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26. ――This is ______ film I’ve told you about several times.

――It’s great. I’ve never seen ______ more moving one.

A. a, a B. the, theC. the, a D. a, the

27. ――Must I finish reading the book today?

――No. You ______ if you have something else to do.

A. mustn’t B. couldn’tC. can’t D. don’t have to

28. ――Excuse me, but I don’t think you can smoke here.

――Really sorry. I ______ this is a non-smoking room.

A. don’t know B. didn’t know

C. have no ideaD. haven’t known

29. ――Could you lend me your pen?

――Of course. I have two, and ______ of them write well.

A . any B. allC. bothD. two

30. ――How many students do you think are still in the classroom now?

――I am afraid there are few of them, ______?

A. are there B. aren’t I

C. aren’t there D. am I

31. ――What’s your father?


A. He’s working in Yangzhou. B. He is always kind to others.

C. He is really a good man. D. He’s an engineer.

32. ――Why didn’t you give the wallet to the man at once?

――He ______ before I realized it was his.

A. had been disappeared B. has disappeared

C. had disappeared D. has been disappeared

33. ――You have made great progress in English.

――______. That’s why I got an A in the English exam.

A. So I haveB. So have IC. So I doD. So do I

34. ――______ today!

――Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?

A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it is

C. What a fine weather it isD. How fine the weather is

35. ――Is Runyang Bridge open to the public yet?

――Yes. It ______ for almost one and a half months.

A. has opened B. has being opened

C. has been open D. was open

36. ――What happened to the thief later?

――The king had him ______ the next day.

A. hungB. hanged C. hangD. hanging

37. ――Do you know everybody ______ came to the party?

――Almost, but I don’t know the one ______ you talked with near the door.

A. who, / B. whose, that

C. that, which D. /, whom

38. ―― We can go to Yangzhou Railway Station by bus.

――Why not ______ there for a change?

A. try walking B. trying to walk

C. to try and walk D. to try walking

39. ――We enjoyed ourselves very much!


A. It’s OK with meB. I’m glad you did

C. Well done D. That’s right

40. ――______ do you pay a visit to your grandparents?

――At least four times a month though I am busy preparing for my exam.

A. How many B. How long

C. How much D. How often



From Monday to Friday, most people are busy working or studying. But in the evenings and weekends, they are __41__ and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the cinema, others __42__sports. This is decided by their own interests.

There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby: it may be something from__43__ stamps to making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don’t cost anything __44__. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable(有价值的)only to their owners.

I know a man who has a __45__ collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago, he bought an unusual fifty-cent piece which __46__ him $250! He was very happy about it and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects __47__ . He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder if they are worth any money.__48__ , to my brother, they are quite valuable.__49__ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That’s what a hobby means, I think. It is something we __50__ to do in our free time. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.

四、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,计40分)

A. 根据对话内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳句子。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Shop assistant: Good morning! __51__

A. What can I do for you?

B. Here’s a size six.

C. What do you think of them?

D. I’ll take them.

E. I am looking for a pair of white gloves.

F. Can I help you?

G. How much are they?

Mrs Watson: Yes. __52__ I think I wear size six.

Shop assistant: The white gloves are on this side. Let’s see … __53__ These are very nice, and they are easy to wash, too.

Mrs Watson: Oh, I’ll try them on. Hmmm … they seem to fit. __54__

Shop assistant: Five dollars and twenty cents.

Mrs Watson: All right. __55__ Here’s six dollars.

Shop assistant: OK. Here’s your change.

Mrs Watson: Thank you.



George, head of an African country, was to pay a visit to USA, so he decided to learn some English words, so that he might greet Bill Clinton, president(总统)of USA then, in English. So he asked his wife, who knew a little English, for help. His wife told him “When you meet Mr President, just greet him with ‘How are you’, to which he may answer ‘I am fine’, and you need only to say ‘Me, too’, and then leave the rest(其余的) of the things to your interpreter(翻译).”

When his plane landed at the airport, George said to the smiling Clinton “Who are you?”, which was quite unexpected to the president and surprised him greatly. But he quickly calmed himself down. Still with a smile on his face, he answered, “I am Hillary’s husband.” To his reply, George answered back without even a pause “Me, too”, and looked at the president’s wife, Hillary, smiling sweetly as well.

