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身份认同是西方文化研究的一个重要概念。黑人文化身份认同的困惑是美国文学与文化中的一个特殊现象,它表现了生活在以盎格鲁――萨克逊白人种族占主导地位的美国社会中黑人对自身文化身份认同的迷惘。因此,它不仅是一种生理特征的认同,而且具有深刻的社会和文化内涵。黑人文化身份认同的困惑不仅导致了美国黑人个人人性的压抑、心理扭曲和畸变,而且在一定程度上成为美国社会内部美国白人与黑人社会、文化冲突的重要根源。黑人对于自身文化身份的困惑、怀疑和追求成为研究美国文学与文化的重要线索。艾丽丝・沃克是美国黑人女性文学中最为杰出的一位,她的短篇小说《日用家当》说的是在一个黑人家庭中,受过西方白人教育的大儿女回家看望母亲和妹妹,由于受自身性格、经历和教育背景的影响,三人对待祖母留下的两条手工制作的百纳被的态度不同,而引起争执的故事,这三位角色分别是: 黑人母亲(Mama),大女儿迪依 (Dee) 和小女儿麦琪(Maggie)。


有很多专家和学者将大女儿迪伊作为研究对象,因为在《外婆的日用家当》一文中,大女儿迪伊一直在积极地争取,她通过学习白人的文化,与白人结交朋友,改变自己的名字,试图摆脱黑人文化对自己的约束,来创造自己新的身份。迪伊从小接受了主流白人文化, 白人文化在她心里的内化使她厌恶甚至看不起黑人文化。从她的身上,我们看到为了寻求自己的身份认同,一个不懈努力的黑人女性形象。











中图分类号:S827.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)15-3593-03


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验时间和地点


1.3 试验分组及饲养管理

选择健康、体重差异不显著(P>0.05)的妊娠期海南黑山羊母羊36只,将其随机分为4个处理组, 每处理组设3个重复,每重复3只羊,预饲期10 d, 正饲期从预饲结束到母羊产羔,母羊产羔称重后试验结束。试验羊全部舍饲,试验期内每天早上8:00和下午16:00分2次饲喂,先喂精料,后饲喂草料,自由饮水。各组母羊的饲养管理及防疫程序按照羊场现行的方案统一执行。

1.4 试验日粮


1.5 测定项目

试验每隔30 d于早上8:00空腹称试验母羊体重(即妊娠30、60、90、120 d的体重,在母羊临产时,考虑到称重会对母羊产生严重影响,没有对临产母羊进行称重),计算母羊的日增重。


1.6 数据处理

试验数据采用SAS 8.02软件处理,并进行相关性及差异显著性分析。

2 试验结果

2.1 不同蛋白质水平对妊娠期海南黑山羊增重效果的影响


2.2 不同蛋白质水平对妊娠期海南黑山羊产羔率的影响

由表3可知,试验Ⅰ组母羊的流产率最高,达到了18.2%,其次是试验Ⅳ组,为9.1%,而试验Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组母羊均没有出现流产情况;在产羔率方面,以试验Ⅱ组表现最好;但在羔羊的初生重方面表现出了随着蛋白质水平的提高而逐渐增加的趋势,以试验Ⅰ组的平均初生重最重,达到了2.68 kg,但各试验组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。

3 讨论


4 结论



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Received 13 November 2014; accepted 15 January 2015

Published online 26 February 2015


Currently, Chinese government at all levels actively support peasants’ entrepreneurships in situ and returned migrant workers’ entrepreneurships in situ. It is necessary to analyze entrepreneurial project categories and their market prospects in order to support peasants’ entrepreneurships. Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects refer to various entrepreneurial projects which are suitable for the conditions where peasants are located. There are practical market backgrounds for peasants to start a business in situ and motivations to change their current living conditions. There are general entrepreneurial projects for peasants as well as specific entrepreneurial project categories and their market prospects for peasants in specific location such as Fengdu County. Hope these entrepreneurial project categories and their market prospects for peasants can provide reference for the analysis of peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects and their market prospects in different places in China.

Key words: Chinese peasants; Entrepreneurship in situ; Project categories; Market prospects; Fengdu county; Motivation

Shen, Z. M.(2015). Study of Chinese Peasants’ in Situ Entrepreneurial Project Categories and Their Market Prospects. Canadian Social Science, 11(2), -0. Available from: http:///index.php/css/article/view/6351

DOI: http:///10.3968/6351


Nowadays, economy has been developing rapidly and financial crisis has been influencing economic development since 2008. “Entrepreneurship” has become familiar to everyone. College students, city residents and peasants all expect to successfully build their own career by starting their own business. In order to start a business, we need to choose a project first; to choose a good project, we need to analyze projects in depth. Each entrepreneur is concerned about how to find a good suitable project, how to earn money legally and how to find new customers. It is obvious that Chinese peasants starting a business in situ need to combine the local natural and social resources together. For example, they should study projects such as beef cattle breeding, feed veterinary medicine, food and beverage, electronics and furniture and so on and their market prospects.


