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啦:lā________ la________冲:chōng________ chòng________。

没:méi________ mò________  正:zhèng________ zhēng________。










①写出几个表示“看”的意思的词。 ________

②“骤然间”的近义词有: ________




























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一场好戏要有好的开头,一堂好课也要有好的开端。好的开端往往能为一堂优质课打下成功的基础。小学语文课,一开始就要能扣住学生的心弦。这就要求小学语文教师要精心设计导语,"兴趣是最好老师","兴趣是求知的前提"。好的导语能激起学生的学习兴趣,引人入胜,使学生受到启迪,感染,激发他们的听课情系 ,诱发他们的求知欲望。对此,我们在教学中要善于应用多种形式,如背诵古诗、朗读课文、写字比赛等,或者进行一句话的即兴演讲比赛,看谁说的好,说的在理,说的动人,这样让每个学生在活动中充分表现自己,并从中发现每个学生在语文学习中的闪光点,加以表扬和鼓励,久而久之,不仅帮助学生树立起了学好语文的自信心,而且也会进一步提高他们对语文的学习兴趣。













[1] 王秀荣. 小学语文如何激发学生的学习兴趣[J]. 学周刊,2013,24:181.

[2] 刘玉涛. 激发学生语文学习兴趣 发挥学生学习主体性[J]. 学周刊,2013,27:191.

[3] 董排. 小学语文教学中学生兴趣的激发与培养[J]. 学周刊,2013,30:180-181.









































1. Let’s go to ______(一家) Chinese restaurant.

2. My elder brother is______ (一个) university student.

3. The poor old man is______ (一个) honest person.

4. The foreign visitors will be______ (能) to come tomorrow.

5. Later a neighbour told me______ (关于) him.

6. Today there are______ (大约) 900,000 people in this city.

7. The planes were flying______ (在……上) the clouds.

8.____________ (据……说) Peter, she’s a really good teacher.

9. Mr Li is going to swim______ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.

10.______ (行动) are more important than words.

11. If you______ (加) 4 to 3, you get 7.

12. Do you know his home______ (住址).

13. I am______ (恐怕) you are wrong about that.

14. Don’t be____________ (怕) the dog.

15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out______ (……以后) dark.

16. I’ll call him______ (……以后) I get to the school.

17. There will be a meeting______


18. The singer sang the song______


19. Please put the ladder______ (靠在) the wall.

20. I haven’t seen her for______ (很长时间).

21. A short while______ (之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.

22. The engineer____________ (同意) the worker’s idea.

23. The engineer____________ (同意) the worker.

24. Birds fly in the______ (空中).

25. My parents bought three______ (空调机).

26. The road is______ (覆盖) with snow.

27. Hurry up!It’s______ (差不多) time for school.

28. The old lady was______ (独自) in the house.

29. We went for a walk______ (沿着) the river.

30. She had______ (已经) gone when I arrived.

31.______ (虽然) they are poor, they are happy.

32. The United States of A______ is a big country.

33. Can you lend me 2,000______


34. They live______ (在……之中) the mountains.

35. She reads for an hour______ (然后) went to bed.

36. I came home late and my mother was


37. The forest is full of wild______ (动物).

38. I don’t like this book, give me______ (另外) one.

39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody


40. He is taller than______ (任何) other boys in his class.

41. Is there______ (什么东西) in that box?

42. You can go______ (任何地方) you like.

43. I have come to____________ (道歉) you.

44.____________ (苹果) a day keeps the doctor away.

45.______ the first is Fools’ Day.

46. There must be something wrong with my left______ (臂).

47. They look______ (四周) but Mary is already gone.

48. The plane____________ (到达) New York at last.

49. The girl is an______ (美术) student.

50. The children are reading an______ (文章) about a famous doctor.

51. She works in the same building______ my sister.

52. He works______ a driver.

53. Then the secretary______ (问) the lady if she was a relative of the manager.

54. A red bus is stopping______ (在) the bus stop.

55. Give your whole____________ (注意力) what you are doing.

56. The eighth month of the year is______.

57.______ (姨母) Lena has just left for America.

