to his son. In order to fulfill his work of controlling water, he didn’t come in house to see his ill wife and newborn baby.

However in United States, the both sides in marriage, husband and wife are in the equal position, they have equal right to porce with each other, and porced woman can remarry with other man, without facing moral discrimination. In contrast to China, Americans usually think that family is more important than career. No matter how important work an America man is engaging. If his wife is ill or is giving birth to a baby, he will immediately put down his work. And come to his wife without any hesitation. For example, Tracy McGrady, a super star in the NBA, is playing an important match against New Orleans Jazz, during the match. he is informed that his fiancée is to be sending to hospital as severe stomach which is the sign of delivery. He immediately quit the match and hurry to the hospital to accompany his fiancée.

5. Children’s education.

The methods of children’s education between China and America exists great differences. In China, parents usually control their kids very strictly. They don’t want children to do other things except studying textbook. They even often limit children’s rest time and always ask kids to do homework and recite books all the time. Because most of parents in China think that studying well, and then get into a famous university is the only way to their children’s bright future. They never consider their kids’ ideas, and think that all they have done will be good to their kids. They hope to put kids’ life under their control tightly, only this way, their kids will not be out of the right road. All of them require their children to get high grades in the examinations. If their children failed in the exams, they will give kids a severe punishment, such as a big scold, or a furious slap, then tell kids that if they cannot get a good score next time, they will face a severer punishment. And if their children study very well and rank in the top in class, the parents often are very proud of their kids, and often show off to neighbors how good their children are in study. Parents in China less respect kids’ interests, because they think the interests will interfere study. So they often forbid children doing interested things which kids would like to do. And they also choose all kinds of interested classes for their children only according to their own ideas, then force children to learn the these classes, without asking kids’ advices. So in China, Children have no freedom, they can’t decide their own things, their fate is arranged by their parents. While in America, the situation is very different with China, parents treat their own kids like a grownup, and give kids the freedom of choosing their own interests and life. When children like to do something, the parents often support them and try to lead them to succeed in their interests. Although the parents hope their children have a good performance in school. They don’t think the grade in studying is the only way to leverage their children’s ability and genius. The parents are willing to cultivate their children a certain skill or interest, other than purely studying. Therefore, they give kids the equal position in family. And never force children to do something which children don’t want to do. The parents in United States value to cultivate kids’ independent and creativity, they make kids go out to make their only allowance. So, in America, kids have rights of deciding their own things, and stay in an equal position with their parents. When kids gown up, they have a strong independent consciousness and the ability of independent thinking. However in China, when they separate themselves from their parents’ control, they will lose the ability of earning one’s own living, and lose judgement in daily life.

转贴于 6. Influences of Economical Factors in Marriage.

Generally, the happy index of marriage largely depends on the wealth of a family. A rich family often can provide a good and constant influence in marriage, because advanced material conditions make couples be more satisfied about the marriage, and couples will have more time and money to enjoy their marriage, they can spend a sweet honeymoon without worrying about expenditures in travel, and can also avoid the quarrel about property in family. In China, many couples porce because of the lack of material base, a woman porce with her husband, due to husband can’t make enough money to satisfy the wife’s all kinds of material appetites to a large extent. Hence, man in the marriage usually suffers from the bigger pressure than woman in China. Once a man failed in his business or his career, and then cannot make more money to provide a good living level for his wife. The wife will be tired of his husbands and think that his husband is unable, and yet the husband symbolizes an authority in the traditional China society and is hard to stand his wife’s contempt, eventually, following the failure of a man’s business, the family’s discord and contradiction are consequent. Therefore, no matter in the traditional China society or in the modern China society, a woman is willing to marry with a man, in general, not because both of them deeply love each other, but the woman want to find a man which can give her a lifetime’s reliance. So the economic conditions of the family will largely determine the happiness and endurance of marriage. In China, because before two people married, their both property will be shared together, thus, the situation often cause many quarrels about economy in family. However, In China, there is a words, “if once a man got lots of money, he will become a bad guy”, which means that when a man makes a big fortune, he will go outside to look for other woman. In fact, this circumstance is often found in the adult successful man. While in America, the situation of the influence of economy is very different with China. In United States, because woman and man are very equal in the America society, woman need not rely on her husband in economy, many unmarried and married women have their own work and can make a living by their own hands. Therefore many America couples porce, not because of the contradiction of money, but the discord of affection, or the extinguishment in love. Before two people married, they will notarize their respective properties. In case the couples porced, they can have their own properties, which avoid many unnecessary wrangles in assets. But it cannot work in China, because China woman thinks that if she marries with a man, so the man should give his all things to her. 7. The difference on the concept of porce.

In the traditional China society, Divorce is very rare in the feudal society. The core elements of Confucianism require people to live with nature harmoniously, value the harmony in the whole society, and regulate the society as a trenchant society rank. Therefore the concept of porce does not accord with the Confucianism. Due to the limitation of traditional culture, Chinese take marriage very seriously, most of them married once in their lifetime. Couples will not porce, even that there is not any affection existed between them. Because the concept of family occupied huge position in their minds, if the family broke down, it will relate children’s education. Another reason is that the traditional China society looks down on porced women. Therefore, women didn’t want to porce with their husbands, no matter how bad their husbands treat them. Some women even committed suicide after they are abandoned by their husbands. However, long with the society developing, the concept of traditional marriage has changed so much, Divorce in China never looked as a shamed thing to woman, who can not only choose to marry with her loved, but also can be fee to porce her husband, if she thinks that it is not necessary to continue the marriage anymore. So, nowadays in China, there are more and more unhappy marriages which end up with porce, instead of maintaining the marriage distressfully. Every year, about thirty percent of couples porce. In contrast to China, in America, two people getting married are very free, and porcing is also very free, which results that the porce rate is very high in America, it is about fifty percent. Because America is a country which values the freedom very much, American is less limited by moral ideas. They want to do what they love, not to do what others ask them to do. Laws in the United States encourage the porce in some degree. For example, some states in America have very loose laws about porce, so couples are easy to porce because of the convenient and express procedure of porce.


The marriage Concept between Chinese and American is very different in the main several aspects. In the old days, Family’s stabilization was regard as the base of a sound and health society. So the traditional culture in China emphasizes the stable marriage, which is controlled completely by the old generation. The youngsters haven’t any freedom to choose happiness in marriages. They have to obey their parents’ decision. But along with the society developing and the living level improving, Chinese are more desired to have the all kinds of freedom, including the freedom of marriage. In the twenty-first Century, the new generation largely liberates from the shackles of Feudal ideas. They hunger for deciding their own life. Gradually, the concept of marriage is developed to a large extent, and more and more close to the western concept of marriage. As in the America, the people in the country do their utmost to pursue their own freedom, equality, and justice. They don’t hope any inpidual, organization or political system to constrict them to have the right of realizing their desires. American believes that all men are created equal, and democracy is the base of freedom in their country, the democracy exists not only in the society, but also in the every family. That is why free love is so prevailing in United States. Totally, the backgrounds of two different cultures determine the different concept of marriage. But it is certain that as the global integration and China’s entry into the world gradually, the concept of marriage between China and America will be more and more oncoming, opened and free.


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