Projects refer to events or tasks determined by market research and predicted knowledge which are to be accomplished according to relevant provisions. It is the same with Zhou Huizhen’s view on projects: A project means a one-time task during a certain period of time in which we need to achieve the expected quality target according to the scope of provided budgets. For example, if we build a building, we need to finish it at a time during a specific period of time in accordance with provided quality performance, cost and schedule requirements (Zhou, 2013). Entrepreneurial projects are projects entrepreneurs choose based on their own conditions and external environmental conditions with expectations to achieve certain objectives within a certain period of time, such as entrepreneurial projects of planting Chinese herbal medicines, beef cattle breeding, aquaculture, co-financing to register a company to operate a product, start-up of a farm stay, and building a processing plant and so on. Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects refer to various entrepreneurial projects which fit the actual conditions of peasants at their locations, such as projects of planting, breeding and rural retail and so on. Take Fengdu County in Chongqing as an example. Peasants in Fengdu County combine the geographical, economic, social and cultural advantages in resources and their own actual conditions to foster entrepreneurial projects such as grass planting and livestock breeding, developing tourism and establishing farm stays and other projects.


Since the reform and opening up, China has become a worldwide emerging market. Through television and working in the city, Chinese peasants have already come to understand that, this is the big market background of Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurships.

2.1 The Market Background of Chinese Peasants’ in Situ Entrepreneurships in Reality

China’s entrepreneurship market background shows five characteristics. First, the market is huge. China’s territory is vast with more than 1.3 billion populations. The economy develops rapidly and various project products have great market prospects. We can drink the volume in liquor of several big “West Lake” every year. Think about how many “meat, milk, egg and grain” products we eat. Therefore, the market is huge; it is just the time for entrepreneurships. Second, the market changes quickly. The overall market has a big capacity and it changes fast as well. The market prospect of some project products was great then but it disappeared quickly. For example, the once-popular communications product, “PAS” soon exited the market; policies change rapidly. The tax policies of domestic enterprises and foreign companies once were different. There are still some aspects of the laws and regulations are not perfect. Some people do not understand the consumer. The early “Sanzhu Oral Liquid” made a lot of money. However, the agricultural policy has been very stable and beneficial policies and the policy of industry nurturing agriculture have not changed; Third, the market once was disorder. Counterfeit and infringement were serious and there were many unusual strange phenomena. The dairy market was great; however, these successful entrepreneurs chose to “add melamine to milk” or even “add melamine to milk” to sell. They destroyed their own successful business. No wonder we also heard this joke: “an aunt from the countryside selling vegetables once said, you city residents are so healthy! Why? The vegetables we plant and the pigs and poultry we breed contain so much pesticide and feed. We sell them to you while they still have drug residues to eat, but they do not poison you to death!” Fourth, the short-term market orientation is prominent. When televisions, slippers and apparels and some other products enter the US market, they lament that such prices are made out of the earth?! Fifth, the market differentiation is significant; there are big differences between different regions and industries; there are obvious differences in levels of entrepreneurships. The differences between coastal and inland regions and mountains and plains are really big. Based on this background, Chinese peasants have the opportunity to start businesses and they are able to start businesses.

2.2 The Motivation of Chinese Peasants’ in Situ Entrepreneurships

Firstly, the motivation is to change their current life. In fact, Chinese peasants live a good life now and most of them have enough food to eat and clothes to wear. They have free space and fewer psychological stresses; a lot of people in town have more pressures, and most of those who commit suicide are city people, such as the suicidal singer Chen Lin who sang the song I Never Understand Your Tenderness. Of course, maybe we think the economic conditions are not good, so we want to change and want to start to change our lives. Secondly, the motivation is to become outstanding and to have integrated influence in the community, village, and town. There are talented capable people among peasants who have the idea to change the reality or want to change their own home-based ordinary life with two cows and wife and children around. They want to use their own advantages, strengths, conditions to maximize the change of themselves, to make large projects, and to create a great career. Thirdly, the motivation is to illustrate peasants’ own advantages. Nowadays, “Chinese peasant” can be described as the most glorious term. Now peasants have land and other production factors and they are producers with control over the factors; peasants are industrious and brave, able to concentrate efforts on selected entrepreneurial projects. Peasants have the spirit of hard-working, such as Wenzhou entrepreneurial peasants’ spirit of “traveling thousands of miles, exhausting every possible means, speaking thousands of words and going through a lot of hard work” and peasants’ “cattle-breeding spirit” in Fengdu County, Chongqing.


Now, the government all over China has placed emphasis on peasants’ in situ entrepreneurships or migrant workers returning home for entrepreneurships. They have set up Pioneer Parks to help peasants to practice entrepreneurial projects. For example, there are many Taiwan peasants’ pioneer parks in many regions in mainland China; there are Taiwan peasants’ pioneer parks in Beibei District in Chongqing and in many other districts and counties. Some districts and counties have set up pioneer parks similar to industrial parks for peasants and returned migrant workers to start businesses in situ and they also provide support service system.

