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有的时候完形填空的选项可以不用看全篇,从句子中的语法考查就可找出选项。常考的语法有定语从句关系词的选择和状语从句连接词的选择,特别是名词性从句对有些学生来说艰难。这些都需要对于法熟练掌握。例如The terrible thought crossed my mind__she might be dead.这句考查了同位语从句that的用法,而且一般的从句都是在所修饰名词之后,这句却把逐句谓语动词提前了。又例如__ he lived, there is a school now. 此题考的是连词where的用法,其实作对这题并不难,只要知道连词要连接两个完整句子就不难了。而且有句谚语Where there is a will, tere is a way. 因此,语法知识对我们做完形填空也不能忽视。


I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye: Queen City Casket Company. “What is it?” I wondered. I ___1___ it over. There, in faded ink, was a hand-scrawled(手写的)___2___. Immediately my mind traveled ___3___ many years.

I was nine years old, walking down the cold, wet streets of Springfield, with a bag of magazines on my shoulder. On my ___4___ that day, I came to that Company finally, whose owner, Mr Rader, had always taken me there to ask his workers ___5___ they wanted any magazines.

Shaking off the ___6___ like a wet dog, I entered Mr Rader’s office. After a quick glance he ___7___ me over to the fire-place. Noticing the ___8___ in the top of my ___9___, he said, “Come with me!”, pulling me into his pickup ___10___. We pulled to a stop before a shoe store. Inside, a salesman ___11___ me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had ___12___ seen. I ___13___ about 10 feet tall when I got up ___14___ them. “We’d like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said.

Back in his office, Mr Rader took out a ___15___, wrote something on it, and handed it to me. With ___16___ eyes, I read,“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy, I want you to ___17___ I love you.”

I said good-bye, and for the first time I ___18___ a flicker of hope that somehow things would be ___19___. With people like Mr Rader in the world, there was hope, kindness and love, and that would always make a ___20___.

1. A. read B. thought C. turned D. passed

2. A. address B. list C. message D. information

3. A. forward B. so C. ahead D. back

4. A. return B. rounds C. trip D. arrival

5. A. if only B. how C. whether D. why

6. A. dust B. sweat C. tail D. rain

7. A. led B. followed C. watched D. carried

8. A. hole B. mud C. water D. cover

9. A. magazine B. shoe C. sock D. bag

10. A. truck B. factory C. home D. store

11. A. dressed B. fitted C. showed D. comforted

12. A. ever B. already C. never D. hardly

13. A. appeared B. seemed C. looked D. felt

14. A. for B. with C. on D. in

15. A. pen B. paper C. card D. notebook

16. A. tearful B. unbelievable C. curious D. puzzled

17. A. admit B. know C. consider D. express

18. A. sensed B. received C. lost D. gained

19. A. mistaken B. right C. all right D. possible

20. deal B. fortune C. choice D. difference


A strange woman comes to my door one day in early March. It’s a rich area so we often have people selling things ___1___―dusters, make-up, frozen foods―but she doesn’t look like ___2___ saleswoman. She hasn’t got the patter (喋喋不休) either. She ___3___ smiles shyly and puts a card in my hand: “Amy Turner. Pet Portraits Undertaken.”

I ___4___ my fingernail along the cheap gold edge of the card and look at her, waiting for ___5___.

“I’ll paint any animal in the ___6___ of your own home,” Amy Turner says. “Wouldn’t you like a nice picture of your loved one? I’ve had ___7___ of dogs, cats, parrots, prize bulls…”

“Prize bulls!” I can’t ___8___ looking up and down our street. The ___9___ of any of my neighbours ___10___ bulls in their back gardens makes me smile.

“I don’t have any animals,” I say as we look past each other. She must be ___11___ some little cat or dog would come running down the hall to give the game away ___12___ it is the first chance I’ve had to ___13___ the air outside. It is one of those spring mornings when you wake up and find winter’s gone. Even the camellia in the garden ___14___ has flowered over-night, pink blossoms which look shocking ___15___ the quiet greens and greys.

“Why are you still in your dressing gown?” Amy says, turning her ___16___ back to me. “It’s nearly lunchtime. Are you ill?”

“I’m fine,” I ___17___. I’m not going to tell a stranger I’ve just been sick in the toilet upstairs and would still be ___18___ my fingers down my throat if the doorbell hadn’t rung. But now I’m not sure what to do next. Amy is still standing there. She doesn’t seem to think that not having a pet is a good enough ___19___.

“I’m starving,” she says and I smile politely, nodding the ___20___ you do before you say goodbye.