58. The season of the year between summer and winter is______.

59. The city is miles______ (以外).

60. Some______ (婴儿) cry during the night.

61. She sat at the______ (后面) of the hall and couldn’t hear clearly.

62. Smoking is______ (有害) for your health.

63. Where is my school______ (包)?

64. The earth looks like a______ (球) from space.

65. Do you like______ (香蕉)?

66. Some people on the______ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat.

67. There is a People’s______ (银行) of China near my home.

68. The young man likes singing in the


69. Don’t _________ late for school again.

70. In the end, I could not______ (忍受) it.

71. We are now living in a______ (美丽) new house in the country.

72.______ (因为) he is tired, he does not want to go with us.

73. His youngest daughter____________(已成为) a doctor.

74. You should make your______ (床) before you go to school.

75. They have a large______ (卧室).

76.______ (在……前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.

77. After running half a kilometer, I______ (开始) to feel tired.

78. A young man and a young woman were sitting______ (在后面) me.

79. You can’t______ (相信) anything she says.

80. The______ (铃) has just rung.

81. The house____________ (属于) our family for a long time.

82. The thief needs a______ (腰带) to keep up his trousers.

83. The coach is sitting on a______ (长凳).

84. The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along______ (在…旁边) it.

85. I like this film______ (最).

86. The police arrived______ (之间) 6 and 7 last night.

87. How______ (大) is the school you go to?

88. The students often go to school______


89. Can you kill two______ (鸟) with one stone?

90. Let me wish you a happy______ (生日).

91. The dog has______ (咬) a hole in my trousers.

92. The boy has two big______ (黑色) eyes.

93. There is a national flag above the


94.______ (血) is thicker than water.

95. The wind has______ (吹) my hat off.

96. The woman____________ (穿蓝色衣服) is my mother.

97. Are you going____________ (搭船) or by air?

98. The water is______ (烧开了).

99. The hotel is fully______ (预定) up.

100. He lost his book and______ (借) one from another boy.

Ⅰ. 用括号中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。

Group one

1. It’s raining outside. You had better

______the rain______ the window.

2. I am sorry to______ you______ for a long time.

3. I don’t know Mr. Brown, but I______ something______ him.

4. Who is______ the door?

5. We______ since we were children.

6. You can telephone me every week, and in this way we can______ each other.

7. The heavy rain______ him______ going to school that day.

8. Though it was dark, they______ working in the field.

9. Tom______ the bottle of ink and there was ink all over him.

10. Once you make a promise, you should


Group two

1. What does your school______? It looks like a beautiful garden.

2. Would you______ taking a walk after supper?

3. Don’t______ the people who are in trouble.

4. He wants to visit his uncle in Beijing, so he will______ Beijing tomorrow.

5. We are______ now.

6. Would you______ my baby this evening, for I have to attend a meeting.

7. If you meet a new word, you can______

the dictionary.

8. Our team was beaten by them, so we


9. The girl was crying in the street because she______.

10. ―What do you______?

―I like reading.

11. Ken______ his foot and found there was a nasty cut in it.

12.______!Here comes a bus.

Group three

■1. The furniture (家具)______ bamboo.

2. The wine______ grapes.

3. Glass can______ bottles and glasses.

4. Please______ when the train leaves.

5. I______ to study hard.

6. He______ the sugar______ the flour.

7. Don’t______ me. I am not good at skating.

8. When did you______ (结婚)?

9. His mother______ him______ (join) the sing group.

10. He______ (结婚) Rose for twenty years.

11.______, I can do it by myself.

12. What is the matter with you? You don’t


13. He is so careless that he______ yesterday again.

Group four

1. If you want to say “yes”, you can______.

2. He______ his coat and hat and went out.

3. The illness______ him______ (go) to the party last week.

4. He______ (buy) a bike for me on my birthday.

5. Don’t believe in him. He always______.

6. If you have any questions, please______.

7. I have already______ the book.

8. If you______ what the teacher says in class, you will make better progress.

9. The bus stops to______ the passengers at the corner.

10. What is he______?

11. The fireman______ the fire before we arrived there.

Group five

■1. I will______ you______ as soon as I arrive in Beijing.