56. Why did George want to learn some English?

A. Because he wanted to greet Bill Clinton at the airport in English.

B. Because he wanted to show others that he knew some English.

C. Because he wanted to tell Hillary that he, too, was her husband.

D. Because he wanted to play a joke on Bill Clinton and his wife.

57. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. George, head of an African country, went to USA by plane.

B. George learned some English words from his wife.

C. George went to USA by plane together with his wife.

D. Mr Clinton met George at the airport with his wife Hillary.

58. The reason why the writer wrote this passage was to __________.

A. tell others a piece of news B. tell others a true story

C. tell others something about Clinton D. tell others a joke

59. The underlined part “calmed himself down” in the passage mean “__________”in Chinese.

A. 使自己镇静B. 使自己清醒C. 使自己高兴D. 使自己激动


After the police listened to the three people who saw the robbery, they wrote a description of the robber on the early morning of June 22. Then they studied their records of robbers who had been caught for bag robberies in the past. A robber named Harry Hamilton matched the description and the robbery, so they put up notices in police stations all over the city.

Harry James Hamilton

Wanted for questioning on a bag robbery in West St on June 21

60. When and where did the robbery happen?

A. Near a police station on June 21. B. In West St on June 21.

C. Somewhere on June 22. D. Nobody knows.

61. Which part of Harry is (or are) brown?

A. His eyes.B. His hair. C. His beard. D. His face.

62. How did the police know that Harry wore leather jacket?

A. The police got the information from the description of the three people who saw him.

B. The police got the information from studying the records of those past robberies.

C. Some of the policemen saw the whole robbery and wrote down what Harry wore.

D. The police knew what Harry wore because they caught him soon after the robbery.

63. The police knew it was Harry who did the robbery from __________.

A. the three people’s description

B. the records of those past robberies

C. those notices put up

D. both A and B


April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play jokes on others. If one succeeds in joking with somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool,” and then the person who has been joked with usually laughs, too.

One April 1st, a country bus was going on a countryside road. The road was so small and not so straight that the driver had great trouble in driving along. When the bus slowed down and stopped, he quickly turned his key again and again, looking very worried, but nothing happened. Then he turned to the passengers with an unhappy look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old and it isn’t going as well as it used to. There is one thing to do if we want to get home before dark. I shall count three, and on the word ‘three’, I want you all to lean forward(前倾)suddenly as hard as you can. That should get the bus started again. Now, all of you lean back(后仰)as far as you can in your seats and get ready.”

The passengers all followed the driver’s words. They leaned back all at once and waited quietly for the driver’s number counting. Then the driver turned to his front and asked whether they were ready. The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer “yes”.

“One! Two! Three!” counted the driver. The passengers all leaned forward suddenly ―― and the bus started up at a great speed.

The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with joy. But their smiles turned to surprise and then big laughter when the driver cried, “April Fools.”

64. The driver turned his key again and again, looking very worried, in order to __________.

A. start the bus again so that the passengers could get back home before dark

B. show to the passengers how difficult it was for him to drive on such a bad road

C. tell the passengers that the bus was getting old but could still run well enough

D. make the passengers believe that there was something wrong with the bus

65. The underlined sentence “The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer “yes” in the third paragraph means “__________.”

A. The passengers were not happy enough to lean back, so they would not answer “yes”

B. The passengers all leaned back so hard that they felt it hard to breathe and answer “yes”

C. There was not enough air in the bus for all the passengers to breathe and answer “yes”

D. The passengers were a bit disappointed with the driver and answered unhappily “yes”

66. From the story, we know __________.

A. April Fool’s Day is a day when people can joke with others and make them laugh

B. People in some countries are happy enough to be called “April fools” on April 1st

C. On April 1st, people like to drive their old buses on a small country road to have fun

D. People in some countries often lean back and then forward to start their old buses


A 10-year-old British girl saved 100 other tourists from the Asian tsunami(海啸)having warned them a huge body of water was on its way after learning something about this weeks earlier at school.

“I was on the beach and the water started to go funny,” Tilly Smith told the Sun.

“There were bubbles(水泡)and the huge waters went out all of a sudden. I realized at once what was happening and had a feeling that there was going to be a tsunami. I soon told mummy about this.”

While other holidaymakers stood and watched as the disappearing waters left boats and fish on the sands. Tilly seemed to know the danger signs at once because she had just learned a school lesson on huge waves caused by the moving and shaking of the underwater earth.