1. A. side-by-side B. little-by-little C. back-and-forth D. door-to-door

2. A. an ordinary B. a professional C. a green D. a serious

3. A. even B. ever C. just D. simple

4. A. put B. touch C. place D. run

5. A. an excuse B. a deal C. an explanation D. an opinion

6. A. interest B. comfort C. hope D. honour

7. A. experience B. pictures C. feeling D. sense

8. A. avoid B. enjoy C. help D. appreciate

9. A. idea B. thought C. sight D. touch

10. A. keeping B. selling C. buying D. training

11. A. wishing B. thinking C. meaning D. supposing

12. A. when B. and C. as D. but

13. A. smell B. breathe C. feel D. take

14. A. besides B. near C. opposite D. farther

15. A. at B. with C. for D. against

16. A. mind B. eye C. attention D. heart

17. A. refuse B. agree C. tell D. lie

18. A. sticking B. lifting C. leaving D. closing

19. A. cause B. result C. excuse D. fault

20. A. direction B. way C. head D. work


I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember something about the ___1___ celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not ___2___ much from the war where, though, like most children of my age, I often saw ___3___ houses in the streets and the very big ___4___ lorries passing through. But both at home and at school I had become ___5___ to the phrases “before the war” and “when the war is over”. “Before the war”, obviously, ___6___ had been better, though I was too young to understand why, ___7___ there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice cream and bananas, which I had ___8___ heard of. When the war was over we would go back to London, but this meant very ___9___ to me. I did not remember what London was like.

What I remember now ___10___ V-Day was the afternoon and the evening. Some boys and girls were collecting ___11___ and building an enormous bonfire. We stood and watched them for a time, and then I went home and ___12___ myself in with my key and waited for my parents to come back from work.

It was May and still broad ___13___ when my mother arrived, and my father came in about an hour later. After dinner I said I wanted to ___14___ the bonfire, so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very ___15___, and somehow people had collected some old clothes to ___16___“Hitler” with the moustache they had put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames ___17___ soon. Everyone was cheering and shouting.

I stood beside my father until the ___18___ started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said nothing, either. He had ___19___ in the First World War and remembered everything he had experienced. At last he said, “Well, that’s it, son. Let’s hope that this time it really will be the ___20___ one.”

1. A. war B. victory C. Christmas D. birthday

2. A. suffered B. learnt C. heard D. read

3. A. crowded B. rebuilt C. bombed D. enlarged

4. A. modern B. old C. railway D. army

5. A. used B. devoted C. engaged D. related

6. A. food B. things C. houses D. news

7. A. except that B. now that C. for fear that D. in order that

8. A. never B. hardly C. only D. already

9. A. much B .little C. great D. important

10. A. about B. on C. for D. during

11. A. money B. wood C. information D. clothes

12. A. showed B. allowed C. let D. called

13. A. early B. daylight C. dark D. warm

14. A. see B. light C. find D. put out

15. A. high B. hot C. dangerous D. far

16. A. draw B. paint C. write D. dress

17. A. disappeared B. happened C. rose D. came

18. A. sun B. moon C. fire D. noise

19. A. fought B. worked C. grown D. changed

20. A. best B. worst C. first D. last


(一)1~5 CCDBC 6~10 DAABA 11~15 BADDC 16~20 ABACD

(二)1~5 DBCDC 6~10 BABA 11~15 ABACD 16~20 CDACB

(三)1~5 BACDA 6~10 BACBA 11~15 BCBAA 16~20 DCCAD


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C

21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.D

31.A 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.A 40.D

41.B 42.A 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.C 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C

51.B 52.C 53.D 54.D 55.A 56.D 57.C 58.C 59.A 60.B

61.D 62.C 63.C 64.C 65.B

66.F 67.under the sea

68.Because there won’t be any soil.

puters and robots.


Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind __1__ your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only __2__ seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “ __3__ am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I __4__ to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She __5__ in a car accident and now was on her way for __6__.

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to __7__ that Kathy would not be able to __8__ herself. I considered __9__ to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too __10__ to offer a service to a __11__. But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more __12__ than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and __13__ she was uncomfortable to accept, she __14__ as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart __15__, and the __16__ was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached __17__ my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love __18__ flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us __19__. When we __20__ to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

1. A. losing B. changing C. taking D. giving

2. A. comfortable B. suitable C. available D. favorable

3. A. No problem B. No way C. Nowhere D. No doubt

4. A. decided B. wanted C. regretted D. promised

5. A. was B. would be C. used to be D. had been

6. A. treatment B. travel C. pleasure D. business

7. A. know B. say C. realize D. recognize

8. A. eat B. feed C. choose D. support

9. A. offering B. needing C. stopping D. trying

10. A. impolite B. far C. close D. fast

11. A. girl B. neighbor C. passenger D. stranger

12. A. unusual B. direct C. important D. shameful

13. A. when B. although C. since D. as

14. A. refused B. wondered C. cried D. did

15. A. had warmed B. had jumped C. had broken D. had cheered

16. A. life B. money C. time D. energy

17. A. below B. through C. across D. beyond

18. A. seldom B. never C. hardly D. sometimes

19. A. separate B. independent C. silent D. upset

20. A. happen B. stretch C. wait D. continue


I had offered to watch my 3-year-old daughter, so that my wife could go out with a friend. I was getting some work done in my study while she __1__ to be having a good time in the other room. No problem, I figured. But then it got a little too __2__ and I shouted, “What are you doing?” No response. I __3__ my question and heard her say, “Oh…nothing.” Nothing?