3.1 General Chinese Peasants’ in Situ Entrepreneurial Project Categories and Their Prospects

The first category is the construction project: In early times, entrepreneurial peasants would like to choose construction projects and they entered through contracting. These projects have relatively large market and the profits are high, but there is intense competition and now the requirements of technology and capital for entering have been improved. The second category is the commercial project: There are many commercial project categories. Some projects are approachable, but they are volatile. For example, they can choose to open a small supermarket, a clothing store or a trading company. The total market is still large, but the market information is constantly changing. It can be difficult to support if there is not enough money and manpower. Sometimes some peasants are too eager for projects to earn money and they are attempted by some investment websites and false television advertisements, resulting in being deceived. There were reports of the case that a peasant in Yongchuan District, Chongqing joined the “Jiumeihu” bags and the case of crispy rice in Wanzhou and other cases in which they were deceived. The third category is the planting project: This category has various projects with wide entrepreneurial prospects. They are mainly limited by geography, ecology, and technology and capital and so on; it would be better if sightseeing, ecological and tourism parks can be built. However, it is a greater challenge for ordinary peasants who is lack of resources. The fourth category is the breeding project: there are many such projects in general and the conditions are not the same; there are differences in the north and in the south. In the north, it usually is scale farming, but in the south it is relatively dispersed. The fifth category is the service project: the market of food and beverage, health care and other service projects is large, and they have a larger adaptability. These projects require certain experience, social connections and specialty. Chinese peasants who start businesses in situ choose many projects in this category. They can just start with “300 Yuan” for survival such as selling cool jelly as a start.

3.2 Chinese Peasants’ in Situ Entrepreneurial Project Categories and Their Prospects in Specific Location Fengdu County

3.2.1 General Entrepreneurial Project Categories and Their Prospects for Peasants in Fengdu County

Firstly, factory production projects and their prospects: The location of Fengdu determines that factory production projects are not leading development projects there due to the environmental protection of the Three Gorges Reservoir and the hollowing phenomenon over time in industries; of course, some may also found production plants of small and medium size based on geopolitical resources or proprietary technology. However, for most peasants in Fengdu County, it is quite difficult to start such plants since it is hard to find markets, capital, technology, information and entrepreneurial talents; and the first entrants have strong strength, so it is hard to challenge or even follow them.

Secondly, technology-based processing projects and their prospects: Such projects have a market, but they require special process skills and appropriate resources. Peasants can start these projects combining with tourism and other related projects, such as projects of bamboo weaving, hand weaving and sculpture and so on. Maybe some peasants in Fengdu County, Chongqing have seen or known a few people around to make achievements in these projects. Those who want to start such projects must be careful.

Thirdly, commercial and retail projects and their prospects: Such projects such as entrepreneurial stores and trades in the major tourist attractions in Fengdu and on urban streets have great market and the volatility is also great; if the site is accurate and the store location, people flow, consumption habits, product range, the price system, and service are all good, it can be very successful and get quick results. But the biggest feature of this type of projects is that the entering has almost no threshold. With a lot of similar competitors, the competition is fierce. If one is a little inattentive, he will be eliminated. From time to time you will see posters to transfer stores. Nowadays, in cities and towns in China such as Fengdu County, Chongqing, as we can see, drug stores are just like clothing stores and bakeries, and their density ratio is even larger than bakeries. “Tongjunge”, “Shuangye” and “Jiasheng” and other drug stores are everywhere. Grocery stores, fruit, clothing, books and newspapers, grain and cooking oil and other large and small retail stores, supermarket chains are everywhere. We might have never seen more stores and pavements than that of today. We can see how intense the competition is. In such projects with a few high profits, no more than “three months”, there would be a large number of followers entering the fierce competition. Some of them worked so hard in the city to earn “30,000 to 50,000 yuan”. Of course, we cannot rule out a small number of peasants entering early or those who have a lot of money have received rewards in this area. Restaurant projects must have specialties. Specialty restaurants with a good combination of online and offline sale can make money and come a successful business, but they also have to face fierce competition for customers, involving sanitation, security control, and restrictions of many other governmental departments.

Fourthly, planting projects of fruits and vegetables and flowers and their prospects: such projects have a market and peasants are familiar with basic planting techniques or it is easy for them to learn; these projects have higher requirements regarding soil, climate and lighting conditions and the conversion rate is relatively low. It is important to increase the degree of commercialization, make innovative feature brands and conduct deep-processing; if combined with farm house experience and farming experience travel, tourism and leisure for comprehensive development, the prospects are even better, such as the project of eco-tourism Agricultural Park in Dahei Mountain in Fengdu County, the iron peanuts, Nan bamboo, citrus and Jin oranges and other featured planting projects of high quality in Longkong Town. The operational results of these peasants starting businesses in situ are relatively better.