Quick action by Tilly’s mother and Thai hotel staff(工作人员)meant Maikhao beach was quickly cleared, just minutes before a huge wave fully swept the beach. The beach was one of the few on the Thai island of Phuket where no one was killed.

Her teacher, Andrew Kearney, spoke highly of his quick-thinking student. “Tilly is a very bright, clear-headed girl … It happened that our class were learning about tsunami just two weeks before Christmas,” he told the newspaper.

67. What is “the Sun” in the second paragraph of the passage?

A. It is the name of a person. B. It is the name of a star in the sky.

C. It is the name of a newspaper. D. It is the name of one of the tourists.

68. What does the underlined sentence “The beach was one of the few on the Thai island of Phuket where no one was killed.” in the fifth paragraph mean?

A. Only 100 tourists were not killed on the Thai island of Phuket.

B. No tourists were killed on Maikhao beach in the Asian tsunami.

C. All tourists were saved by Tilly on the Thai island of Phuket.

D. Few tourists were killed on the Thai island of Phuket in the tsunami.

69. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Andrew Kearney came to the Thai island of Phuket two weeks before Christmas.

B. Tilly Smith knew a tsunami would happen, so she learned about it in her lesson.

C. Tilly Smith and her mother went to the Thai island of Phuket for their holidays.

D. Maikhao beach is one of few beaches in Britain where a tsunami sometimes happens.

70. Which of the following do you think can be the best title(标题)of the passage?

A. Maikhao Beach ― The Most Dangerous Place to Be

B. How to Save Tourists in Tsunamis in Time of Danger

C. School Lessons Can Sometimes Help to Save Tourists

D. A Girl Saved Tourists Thanks to Her School Lessons





Two friends were walking through a desert. During the j_________(76)they had a quarrel, and one hit the other in the face.

The one who got hit felt t_________(77)because he was badly hurt, but he wrote in the sand, w_________(78)saying anything, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

They kept on walking u_________ (79) they found an oasis(绿洲), where they decided to have a swim. The one who had been hit got in trouble in the water and started s_________(80). His life was in danger but the friend saved him at once.

After he came to h_________(81), he wrote on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The friend who had hit and saved him asked, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on the stone. Why?”

He r_________(82), “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand w_________(83)winds of forgiveness(宽恕)can erase it away. But when someone does s_________(84)good for us, we must write it on the stone where wind can hardly erase it.”

Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to write your t_________(85)on the stone.



86. We will have the ______ celebration for the return of Hong Kong. (nine)

87. As a______, she works to serve readers. ( library )

88. The more exercise you take, the ______ you’ll be. (health)

89. He spent as much time as he couldwriting in English. (practise)

90. Yin Xuemei will always live in her students’ hearts no matter how long she has been ______ (die).

91. ______the weather in Harbin, Kunming is much warmer in winter. (like)

92. I won’t go to his dancing party this weekend unless ______. (invite)

93. Our way of learning English is a lot better than ______. (they)

94. When I walked into the kitchen, I found the glass he ______ on the floor. (break)

95. Be careful, or you won’t work out the physics problem ______. (success)



96. 我们家乡的巨变令他们惊奇万分。

Theythe great changes in our hometown.

97. 你打算参加下周举行的运动会吗?

Are you going to take part in the sports meeting next week?

98. 他们的汽车变旧了以后,他们宁愿买辆新的,也不愿修理旧的。

When their car becomes old, theybuy a new one repair it.

99. 我的朋友已经决意辞职,自我创业。

My friend tohis job and to begin his own business.

100. 连战对大陆的成功访问激励了越来越多的华人为祖国的未来作贡献。

Lien Chan’s _____________________ the Mainland of China _______________________

____________________ the future of their motherland.






33.A34.D35.C36.B37.A38.A 39.B40.D


41.D42.C 43.A44.B45.D 46.C47.B48.B49.A50.D





71. (A) __ 去掉Though 72. (C) ____reading__

73. (A) ____painful_ 74.(D)_____information_

75. (C) ___less_______


76.journey 77.terrible 78.without 79.until 80. sinking

81.himself 82.replied 83.where 84.something 85. thanks


86.ninth 87.librarian 88.healthier 89.practising 90.dead

91.unlike 92.invited 93.theirs 94.broke 95.successfully


A、 根据所给的汉语完成下列句子。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

96. were surprised at / were amazed at / got surprised / amazed at / got a surprise at