2. Have you______ your parents recently?

3. If you are in danger, you can______.

4. When he heard the words, he______ the meeting room angrily.

5. I was too excited______ last night.

6. He didn’t go to bed until midnight, so he


7. He was so tired because he______ (熬夜) last night.

8. ―Why do you______ school today?

―Because it is Sunday today.

9. Please______ (别睡觉) in class or you will not know how to do the homework.

10. My mother is seriously ill and we should

______at once.

11. You have eaten many apples. Will you

______one______ your sister?

12. People usually______ each other when they meet in China.

13. The old man asked the little boy to

______the bird______.

14. The pictures painted by the artist will

______(展览) in the museum.

15. He felt very tired last night and only one minute he______ (入睡).

Group six

1. My mother is______ (交谈) our English teacher over there. Do you know what are they______ (谈论)?

2. The children______ (受到照顾) in the kindergarten.

3. Will you______ (参加) the sports meetting next week?

4. Liming won the first prize in the competition and his parents______ him.

5. Great changes______ (发生) in China in the recent twenty years.

6. He was so angry that he______ the letter


7. The picture let me______ (想起) my childhood.

8. Can you______ a method to solve the problem?

9. Don’t______ the dog______ the young tree or the tree will fall.

10. Don’t tell lies again. Please______ us


11.______, the road is very slippery.

Ⅱ. 完成句子。

1. Don’t lose your heart. We will______ (尽全力帮助) with your English.

2. I like the skirt. Can I______ it


3. I am sorry to have______ (让你久等)

4. Tomorrow we will visit a farm. Will you

______me______ (吵醒) at six


5. She______ (获一等奖) in the swimming race, but his class______ (输掉了) in the basketball match.

6. Today he does not have to______ (为……担心) making a living.

7. Have you______ (写信) your mother?

8. I can’t______ (算出) the problem in five minutes.

9. Though he______ (努力学习) English, he failed again.

10. Can you wait me for a moment? I want to

______(与他说句话) him.

11. I______ (想知道) if you are free this afternoon.

12.______ (代我向……问好) to your parents.

13.______ (你想去) go swimming with us after school?

14. Would you mind______ (别抽烟) in the room?

15. I______ (宁愿呆) at home than


16. His mother______ (干……工作) a street cleaner.

17. You______ (随时欢迎你) in our home.

18. He______ (减轻体重) a lot because he did a lot of exercises.

19.______ (顺便问), I wonder if we could discuss my salary.

20. Don’t______ so much time______ (别浪费) such a thing.

21. Let’s______ (散步) around the lake.

22. Tony has to stay away from school for a few days______ (由于) his illness.

23. I______ (拜访) Mr. Hunter yesterday afternoon.

24. The airplane______ (用于) international flight.

25. Can you______ the knife______ (用……做) a kite?

26. He______ (与……结婚) a teacher.

27. When did you______ (认识)?

28. He______ (试着爬上) the tree.

29.______ (说实话), I don’t like him.

30. If you study hard, you will______ (赶上) your classmates.

31. We want to______ (访问) the factory.

32. He always______ (保持联系) his old friends.

33. He______ me______ (碰我的手臂) arm.

34. Don’t______ (扔) stone______ the river and______ the dog.

35. Please______ (思考) what I have said.

36. ―What do you______ (认为) the football match?


37. Can you______ her______ (分辨) her twin sister?

38. How can we______ the good______ (区分) the bad?

39. Who can______ (取下) the old pictures? I want to put up a new one.

40. The dentist______ (拔掉) two of my teeth.

41. Don’t______ (下车) until the bus stops.

42. Can you______ the children______

(阻止看) TV?

43. She was playing something. It______ (听起来像) Beethoven.

44. He______ (送我回家) after the meeting.

45. His son is seriously ill. He should

(请) a doctor.