3.2.2 Entrepreneurial Project of “Beef Cattle Breeding” and Its Prospects for Peasants in Fengdu County

Firstly, the market prospect for beef cattle and its products is huge. Fengdu County is working hard to create the “beef cattle town in Southern China”. Peasants who start cattle breeding projects in situ will be able to obtain direct and indirect support from the government and the relevant functional departments. The most critical factor is the market demand for beef cattle and its products is large and the consumer-driven force is fierce. The per capita beef consumption in China is only half the average level of that in the world. With the growth of urban and rural residents’ income and the transformation of consumer attitudes, there will be more room for the growth of market demand for beef in China in the future. Only from the aspect of meeting over 32 million Chongqing people’s consumer demand for beef and its products, the supply gap in the market will be very huge. Obviously, Fengdu peasants who start businesses in situ in beef cattle breeding project can make money and it is such a sunrise industry project; from a historical perspective on domestic beef consumer market, in the early 1990s, per capita beef consumption was less than 0.5 kg, some people, especially peasants might have not eaten beef within a year. Now in the 21st century, although there is a substantial growth in beef consumption, per capita consumption is only 4.3 kg. We can see that the short supply situation of beef will continue for a long time and the market price will rise. Prior to 1998, beef price was stable, 13-14 yuan per kilogram. Till 1998, the price increased year after year, rising from 14 to 20 yuan, then rising to 24 yuan and then to 28 yuan, and there is still room for growth (Li, 2006). Currently fresh beef is usually more than 40 Yuan per kg. It is significantly different from the cyclical fluctuations of pork price within two to three years, which is such a headache for peasants who breed pigs.

Secondly, beef is high-quality meat which is loved by consumers. Beef contains rich protein and iron. Compared with port, its fat and cholesterol content is lower. The amino acids in beef and its proportion are more suitable for the human’s nutritional needs and its variety of nutrients are easier to digest. It is beneficial to human health to eat more beef; with the popularity of various processing methods of beef and seasonings used, the number of home-made beef dishes has also significantly increased; the various parts of cattle also fit the geography, climate and food culture of Chongqing where both a variety of western beef restaurants need a lot of high-quality beef and hot pot restaurants all over the streets of Chongqing also have a large demand for beef and beef tripe.

Thirdly, the characteristics of cattle production determine that it is difficult to make the market saturated in short term. The reproductive capacity of cattle is much lower than that of hogs and cattle’s production cycle is even longer. Generally, the breeding age of beef cattle is more than a year and half, and the majority will have only one calf per birth and very a few will have two, while pigs generally have 10 piglets per birth. From the perspective of the number, the development of cattle will be very slow; compared to the pig production, the ability of cattle to resist disease is stronger and cattle have a relatively low probability of getting sick. Disease risk of breeding cattle is relatively low than breeding hogs; unlike cattle, pigs are omnivores rather than herbivores. Many types of forage such as bamboo, straw, corn leaves and etc. can be digested by cattle. This saves feed costs and also increases the resilience of diseases. These features of cattle production coincide with the natural resource conditions in Fengdu County. The beef cattle industrialization project of the Ministry of Science of China is also located in the territory of Fengdu County. This also shows, the market for Fengdu peasants to start beef cattle breeding projects is promising.


Currently, Chinese government at all levels actively support peasants to start businesses in situ and support returned migrant workers to start businesses in situ. If peasants want to start their own businesses, it is necessary to analyze entrepreneurial project categories and their prospects. Entrepreneurial projects are projects entrepreneurs choose based on their own conditions and external environmental conditions with expectations to achieve certain objectives within a certain period of time. Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects refer to various entrepreneurial projects which fit the actual conditions of peasants at their locations. There are five market background features and several motivations for Chinese peasants to start businesses; there are general Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects and their prospects, such as projects of construction, commercial projects, cultivation and breeding projects and their corresponding prospects; there are the general Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects in specific location Fengdu County and their prospects as well as Fengdu peasants’ “beef cattle breeding” projects and their prospects. Chinese peasants’ in situ entrepreneurial projects and their prospects involve nationwide general projects. We also combine with the general projects and beef cattle breeding projects which are based on local natural and social resource advantages and the prospects of these projects in a specific location, Fengdu, Chongqing, China with the hope to provide reference for peasants’ in situ entrepreneurships in China.



*Corresponding author.

Received 16 February 2013; accepted 5 June 2013


The first that education should endow the students is the active participation as main part if it wants to change students and foster their creative spirit indeed. For this perspective, it is shown that the key of creative education or the immediate mission of teaching is to create subjects and activities suitable for students to participate and explore independently, and to provide students with the necessary method, conditions and environment for fostering creative spirit. In this paper, we, in combination with our own teaching practice, propose an open-type teaching mode, attempt to break restraints set up by traditional art design teaching mode, and explore a path of teaching in favor of fostering students’ creative spirit and practical ability, as well as being beneficial to induce students’ interests, and build their curiosity, imagination and creativity, thus to find an effective path of practically implementing goal of innovation education in design.

Key words: Creative spirit; Open type; Art design; Teaching method

LIU Dongfeng (2013). Strengthen Students’ Self-Awareness, Foster Their Creative Spirit: “Open-Type” Teaching Philosophy-Based Art Design Teaching Discussion and Practice. Canadian Social Science, 9(4), -0. Available from: /index.php/css/article/view/j.css.1923669720130904.2653

DOI: /10.3968/j.css.1923669720130904.2653.

Innovation is the soul of art design, focusing on the fostering of students’ creative spirit and practical ability, and is the emphasis of current art design education reform. In recent years, the design education and teaching reform has witnessed a rapid development in China, but there are still problems urgently to be solved under the restraints of traditional education philosophy and mode, for instance, attaching more importance to theory instead of practice; attaching more importance to knowledge lecturing instead of active exploration, etc.. Such traditional teacher-centered teaching mode ignores students’ individuality, as well as the participation and active exploration of students as main part in teaching, and lacks flexibility in teaching, resulting in “shrinking” of students’ thought, and making them short of consciousness of innovation and ability of exploratory learning, unfavorably adaptative to demands of the society on art design talents.

