(来源:文章屋网 )
礼仪的故事5子曰:君子喻于义,小人喻 于利。我叔叔乐于助人、拾金 不昧的事迹时常让我感受到中 华民族的礼仪美。
星期天,天气晴朗,碧空万 顷,叔叔带我去公园玩。在公 园,我捡到一个钱包,鼓鼓囊囊 的。四下无人,我悄悄打开钱 包,里面有好多钱,还有一些卡。我心里暗暗窃喜。“太棒 了!坐摩天轮的钱有着落了。” 我美滋滋地走到叔叔面前,悄 悄地告诉了他这件事。叔叔不 作声,静静地听我讲着。
我沉浸在自己的喜悦当 中,久久不能平静。忽然,叔叔 看到一名男子着急地从远处跑 来,四处找寻着什么东西,就赶 忙走上前问:“同志,你是在找什么吗?”“我的钱包丢了,里面 有我的身份证、银行卡!”“那你 叫什么名字?哪里人啊?”“我 叫 ---,土 生 土 长 的 本 地人。”叔叔打开钱包,里面刚好 有一张身份证,并且信息完全 一致。
叔叔郑重地递上钱包,“你 看看,有没有少东西。”那个男 子接过钱包,确认没少东西后, 非要掏出两张百元钞票表示感 谢。王叔叔表情严肃地说:“我们如果想要你的钱,不理会你 就好了!”说完,拉着我的手径 直走开了。
我既失落又疑惑,问叔叔:“叔叔,那个钱包是我捡到的, 去坐摩天轮多好呀!就算把钱 包还给失主,人家的一点心意, 为什么不能收啊?”
叔叔说:“君子看中的是道 义,小人看重的是利益,我们 怎么能贪那些小便宜呢?”
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、普林斯顿大学经济学教授Paul Krugman认为,美国经济在2010年下半年再度滑入衰退的可能性大约为三分之一,原因是届时美国政府撤回此前采取的刺激经济措施。
新兴市场去年IPO红火,今年预计又将是IPO丰收年。但“新兴市场之父”――邓普顿资产管理执行主席Mark Mobius警告说,巨量的IPO将抽干市场资金,在去年创下历来最大涨幅的新兴市场股市,今年有可能转为下跌20%。
Nisengwe Regis is a 24 year old graduate of the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology. He studied Environmental Chemistry and graduated in 2011. He has been actively involved with the Rwanda Youth Alliance for Climate Action which:
・ Explores adaptation and mitigation measures
・ Involves youth in mitigation activities
・ And advocates for climate change justice
・ 探索适应和减缓气候变化的措施
・ 鼓励青年参与缓解气候变化的活动
・ 倡导正确对待气候变化
This Alliance started on 24th September 2011 at a function organised at the Kimisagara Youth Centre around a theme entitled “Moving Planet Moving beyond Fossil Fuels”. Youth were mobilised to do Umuganda (community service), and then there was a workshop with young people on looking beyond fossil fuels. There were more than 60 participants at this event.
The Alliance sent participants to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) youth conference on Climate Change in Lusaka, Zambia, to raise awareness on the Rwandan youth activities in addressing climate change impact. Youth also participated in the Caravan of Hope. 2 young people were sponsored by UN-Habitat to the event.
The Alliance holds public lectures in different academic institutions to raise awareness and recruit members. The One Stop Youth Centre has been crucial to the activities of the Alliance. The Alliance meets at the centre and requests for space as and when required. They are currently seeking space for an office at the centre, to enable them establish a working base. The centre has enabled them to organise their outreach activities and also helped to access key government officials and institutions.
该联盟于2011年9月24日在Kimisagara青年中心“激活地球 - 超越化石燃料”会议上成立,青年被动员参加社区服务,寻找化石燃料替代品的工作坊。期间,共计60余人参加了此次活动。
The Kigali +20 youth meeting, in preparation for the Rwanda response to the Rio +20 process was held at the Kamisagara One Stop Youth Centre. The centre management helped to ensure that the Rwanda Management Authority (REMA) participated at the event. 35 young people of whom 10 were girls discussed the concepts of a green economy, green business and the role of the National Youth Council therein. The discussions were aimed at enabling youth internalize the concept of a green economy by facilitating thinking on the individual’s role in the green economy. The meeting came up with the “Kigali Youth Declaration” as a message to the Rio+20 processes. President Kagame heard of this effort and asked for the declaration as a contribution to the Government’s position in Rio.
There is a code of conduct and rules for youth coming to the centre however the youth do not feel constrained by the rules. Drugs are not allowed and there are some age restrictions to certain activities. The centre has helped to build responsibility. There is positive engagement and social responsibility among all people coming to the centre. People are engaged in a variety of activities which in itself is empowering and contributes to individual development.