46. They______ the forest______ (在……搜寻) the missing child.

47. Tomorrow will be a holiday. We can

______(不用上学) school.

48. Don’t______ (熬夜). It is bad for your health.

49. She is______ money______ (储钱度假) a holiday.

50. He was______ (被抢了) a lot of money.

51. I______ (感到骄傲) to be a member of this club.

52. You must promise me______ (好好休息).

53. He prefers doing something to______


54. He can’t afford______ (买) such big house.

55. I don’t know how to______ (使你们高兴).

56. We should______ (向……学习) Lei Feng.

57. Don’t______ (别把生活弄得一塌糊涂) of your life.

58. You can do something______ (使生活丰富多彩).

59. Please______ (铺好床) after you get up.

60. Can you______ (对……作出建议) for our picnic?

61. I want to______ (扮演……角色) the teacher.

62. The man______ (携带……逃走) with my coat.

63. The doctor______ the boy’s______


64. It is impolite______ (盯着) others.

65. The doctor asked me______ (卧床休息) for several days.

66. Mr. Li is not in now. Shall I______ (给……留个口信) for him?

67. Have you______ (量体温)?

68. Here are some sweets. It helps to______


69. The plane______ (起飞) safely.

70.______ (沿着街道走) the street, and you will see the school.

I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Anne is good at making things______ (grow). She______ (have) a green thumb.

2. We______ (have) a party for Tom’s birthday. It’s in two weeks’ time.

3. The story was______ (bore) and we were

______(bore) with it.

4. She tried her best to______ (please) the manager and this time the manager was

______(please) with her good work.

5. I hate______ (write) compositions even if in Chinese.

6. It was very cold. I’d like______ (have) a drink.

7. You look______ (worry). What______

you______ (worry) about?

8. If you are______ (feed) up with fish, you can have anything else for dinner.

9. Everything______ (fall) out as we had hoped.

10. He______ (fall) out with the girl he is going to marry.

11.______ you______ (have) a good time at the party?

12. This game is______ (tire) and he is

______(tire) of______ (play) it.

13. To his______ (surprise) the little girl didn’t obey her mother. Instead she looked at her in______ (surprise) and then she said that she was______ (surprise) at her mother’s words.

14. He will return the book to me as soon as he______ (get) back.

II. 用短语动词的适当形式完成下列句子。

15. We like______ (去划船) better than


16. If you don’t have sports for a long time, you______ (觉得无力).

17. He______ (朝着…过来) his car with the key in his hand.

18. I told my mother that I______ (拜访) my sister the next month.

19. As a brave soldier he______ (不怕死). He fought bravely in the battles.

20. Can I______ (看一看) your new dress?

21. Don’t______ (下) the bus until it


22. Father was so tired that he______ (入睡) as soon as he______ (躺下).

23. Go on in front, I’ll soon______ you


24. We______ (以……自豪) being Chinese.

25. “______(随便吃点) some sweets, please.” the host said to his guests.

26. The nurse______ (给他打了一针) and told him to have a rest here.

27. We______ (对……高兴) his plan.

28. “______(来吧), boys. Don’t be shy.” the teacher said to us.

29. Thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you. But______ you______ the court (预定)?

30. The dog kept on______ (朝着……叫) the stranger.

31. On Sundays I often______ (去购物) with my mother.

32. Mother asked her son______ (不要弄脏手).

33. He waited for his turn for a long time but he______ (淘汰出局) soon after he joined in the game.

34. I’m going to______ (看点书) instead of______ (做作业).

35. He______ (对……有兴趣) English and in fact he______ (擅长于) it. He can use it freely.

36. Sometimes people tell white lies in order


37. The teacher told me______ (不要走开) and______ (回到座位).

38. They______ (感到疲倦) after working for such a long time, so they stopped


39. The students______ (向……走过来) their teacher and asked for advice.

40. The general______ (拿出) his knife and cut the boot open.

Ⅰ. 用括号中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。

1. The baby is sleeping. Please don’t talk


2. The teacher went into the classroom


3. Someone has stolen her purse, She told this to the policeman______.

4. People now like to stay______, instead of staying indoors because of SARS.

5. The girl folded the paper______ and then cut it into two pieces.

6. Don’t read______. It’s bad for your eyes.

7. He came back to his hometown______ and had a last look at his dying father.

8. When the woman suddenly saw the shadow of the hat, she was______.

9. There is a beautiful park______ our school.

10. I asked him not to do it again and again, but he didn’t listen. Now he was______

again. How angry I was!