The thinking way and learning habit of each student depend on their personal life experience and individuality of thinking quality, and each student’s learning habit and learning approach vary from those of others, as well as with multifarious individuality. The open-type teaching mode is the very one of considering students’ individuality and relying on the nature and characteristics owned by the art design discipline, by means of necessary transformation to disadvantages existing in current classroom teaching, in order to explore an effective path in favor of fostering students’ creative spirit and practical ability, building teaching environment beneficial to inspire students’ interests, as well as evoking their curiosity, imagination and creativity, and practically implementing the goal of innovation education in design.

The first that education should endow the students is the active participation as main part if it wants to change students and foster their creative spirit indeed. For this perspective, it is shown that the key of creative education or the immediate mission of teaching is to create subjects and activities suitable for students to participate and explore independently, and to provide students with the necessary method, conditions and environment for fostering creative spirit. Therefore, the fundamental objective of open-type teaching is to make the teaching process really based on consideration of students’ individuality and their independent exploration and learning by means of transforming the current classroom teaching mode characterized by teacher’s lecturing and student’s listening, so as to promote the overall development of students’ consciousness of main part, creative spirit, practical ability and various qualities.


The open-type teaching is a dynamic and open teaching mode aiming at fostering creative spirit and practical ability by taking consideration of students’ individuality and self-consciousness as the premise; basing on equal, comfortable, lively and open classroom atmosphere; requiring students to actively participate and to proactively explore and practice, as well as centering on learners; and having various evaluation systems (such as the system of self-exploration, self-solution and self-evaluation, and the students-and-teacher evaluation of learning-and-teaching (STELT)) as guarantee.

With knowledge as the educational aim, and teacher’s lecturing and instilling as main features, the open-type teaching has new connotations and regularities by comparison to the traditional one. First, it changes the teaching goals of passive knowledge receiving, recalling and reproducing, while emphasizes active thinking and imaging and proactive discovering and creating instead; second, it changes the teaching mode attaching more importance to know-how and skill training, while emphasizes intentional participation, main part experience, and multi-dimensional thinking development instead; third, from the perspective of overall teaching conditions, it changes the traditional, unilateral and unitary teaching approach, while emphasizes an integrated teaching process unifying knowledge and skill, theory and practice, thinking and design, and innovation and application of multiple layers instead. Therefore, open-type teaching is a new teaching mode stressing on students’ participation as main part, thinking involvement, direct experience acquisition, and united concept and action, capable of promoting students’ comprehensive development in all directions.


The open-type teaching mode covers the followings: to build a teaching conception of promoting development by opening, to construct a dynamic and open teaching process on basis of students’ independence, participation, partialness and creativity; to establish a democratic and equal relationship between students and teachers; to set up new teaching environment suitable for students to actively participate in and to proactively learn; to reform examination and teaching evaluation, and to explore diversified evaluation systems in favor of students’ long-term development, etc.. For this reason, it is necessary to build the following new educational ideas.

2.1 Student-Centered Idea

The open-type teaching roots in that students consciously participate in construction of teaching process, proactively explore knowledge and method, and convert independently knowledge into ability. Its specific practices lie in returning the class to students, letting each student receiving the proper development with creative spirit and practical ability fostered fully. All these can not be separated from students’ active participation, and the open-type teaching is nothing in case of separating from students as main part. Hence, it is necessary to insist students as the center, fully respect each student, intensify students’ self-consciousness, change roles (namely, become learning facilitator of students from traditional knowledge transmitter), pay attention to students’ learning process, keep a foothold on students’ active participation, and emphasize the experience of concept, method and emotions.

The student-centered idea should also find expression in that teachers respect and understand students and treat their practical activities and psychological behaviors with tolerance. In course of teaching, teachers should respect each student equally with positive emotions to inspire and guide them to dare to say, to do, to think and to explore, and attach importance to protecting the development of individuality of students, which is especially important for students of art design. Therefore, the open-type teaching is a teaching approach on basis of taking students’ demands and development into consideration, and letting each student enjoying pleasure and achievements of teaching and learning, thus to stimulate students’ learning interests, evoke their learning demands, advance their desire and ability for proactive exploring, and realize students’ comprehensive development.

2.2 Idea Focusing on “Active Participation, and Exploration and Practice as Main Part”

The modern education and teaching idea and practice prove that the genuine valuable teaching in favor of fostering the ability of creative thinking should be a process of proactively exploring, continuously innovating, updating the existing cognition and experience, and constructing students’ own cognitive structure basing on the teaching goal of art design and according to students’ own qualifications and requirements, instead of the one of passively receiving ready-made knowledge and conclusions. For this reason, in design teaching, the design of each subject should take full consideration of students’ involvement, and set up certain suspense for students to proactively explore, and trigger students’ curiosity and desire to explore though setting certain problems or scenarios, such as, “What defects are found in current umbrella? How to improve?”, “Which kind of beverage package is easy to sell in summer?”, and other similar question design.