I got up from my desk and ran out __4__ the living room, where I saw her running across the hall. I followed and watched her as her little behind made a quick __5__ into the bathroom. I had her __6__! I told her to turn around. She __7__. I pulled out my big Daddy voice, “Young lady, I said turn around!”

__8__, she turned toward me. In her hand was what was left of my wife’s new lipstick. And every square inch of her face was __9__ with bright red! As she looked up at me with fearful eyes. I heard __10__ voice that had been shouted to me as a child. “How could you… You should know…How many times have you been __11__ What a bad thing to…” it was just a matter of my picking out which old __12__ I was going to use on her so that she would know what a bad girl she had been. But __13__ I could let loose, I looked __14__ at the sweater on her. In big __15__ it said. “I’M A PERFECT LITTLE ANGEL (天使)!” I looked back up into her tearful eyes and, __16__ seeing bad girl who didn’t listen, I saw a little angel full of __17__ that I had come dangerously close to __18__. “Sweetheart, let’s take a picture so Mommy can see how __19__ you look.” I took the picture and thanked God that I didn’t __20__ the chance to prove what a perfect little angel he had given me.

1. A. happened B. liked C. appeared D. pretended

2. A. long B. quiet C. calm D. strange

3. A. asked B. answered C. raised D. repeated

4. A. into B. of C. from D. for

5. A. way B. turn C. change D. progress

6. A. followed B. scolded C. cornered D. fooled

7. A. laughed B. listened C. agreed D. refused

8. A. Slowly B. Eagerly C. Angrily D. Unfortunately

9. A. filled B. marked C. printed D. covered

10. A. every B. such C. any D. one

11. A. told B. beaten C. frightened D. forbidden

12. A. reports B. notice C. advice D. words

13. A. as B. when C. since D. before

14. A. up B. down C. in D. on

15. A. signs B. letters C. messages D. figures

16. A. because of B. instead of C. in spite of D. as a result of

17. A. value B. sadness C. pities D. tricks

18. A. preventing B. getting rid of C. destroying D. doing wrong on

19. A. dirty B. ugly C. special D. silly

20. A. have B. get C. take D. miss


John Perry stood up and looked around again. The island had been a good place to find shells. But now how could he make the __1__ move out to sea… If they swam out to sea he could jump in and get to shore __2__ they saw him.

He saw the sharks rolling and playing. Their __3__ was now gone and they were killing for fun. How could he make them move away?

He drew his knife from his belt. Sharks can __4__ blood, he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the __5__ . The blood ran out and he caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to __6__ the flow of blood. He then tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, threw it into the water and __7__ it with the piece of cloth.

The sharks smelled the blood and came __8__ toward the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt and the sharks raced after it. He was __9__ them away from shore. Suddenly he dropped the cloth, turned toward the __10__ and ran as fast as he could. He jumped in the water and swam.

He was halfway across __11__ he turned to look back. A high bony fin (鳍) was __12__ through the water toward him. He put his face in the water and kicked and splashed himself __13__ as fast as he could. The shore was near now.

He lifted his head again to __14__ and he saw the shore very near. From behind he left the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. And then a great gray body hit him and almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with __15__ and he pulled himself up the stones. The shark, __16__ by the smell of blood and the chase (追逐), went wildly after him. Its great body crashed against __17__.

The end came quickly and the water was covered with the shark’s blood. The injured shark was eaten up __18__ by others as it tried to escape.

Perry slowly struggled __19__ his feet.

“So,” he said, “you did not get me.” And he looked down at the sharks still eating __20__ they weren’t hungry. He climbed up the stones and walked toward the village.