Regis is from Kimisagara, and learnt ICT at the centre when it was a WAF centre. He comments that in the past the centre did not have much organization; activities were erratic. Nowadays there is a structure around the way that services are provided and accessed and this makes it easy to engage. The number of girls at the centre has increased since it changed to a One Stop centre. This is because the options available have also increased. Girls like aerobics and other such activities. Previously there was a cultural barrier that stopped girls from participating in public sporting activities. This however is no longer the case and people are becoming more open minded about it. So if the girls chose to form a football team and it is not a cause for much concern.
REACA is the leading youth network in Rwanda. They are working towards engaging and involving as many young people as possible in issues around climate change (advocacy, mitigation, adaptation). They also get involved in changing the local government in Rwanda for better environmental management.
David Nsekamabanga
David Nsekamabanga comes from the Gitega area near Nyamirambo, which is a ten minute drive from the Kimisagara Centre. He was born to Manasi Kambanda and Mukakunsi Constansia 32 years ago. When David was 14, he lost both parents and 2 brothers to the genocide. His mother was abused and did not survive the trauma, and his father was shot, and later succumbed to cancer. He and his elder brother assumed responsibility for their sisters. One sister got married, and the other lives in the village home Kicukiro, with their relatives. He and his brother have moved from place to place in search of work. His brother has recently decided to move back to their village to live with their sister, who has 4 children.
With an interrupted education, David dropped out at Primary 4 level; he can read but has difficulty writing. Doing sums with money is not a problem as money is too important to loose he says. David tears up when he describes his life before he came to the centre. He found house-help jobs that provided food, shelter and clothes, but nothing else. After years of moving from place to place, he decided to settle in Nyamirambo, where he lives with friends. It is not very comfortable, but it provides some stability. To make some money he quit his house help job and began to take on petty jobs such as carrying shopping for people to their homes. He made about 1000 Rwandan franc (RWF) equivalent to (USD 1.60) a day. His network of friends and acquaintances expanded and he managed to land himself a job at an informal theatre. These theatres charge an entrance fee of between 50 to 100 Rwf and screen movies from all over the world including India and China. Sometimes, simultaneous translation is provided in Kinyarwanda. At other times, the theatre owner will re-dub the movie in Kinyarwanda prior to screening. He was not very happy at this job either. It paid very little.
大卫・恩锡卡玛帮卡来自Nyamirambo附近的吉特加地区,离Kimisagara中心只有10分钟的车程。32年前,Manasi Kambanda和Mukakunsi Constansia生下了他。当大卫14岁的时候,他的双亲和两兄弟死于种族屠杀。他的母亲经受了侮辱,饱受创伤而死;他的父亲受了枪伤,随后死于癌症。从那时起,他和他的哥哥担负起了照顾妹妹的责任。如今,他的一个妹妹结婚,另一个妹妹与亲戚住在Kicukiro乡下的家里。为了找工作,他和他的哥哥经常搬家。最近,他的哥哥决定搬回到乡下,跟已经是四个孩子母亲的妹妹一家住在一起。
He met a female friend one day who told him about the Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) training offered at the Kimisagara One Stop Youth Centre. While he had some ICT skills through his email account and facebook, he always had a keen interest in computers. The thought of acquiring more computer skills attracted him to the centre, where he ended up enrolling for the DOT programme. He learnt business ideas, planning, management and other related things. While in training, he observed that a number of his age-mates bottled the water from municipal taps and sold these for drinking without boiling, and they seemed to make some money. He also observed that people coming to the theatre bought water. This made him think he could sell clean chilled water and fresh fruit juice (pineapple, passion, mango depending on the fruit available).
He negotiated with the cinema owner to sell his juices at the cinema, which would add value to the cinema goers’ experience. The owner accepted, and does not charge him rent. The next challenge was to find a way to cool his juices. He found a friend who had an unused fridge. He has entered into partnership with this friend, who provides sugar and the fridge, while he provides the juices which involves purchasing the fruit and making the juice. He has employed a young boy who helps him make the juice. This involves washing the fruit, peeling it, extracting the pulp, and squeezing the juice using a small gunny sack. The extract is then mixed with boiled water and sugar. David has been collecting used water bottles. He washes these, and bottles the juices in them and sells these to the customers at the cinema.
On the first day, he sold 15 bottles at 50 RWF ; on the second day he sold 20 bottles. Today is his 25th day in business, and he is selling 50 bottles at RWF 100. His profit per bottle is 30 frw. His initial investment was 5000 RWF. After 25 days he is making a profit 750 RWF a day. The total profit is coming to 2000 RWF , but his partner as the owner of the fridge and contributor of the sugar takes the larger share.
Given the competition, he cannot raise the price of his product. He found it easy to start off this business as he had good contacts with the local leaders and people. Expansion into other areas would need him to cultivate relations in those areas first. He earns almost as much as he did when he was involved in petty trade, but by far prefers this business and the level of effort is manageable.
(来源:文章屋网 )