The open-type teaching is featured by students’ proactive discovery and self-solving learning problems, including discovery learning, situated learning, experiential learning, interactive learning, and other learning methods. It is realized and finished through students’ proactive operating, firsthand experience, exploration and creation against certain subjects, for instance, in the package design class, students had better go to package design companies or factories, proactively participating in practice and easily acquiring knowledge and experience in learning through practice. In a word, such teaching mode highlights self-learning, discovery learning and creative learning.

2.3 Construct a Dynamic and Open Teaching Process

Teaching is a dynamic and developmental process where teachers and students jointly explore new knowledge and share achievements of cognition. The analysis either from students, teachers, teaching environment, or from inherent factors of teaching activities, shows that all of the same are changing and developing constantly. Moreover, such changing factors are what contribute important value and meanings to the development of students’ subjectivity. Hence, it should be maintained by open-type teaching to construct a dynamic and changing process.

The openness of open-type teaching mainly finds expression in the entire teaching process. First, in light of certain topic goal, the questions in learning can be worked out by resorting to various methods and approaches and giving priority to students’ self-exploration, self-learning and practice, with less teachers’ intervention; second, teachers should endeavor to create a democratic atmosphere in favor of students’ proactive participating and daring to show off themselves, as well as a independently, comfortable and pleasing innovation situation; and final, in terms of teaching space-time, the teaching should make the best of all educational opportunities to cooperate with design institutions and enterprises and exploit extensive educational resources rather than be only confined in classroom and school.


As the open-type teaching stresses on students’ conscious learning, independent learning ability and proactive participation in teaching, therefore, it poses a new challenge to teachers, teaching and conditions in the traditional sense. All of the changes of teachers’ role, teaching concept, and teaching methods, and new setting of teaching evaluation provide essential conditions for open-type teaching.

3.1 Build up Consciousness of Innovation

The open-type teaching itself is a result of innovation, which requires teachers to build up consciousness of innovation, not sticking to the fixed pattern, and to continuously learn and use new thinking and view to reform our teaching of art design.

Innovation is a premise of teaching reform, and to build up consciousness of innovation, two sides should be considered: first, the teacher should build consciousness of innovation. As professional teachers, profound and excellent professional knowledge are necessary, meanwhile, they should understand and grasp the latest and cutting-edge trends of the discipline, continuously update and perfect their own structure of knowledge, making students be unconsciously influenced and enlightened by innovative thinking. Second, students should build up consciousness of innovation. Consciousness of innovation is the primary feature of innovative talents, and it is a premise to cultivate innovative talents to foster students’ consciousness of worshipping and pursuing innovation. In design teaching, we can guide and foster students’ consciousness of innovation via professional innovation, consciousness of problems, questions and argument, distinctive originality, etc..

3.2 Set Up Open-Type Teaching Environment

In order to realize the cultivating goals of open-type teaching in course of teaching, it is necessary to proactively create a teaching environment in favor of internalization of students’ consciousness of innovation and innovation ability. In teaching activities, such open-type teaching environment is reflected in the followings: first, to create interpersonal relationships beneficial to innovation and to build equal and harmonious relations between students and teachers. In activity teaching, the relations between teachers and students should fully reflect equality and harmony. The teacher acts as mentor and promoter in activities, as well as the cooperator for learning activities of students, and each student should feel respect from the teacher with regard to their dignity, rights, inspiration and positivity; second, to create language environment in favor of innovation, adjust speech way, and form tolerant and inspiring language atmosphere. The language can either stimulate students to rouse themselves or destroy their confidence and dignity, and thus the open-type teaching advocates teachers and students to adopt speech approaches reflecting democracy, equality, care and fraternity; and final, to create material environment in favor of teaching, such as props, facilities, materials, space-time environment, etc..

3.3 Formulate Reasonable Teaching Evaluation System

It is an important guarantee for implementing open-type teaching to construct a teaching evaluation system combining various evaluation forms in a view of development. Evaluation should be an approach of promoting teaching rather than a simple assessment on students’ homework. For a long time, we excessively use quantifiable approaches to evaluate students’ homework with visual effect of design work or impractical originality as criteria, consequently, the qualitative evaluation is neglected, and teachers act as the authority in evaluation, while students are in a passive position receiving evaluation, preventing the evaluation from effectively promoting the teaching, and often bruising students’ learning initiative. For this reason, we should adopt a developmental perspective, and carry out overall evaluation on students in view of promoting their long-term development, thus changing the situation of determining performance only by virtue of several works.

In addition, the evaluation system should adopt flexible and diverse evaluation forms in accordance with conditions of each major and each class of art design, including teachers’ evaluation, students’ evaluation, self-evaluation, etc.. Take teachers’ evaluation for example, it can be determined according to different conditions, such as executing evaluations from students’ sense of participation, consciousness of innovation, consciousness of performance, sense of cooperation, etc.. In a word, evaluation is to realize the goal of promoting development by virtue of evaluation rather than to simply give marks to students on basis of their work.


The open-type teaching should be experimental, instructive and frame-type, rather than a dogmatic and changeless mode. In course of implementing the teaching, we should afford students with sufficient innovation space and time, as well as adequate opportunities of practice and performance, provide them correct thinking and methods, attach importance to students’ self-learning and self-exploring, highlight the teachers’ “guiding” role, value the principle of adopting diverse and open teaching mode, and choose the feasible teaching method and strategy.