97. to be held/ which/that is to/ will /is going to be held


98. prefer to, rather than / would like to, rather than / would rather, than


99. has made up his mind/has decided/has made a decision, give up


100. successful visit to,has/ encouraged more and more Chinese (people) to make contributions/a contribution to

评分标准:successful visit to 0.5分, has/encouraged…to… 0.5分,more and more Chinese(people)

0.5分,make a contribution to /make contributions to 0.5分。








miǎo shì jiǎo xiá sì nüè miǎn huái chōu yē gān hé


黏稠(zhān nián) 睡觉(jué jiào) 鹬蚌(bàng fēng) 晨曦(xī yì) 巢窠(kē jiù) 戳穿(chuō zhuō)





( )不禁风 蹑手蹑( ) ( )然长逝 ( )躅不前 ( )人心( ) 面面相( ) 高( )远( ) 乐此不( )




异口( )声 扬长避( ) 口是心( ) 顾此失( )


①举着灯烛在夜间游玩。( )

②着急地心里好像着了火一样。( )






1、某小学校园网站成立至今浏览总人数已达到2176847人,读作( ),四舍五入到万位约是( )。

2、a=2×3×m b=3×5×m (m是自然数,且m≠1),如果a和b的公因数是21,则m是( ),a和b的最小公倍数是( )。

3、在31.4%、3.14、3.014、3 、3.104中,的数是( ),最小的数是( )。

4、小明从家到学校1.2千米,如果每分钟走200米,早上7:10从家出发,他到校时间是( )。

5、一块豆腐切三刀,最多能切( )块。

6、买2千克荔枝和3千克桂圆,共付40元。已知2千克荔枝的价钱等于1千克桂圆的价钱。荔枝每千克 元,桂圆每千克 元。

7、把一根8厘米长的铁丝剪成同样长的5段。每段是全长的( ),每段的长是( )

8、把10克糖放入40克水中,糖和水的比是( ),糖水的含糖率是( )%

9、1.2:35 化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。

10、4a=5b,那么a:b=( : ),a比b多( )%。

11、一个三位小数,保留两位小数的近似值是3.80,这个三位小数是( )。

12、一种商品以盈利20%来定价,出售时打九折,这样这种商品仍盈利( )%。

二、判断:(对打 “√”错打“ⅹ”,每题1分,计5分)

1、用长3cm、4cm和7cm的三根小棒不能摆成一个三角形。 ( )

2、圆柱体的高扩大2倍,体积就扩大2倍 。 ( )

3、一个正方形按3:1放大后,周长和面积都扩大3倍。 ( )

4、从学校到电影院,甲用8分钟,乙用9分钟,甲和乙的速度之比是8:9。 ( )

5、在同一个圆里,圆的周长和直径的比是 Л :1 ( )


1、甲乙两数的和是16.5,甲数的小数点向右移动一位正好是乙数,甲数是( )。

A.15 B.1.5 C.8.75 D.11

2、下面第( )个图形不能折成正方体。


3、有12箱苹果,其中11箱质量相同,有1箱质量不足,至少称( )次才能保证一定能找出质量不足的这箱。

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

4、有0~9十张数字卡片反扣在桌子上,从中任意抽出一张,抽到合数的可能性是( )。

A. B. C. D.

5、把一个直径为3厘米,高为4厘米的圆柱,沿底面直径切割成两个半圆柱,表面积增加了多少平方厘米?算式是( )

A、3.14×4×3×2 B、4×3 C、4×3×2



12÷ = 1÷1%= 9.5+0.5= + = 0÷ ×2=

1- = × = ÷ = - = × ×9=


(21× + ×21)× (99+ )÷9

(215 +311 )×15×11 10 - 719 - 1219 + 119


(1) 的倒数加上 除 的商,和是多少?

(2)一个数的 比它的2倍少28,这个数是多少?




(1)从图中可以看出小明在路上逗留了( )分钟。

(2)小明家离学校有( )米路。

(3)小明前5分钟的平均速度是每分钟( )米。


(1)用数对表示三角形的顶点A的位置。( )

(2) 画出把三角形ABC绕点C逆时针旋转90°后的图形。


(1)停车场有10辆大客车,大客车的辆数比小汽车少27 ,小汽车有多少辆?

(2)一部长篇小说分上、下两册,上册页数的25%等于下册页数的27 ,已知上册有480页,下册有多少页?




