1. A. boats B. sharks C. soldiers D. shells

2. A. before B. after C. until D. when

3. A. food B. hunger C. anger D. wish

4. A. fear B. taste C. drink D. smell

5. A. sand B. shark C. flesh D. mat

6. A. stop B. keep C. join D. cause

7. A. pulled B. wrapped C. connected D. caught

8. A. running B. racing C. swimming D. jumping

9. A. driving B. keeping C. preventing D. leading

10. A. sea B. shore C. island D. sand

11. A. before B. while C. unless D. when

12. A. going B. running C. cutting D. swimming

13. A. forward B. backward C. upward D. downward

14. A. cry B. breathe C. swim D. escape

15. A. his feet B. a stick C. his fingers D. the shirt

16. A. interested B. frightened C. disappointed D. excited

17. A. the shore B. Perry C. the stones D. the shells

18. A. lively B. alive C. dead D. friendly

19. A. on B. by C. to D. with

20. A. as though B. even though C. as soon as D. as long as


In Mr. Allen’s high school class, all the students have to “get married”. However, the wedding ceremonies are not real ones but imitations (模拟). These ceremonies sometimes become so noisy that the loud laughter __1__ out the voice of the “minister”. __2__ the two students getting married often begin to laugh quietly.

The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and __3__ business. He wants young people to understand that there must be many __4__ after marriage. He believes that the __5__ for these psychological and financial adjustments(心理和财政调整) should be understood before people __6__.

Mr. Allen doesn’t only __7__ his students to major problems faced __8__ marriage such as illness or unemployment. He also lets them know the __9__ problems they will face every day. He wants young people to know about all the difficulties and troubles that can throw marriage to the __10__ point. He even familiarizes his students with the problems of divorce (离婚) and the __11__ that divorced men must pay child __12__ money for their children and sometimes pay monthly some money to their __13__.

It has been nervous for some of the students to __14__ the problems that a married couple often faces. __15__ they took the course, they had not felt much __16__ about the problems of marriage. __17__ both students and parents feel that Mr. Allen’s course is __18__ and have supported the __19__ publicly. Their statements and letters supporting the class have made the school more firmly believe that it’s necessary to __20__ the course again.

1. A. makes B. drowns C. dies D. takes

2. A. Just B. Yet C. Still D. Even

3. A. funny B. terrible C. serious D. beautiful

4. A. changes B. events C. choices D. children

5. A. way B. need C. possibility D. chance

6. A. graduate B. teach C. learn D. marry

7. A. lead B. put C. introduce D. explain

8. A. to B. in C. against D. on

9. A. practical B. painful C. physical D. proper

10. A. boiling B. freezing C. breaking D. melting

11. A. truth B. fact C. view D. reason

12. A. support B. medicine C. education D. care

13. A. parents B. lawyers C. wives D. families

14. A. settle B. see C. face D. forget

15. A. Since B. When C. Until D. After

16. A. excited B. satisfied C. disappointed D. worried

17. A. However B. Therefore C. Indeed D. Besides

18. A. worthless B. valuable C. interesting D. tiring

19. A. marriage B. problem C. course D. content

20. A. improve B. stop C. continue D. offer


A true apology is more than just acknowledgement (承认) of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or __1__ has damaged a relationship―and that you __2__ enough about that relationship to want it __3__.

It’s never __4__ to acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look back and think how __5__ you’ve judged roughly(草率), said __6__ things, pushed yourself __7__ at the expense(在使某人受损的情况下) of a friend. Some deep thought in us know that when __8__ a small mistake has been made, your __9__ will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is __10__.

I remember a doctor friend, __11__ me about a man who came to him with __12__ illnesses: headache, insomnia(失眠), stomachaches and so on. No physical __13__ could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man, “ __14__ you tell me what’s on your conscience (良心), I can’t help you.”

After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he __15__ all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was __16__. His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an __17__ and enclosing (附寄) a __18__. In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man __19__ into tears. “Thank you, doctor,” he said, “I think I’m all right now.” And he __20__.

1. A. done B. thought C. announced D. expected

2. A. lost B. care C. advise D. heard

3. A. built B. formed C. repaired D. damaged

4. A. difficult B. easy C. foolish D. shy

5. A. long B. often C. much D. soon

6. A. unusual B. harmful C. precious D. unkind

7. A. ahead B. away C. down D. off

8. A. still B. even C. only D. such

9. A. sense B. brain C. weight D. feeling

10. A. shown B. explained C. offered D. expressed

11. A. asking B . telling C. requiring D. setting

12. A. strange B. serious C. various D. much

13. A. signs B. reason C. cause D. marks

14. A. Whenever B. Unless C. Suppose D. Although

15. A. stole B. accepted C. seized D. wasted

16. A. mad B. lost C. abroad D. dead

17. A. order B. excuse C. agreement D. apology

18. A. note B. card C. check D. photo

19. A. joyed B. burst C. laughed D. cried

20. A. should B. did C. had D. was


(一)1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACBAA 11~15 DCBDA 16~20 CDDAB

(二)1~5 CBDAB 6~10 CDADA 11~15 ADDBB 16~20 BACCD

(三)1~5 BABDC 6~10 AABDB 11~15 DCABC 16~20 DCBCB































省级期刊 审核时间1个月内



省级期刊 审核时间1个月内



省级期刊 审核时间1个月内