For a long time, enough attention is absent for teaching approach, and in fact, if the teaching approach based on lecturing and instilling is not changed, it is nothing but empty talks to foster students’ creative thinking ability. From the overall perspective, as the students’ quality development is multilevel and multi-sided, the teaching approach inevitably appears as various forms. In activity teaching, experiments can be executed on the following basic teaching modes:

4.1 Discovery Teaching Approach

Discovery teaching approach is one that students independently finish the process of discovering, analyzing and solving problems under guidance of teachers, and also a process to explore different and distinctive solutions for the same problem. Such method requires the following points done in teaching: first, set a design topic and plan for students to explore, for example, take “Discover shortage of life commodities” as the title, guide students to carry out independent exploration and discovery, and collect materials, inquire knowledge, and find, analyze and solve problems at last in process of discovery. The free discovery in such process proceeds without limits and restraints, which not only greatly stimulates students’ enthusiasm, but also fosters their exploratory and innovative spirit. Second, certain discovery methods should be provided to students. Before discovery, it is necessary to give theoretical guidance with regard to the range, method and tool of discovery, which can effectively prevent students from being excessively open and leading to aimlessness. In the final, it is encouraged to apply various methods to finish the discovery. Different exploring methods for the same problem reflect students’ creative ability and thinking mode with personality characteristics, therefore, teachers should endeavor to promote, find by various means, and timely encourage the new and distinctive thinking modes and results of exploration in exploring activities, and show the same to all the students.

4.2 Interactive Teaching Approach

The interactive teaching refers to the interaction and interplay of various forms and natures at all levels in-between teachers and students in process of teaching. Its purpose is to promote both teachers and students, especially students’ development in aspects of learning, cognition and innovation. To complete interactive teaching, we should attempt to start from two sides: first, to change roles, namely, changing the teaching mode centering on teachers, aiming at knowledge and with instilling as the method. This requires teachers not only to respect and comprehend students, but also to timely understand themselves and students, know their own knowledge capability conditions and teaching style, as well as students’ cognitive structure and affective characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to value the position and role of students as main part of interaction, and exchange and discuss with students in a caring and accepting manner and with respect. Second, reasonable language and non-language means should be utilized for promoting proactive interaction. In teaching, apart from expressing and lecturing by language means, body language can also be adopted for interacting with students, such as gesture and eye contact. In fact, one favorable look, encouraging smile and affirmative tone of teachers may contribute immeasurable effects to fostering of students’ confidence. The interactive teaching focuses on interaction, which emphasizes communication, so it is necessary to create an atmosphere of interaction and communication to promote the development of interaction.

4.3 Experiencing Teaching Approach

Experience is an important cognitive learning tool of human beings, and a path to acquire direct experience and knowledge. The experience not only helps students in their perceptual knowledge learning, but plays a special role in developing students’ emotion, will, attitude and value. The experiencing teaching approach possesses universal application value in art design, for example, in show design teaching, experiencing teaching method can be adopted to encourage students walk into exhibition hall and pavilions to directly perceiving every aspect of show design, and students can acquire knowledge and methods through experiencing. This is more intuitive than theoretical lecturing in classroom, and is more accessible.

The experiencing teaching should stress on the combination of knowledge mixing and acquisition of new knowledge in process of experience. In addition, teachers should fully mobilize students’ series of mental functions like emotion, esthesis, thinking and attention to jointly participate in experience, so as to promote students’ perceptive development in all aspects. Experience is not only a teaching method, but an important learning method, and in the art design teaching, experiments on experiencing teaching should be enhanced in accordance with different requirements of each major.

4.4 Question Situational Teaching Approach

The question situational teaching method is one emphasizing the creation of question situations, stimulation of students’ intellectual curiosity, and fostering of flexibility and peculiarity of students’ thinking in process of teaching.

In process of teaching, students are encouraged to proactively discover related questions around the task given by teachers, and expand the question territory from point to the whole range. Students can acquire knowledge in course of proactively discovering, changing from passive acceptance to active searching, and becoming the discoverer of knowledge and questions. This method has positive meanings to stimulate learning interest and to evoke originality and inspiration.

Questioning is a mental tentacle stretching from the known to the unknown, and also the special embodiment of consciousness of innovation. In process of teaching, questions related to teaching can be set from time to time to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity and to foster flexibility of students’ thinking. Another important function of question situational teaching method is to foster students’ consciousness of problems. The absence of consciousness of problems influences not only the acquisition of knowledge but also the innovation of thinking. Albert Einstein has once said that “Finding the problem is more important than solving a problem.” Learning requires to question, to frequently question and to be good at questioning. It is a good learning method to learn to begin thinking from questioning.

4.5 Inquiry And Difficulty-Explaining Approach

Doubt is an attitude and a spirit as well. Doubting is the beginning of changing and the beginning of seeking the truth. Doubt is results of thinking, and the start of thinking. It is necessary to learn to doubt and query. The meaning of doubt lies in not taking all the existing as changeless or absolute truth, but to doubt for purpose of attaining spiritual independence and confidence, as well as the originality in design.