11. Boys and girls, take it______ to play the game.

12. After having a long-time meeting, they all felt tired. Now they are talking______.

13. She said she knew nothing about the necklace, but______, it was she who stole the necklace.

14. She is always______ at meetings.

II. 完成句子。

1.______ (使我们惊讶的是), he was the first to hand in his paper in the exam.

2. You should______ (遵守交通信号) when you cross the road.

3. The fellows are all______ (在他们的老板的控制之下).

4. China is a great country______ (具有悠久历史).

5. ―Thanks a lot for helping us.


6. The monkey hung______ (倒挂) to play with the others.

7. The guests are usually offered some

______(茶袋) to make tea in hotels.

8.______ the money is to be sent him (余下的).

9. He is______ age______ (与……一样) his wife.

10. His mother often listens to______ (天气预报) after the news report.

11. She is so tall that she can hardly buy

______(合适的尺码) clothes.

12. He was sent to______ (急救站) as quickly as possibly.

13. ―I’m sorry that I can’t stay with you. ―______(没关系).

14. “______(对吗)?” the teacher asked, pointing at his answer on the blackboard.

15. “______(太棒了)!” the boy shouted excitedly when he heard the exciting news.

16. He knows four foreign languages,

______(像……) English and Russian.

17.______ they were getting to the top (一步步地).

18. He is______ lovely a boy______ (如此……以至于) we all like him.

19. He got up early______ (是为了) he could catch the fist bus.

20. We’ve learned 2000 new words______


21. The girl looked at the modern dress carefully in______ (橱窗).

22. Jenny is the best singer in______ (合唱队).

23. Her mother works as a conductor in


24. ―Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest______ (邮局)?

―Sorry. I’m new here.

25. The table is______ wood (用……做成).

26.______ (元旦) is on January 1st.

27. ―Let me carry that for you.


28. Mrs Black has two daughters.______ is a teacher;______ is an account (一个……另一个).

29. Tom is______ (最好的学生中的一个) she has ever taught.

30. Jim won the gold medal in______ (百公尺赛跑).

31. ―Would you mind if I open the window?


32. His father often goes to Hong Kong


33. My bike is broken and I have to go home


34. I met an old friend of mine______ (在我返回家的路上).

35. There is a blackboard and two maps


36. Please come to school______ (准时).

37. The teacher often puts her rulers______

(在……顶上) the television box.

38. He goes to see his grandma______ (一周一次).

39.______ (从前) the mountain was covered with trees and grass.

40. She is______ (不再) a student.

41. The boy______ do his homework

______(直到……才) his father came.

42. There will be no school tomorrow______

the bad weather.

43. We should help and learn from______


44. The boys looked at______ (互相) and laughed.

45.______ Peter______ (要么……要么) his friends came there.

46. He is______ Japanese______ (不是……就是) Chinese.

47. We know the moon is______ (遥远) from the earth.

48. His father works in a city______ (遥远).

49. The little boy is______ (熟睡) soon.

50. He seems to be______ (兴奋的).

51. More and more people like______ (快餐), such as hamburger.

52. We should______ (尽最大的努力), improve our English.

53. Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself. I’m______ (长大).

54. His son can’t ride a bike,______ (毕竟) he is only five.

55. The news spread______ (遍及) the country soon.

56. He kept silent______ (一直) at the meeting.

57. They were talking and laughing______ (一路上) to school.

58. He will write to me______ (一……就)he gets to America.

59. I think this book is______ interesting

______(和……一样) that one.

60. I like English and I like maths______


61. There is______ (一幅中国地图) and

______(一幅世界地图) on the wall of our classroom.

62. They are busy______ (为……作准备) the exams.

63. The man with______ (一幅眼镜) is Tom’s father.

64. He found a______ (兼职工作) on his spare time.

65. I had______ (几片) bread for breakfast this morning.

66. He didn’t get up in time today because his______ (闹钟) didn’t go off.

67. It seems that Mary doesn’t know the news


68. The policeman drove the car______ (以高速) to send the old man to hospital.

69. His father can speak______ (至少) three foreign languages.