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Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.

As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.

The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.

A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. Andthere are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.


The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.

I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!

I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.

The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.

Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure.


What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?







The film tells the story of Helen Keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost valuable listening and vision, so she became a deaf, dumb, and blind severe disabled. She doesn't like normal person study, the life, but Helen Keller in teacher Anne's help, her overcome her sick. Learn to use hand "talk", and mastered English, French, German, Latin, Greece five kinds of words, In her 24 years old, she graduate with excellent results in the famous Harvard University, it completely changed keller life.

See the film, gave me great comprehend: a deaf and dumb people can have made so great achievement, how surprising. If Helen Keller had succumbed to unfortunate fate, then it will become a poor YuWei "parasites". But she didn't head to fate, she with amazing perseverance, indomitable spirit, carvered wonderful life path.

Helen is a disabled, but her mind is key just and free, longing for the future, she himwith a single indomitable heart, created a miracle in human history, and with lovingkindnehands holding the world of the disabled. She is our pride, our example. Helen's life, are tough, will give to us great encouragement, so that those who idling people very regret. Helen unyielding life, not only gives us a lot of enlightenment: we these healthy people, not away your youth, we should treasure this beautiful life, cherish the happineof life. Don't wait for lost regret it, then already too late.

From Helen Keller body, I realized profoundly: a person will achieve, is not the condition quality, but in any struggle and progressive spirit. Had a target, just have the power, for this goal, will certainly encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we march forward courageously, we will overcome all the difficulties and achieving brilliant achievements.





How are you?

I would like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon the school held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At the beginning we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of responsibility for our society. Next we expressed our thands to our parents who brought us up and to our teachers for their education. Then our teachers gave us cards with good wishes. Finally, we had wonderful performances. I learned a lot from the activity. I am sure the ceremony is very important for us. From then on we will know our responsibilities as grown-ups.



【关键词】HB LED;前照灯;热管理

一、前照灯应用HB LED的优势

LED从上世纪50年代诞生到现在经历了过半个世纪的发展,适用于照明的高亮度白光LED于90年代中后期取得突破,十几年来拓展HB LED的应用一直都没有停止过。HB LED应用到汽车前照灯领域可获得的以下特性:


HB LED的预期使用寿命约50000小时,远远超过现有卤钨灯、充气灯甚至氙灯的使用寿命,此外无灯丝、无空腔、结构坚固,不易受颠簸振动而影响正常工作,可靠性高;


此前(2011年底)HB LED光效记录已经达到了230Lm/W,是氙灯的近三倍,更是卤钨灯、普通充气灯的十数倍以上。达到照度要求的情况下,降低功耗能有效降低发电机、蓄电池负荷及导线截面积,利于车辆向轻量化发展的需求;








三、前照灯应用HB LED必须解决的关键技术问题

根据前照灯对光源要求的以上分析,以及HB LED技术现状,笔者认为汽车前照灯应用HB LED在技术上主要存在以下两个关键问题。


就率先应用HB LED到前照灯的奥迪A8L W12车型而言,为达到照度要求,每侧使用了76个LED光源。以近光灯为例,单侧能耗达到了40W。且构件之复杂、组合之精密远远超出普通前照灯总成的结构和技术水平。

过多的LED数量给灯具设计提出了非常高的难度,要解决点光源分散、光束汇聚、水平配光、防眩目等结合难题。一种方案是将LED布置在反光镜抛物面内,以浪费各个器件部分光通量来确保汇聚后的整体光照度,再对光束进行配光。此方案导致成本高而节能优势削弱,成本浪费大。另一种方案是LED单体聚光,分组承担车前各区域的配光,例如对侧方人行道分配的光照由某几个LED实现。此方案的缺陷是个别LED失效将导致某配光分区不合格,严格意义上是整个前照灯不合格。当前奥迪A8L W12前照灯采用此方案(远、近光共用8个HB LED),各LED在应用时保留非常多的冗余量以策保险。此时器件性能的浪费也推高了制造成本。

因此,除了个别豪华车型撇除成本因素采用HB LED前照灯外,绝大多数厂家都在等待单颗功率更大的HB LED面世,以期应用更少量的LED元件降低设计难度和制造成本。

2.大功率HB LED的热管理难题

HB LED发光区别于灯丝发光和电弧发光,因为没有炽热部分将热量通过辐射耗散,工作时自身热能堆积,只能够通过传导的形式向外耗散,需要散热装置和预留散热路径。另外前照灯在寒冷气候中还要面临积雪和凝冻状况,传统灯具有灯泡的辐射热存在,一定程度上对抗了工作中积雪和凝冻。采用HB LED光源后,前照灯就有必要配备化霜装置,否则无法实现全天侯照明。同时,要解决光源自身的散热,且必须不受前照灯化霜热量的影响,因此,可靠控制LED的关键是热管理措施。


其次,结温高低的控制。结温过高是影响LED工作寿命的最重要因素,就目前成本而言,HB LED前照灯总成是普通前照灯总成的好几倍。高造价要求控制模块有足够的可靠性,驱动电流必须结合散热速度调节;


当前奥迪A8L W12车型的LED前照灯通过在灯组尾端安装冷却风扇来解决散热问题,结构复杂和可靠性不足,且结温高低和散热工况波动控制不够理想。

控制芯片方面,当前安森美半导体开发了NCV78663,通过PWM控制平均电流,其高能效、高可靠性、集成控制、LED自检及动态控制系统参数等功能被业界普遍认可,至于大功率HB LED应用于汽车前照灯要求对工作结温和散热参数的精确控制却并没有被纳入,也就是说仍处于开环控制系统,一旦出现严苛的工作环境,热失控的现象将马上显现。


基于汽车前照灯的特别工况和特殊的性能要求,HB LED并没有如大众所想象的顺利应用到汽车前照灯技术中。但是HB LED的优点是显著的,未来汽车前照灯使用HB LED光源将是必然的趋势。更高功率的单颗HB LED将简化前照灯结构,闭环热管理的控制系统将充分发挥其高光效、长寿命的优点,使系统更加可靠。彼时,才是全面普及LED前照灯的时代。


①引用自《GB 4599-1994汽车前照灯配光性能》

②引用自《GB 25991-2010汽车用LED前照灯》2011年5月第一版


[1]GB 4599-1994E汽车前照灯配光性能.

[2]GB 4599-2007汽车用灯丝灯泡前照灯.

[3]GB 4785-2007汽车及挂车外部照明和光信号装置的安装规定.



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