We stick to the spirit of suspicion, seeking for critical recognition on existing knowledge and claims and thus forming our own particular opinions. Questions are raised with skepticism on habitual concept and method to pursue new breakthrough. The genuine meaningful approach is to query and question the notions. In design teaching, students are encouraged to question, and are stimulated to adopt critical cognition on all the existing, to change the common practice, make all design problems impossible, and become the possible from “normal” to “abnormal”, thus to acquiring new design approaches.

The openness of open-type teaching determines the diversity and richness of teaching approaches, therefore, apart from the said approaches, the open-type teaching still has many special teaching methods, such as interest stimulation, investigation and study, games, etc.. All these require teachers to determine which kind of activity mode should be adopted in special classroom teaching according to characteristics and requirements and different goals and contents of each major of design. Rigidly adhering to one teaching mode will violate the goal of course, art design is a creative act, and the determination of teaching method and task itself is a kind of design, whose designer is the teacher himself.


Open-type teaching is an exploratory and experimental teaching method, whose implementation not only requires the guidance of certain advanced theories, but a large quantity of teaching practice for revision, summary and perfection. And crucially, the “degree” of openness should be well controlled in open-type teaching. Either excessive or insufficient openness will directly influence effects of teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to form criteria and framework of openness from a lot of specific teaching practice, realizing reasonableness and results of opening with proper opening standards.


[Korea] Jin, Z. X. (2000). Prospect on design education in 21st century. Zhuangshi, (95).

Pan, L. S. (2005). Essays in design and art education. Shandong Pictorial Publishing House.

Shi, Y. Y. (1990). Educational thinking. Heilongjiang Education Press.


差不多一百年后,当我读福特的传记,读到这一部分,不知不觉眼睛就湿了。多少年来,从来没有一本讲企业家的传记让我流泪,但我的确被福特的日薪 5 美元所感动。当然,让我感动的并不是 5 美元本身,没有任何金钱能够让人感动。真正让人感动的是在报酬背后,福特这样一家伟大的公司如何对待员工,又是如何对待它所赖以生存的社会的。


1. 福特汽车公司,全世界最大最成功的汽车制造公司,将于 1 月 12 日做出工业界迄今为止最伟大的有关工人报酬的改革。

2. 我们将一次性把工时从 9 小时下调到 8 小时,并向每名员工提供利润分成,22 岁及 22 岁以上的员工每日的最低收入将是 5 美元。

参加新闻会的记者听到这里,手都僵硬了,铅笔停止在手中。而当这些新闻在当天的报纸上之后,在底特律的曼彻斯特大道,人拥挤到难以移动的地步,每个人都想到福特去拿 5 美元的日薪,因为他们现在连 5 美元的一半都拿不到。1 月 12 日,是一个寒冷的冬日,气温接近零度,但这一天却因为 5 美元报酬正式生效,气氛变得极其热烈。


在南方,长期受压抑的黑人听到,在福特可以与白人一样获得日薪 5 美元,于是许多黑人开始向底特律迁移,他们写了无数蓝调来歌颂福特: “我要去底特律,去找一个叫福特的人,找一份好工作,不再挨饿!”

“5 美元的伟大意义在于,福特公司重新定义了工业资本主义”,福特是全世界第一家认识到以下一点的公司: 市场化的利益调节机制,不仅可以调节劳动力,而且可以调节全社会对于“人”的认识。福特在日薪金 5 美元的政策中,有一个特殊规定。并不是所有的人都可以享受日薪 5 美元的,如果你不符合下列条件,那么,无论你多么努力,多么有成效,都不可能享受 5 美元,而只能享受 2.38 美元的标准工资:

1. 同家人生活在一起的已婚者,并乐意照顾家庭。

2. 如果你是年龄 22 岁以上的单身,那么你要为人节俭。

3. 如果你是 22 岁以下,若有近亲或血亲要你帮助,那么你也可以享受。

这不是“作秀式”的规定。福特为此专门成立了一个社会部,走访应聘者的表现与家庭情况,很少有人做得了假。通过这种唐吉诃德式的“战风车”行为,福特非常清楚地向社会表明: 福特提高薪酬,是为了体现上帝给予每个家庭的幸福时光(这一点甚至成了福特公司的核心价值观)。福特绝对不让自己成为酒吧和妓院的财源。

当有人问福特: 一个清洁工如何可以拿到那么高的工资?福特的回答是: 通过收集地板上的小工具和小零件,清洁工每天可以为我们节省 5 美元。从这种思维中,我们清楚地看到福特把自己这一行为上升到了如何经营公司、如何使企业强大这一层次。那就是: 员工对工作的热情付出,是一种成本很高的行为,绝对不可能通过强迫得到。


事实证明了福特这一伟大思想的正确。实行这一政策后,“每个人都把公司徽章别在衣服外面,他们都以成为一个福特人为荣。本来,徽章是进出工厂的一个证件,但无论是星期天还是下班之后,他们一直都戴著徽章,目的是告诉别人: 我是福特人!”

差不多一百年后,历史学家布林克利(Douglas Brinkley)在总结福特的一生时,发出了这样的感叹: “如果没有福特管理层的执著努力与过人才能,工业化民主上的这种双重进步可能需要数十年才能实现。但福特汽车的积极进取,使革新在短短的一年内就完成了。”



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