(来源:文章屋网 )
1.亦作"?除"。 2.驱赶,扫除。驱除
1. 根除;彻底消灭。如:铲除这块土地上的种种罪铲除
1.亦作"清埽"。 2.清除;扫净。清扫
1.除去,使不存在。 2.犹消遣;消受。消除
①铲除;去掉:~陋习。 ②开除;撤职。革除
①除掉;使灭亡:消灭敌人|把害虫消灭掉。 ②消消灭
1.打扫,清除尘秽。 2.表示虔诚迎宾。 3扫除
1.犹清平。多指国家、社会安定太平,法纪严明。 肃清
《三国志·魏志·司马朗传》:“清除羣秽,广举贤士。”老舍 《龙须沟》第三幕:“杂院已经十分清洁,破墙修补好了,垃圾清除净尽了。” 秦牧 《序》:“为清除旧社会旧制度遗留下来的污秽而斗争。”
(1) 来到南面,看到的是重建唐山的场面:一片片废墟被清除了,一栋栋楼房盖起来了,一条条道路修好了。一座崭新的城市已初具规模……最后,我来到了西面,一座新城展现在世人的眼前,彻底粉碎了西方某些国家人士“唐山在中国版图上消失了”的胡言。
(2) 为了地球上的生命,清除白色污染。
(3) 不要想太多,定时清除消极思想。
(4) 聪明的人时常清除内心的污秽,就如同工匠清理银矿中的杂质。
(5) 一个人大半生的时间都在清除少年时代种在脑子里的观念。这个过程叫做取得经验。
(6) 我们要坚决清除干部队伍中的蜕化变质分子。
(7) 清除江心的暗礁,确保航路畅通。
(8) 在老师带领下,我们很快清除了校园内的垃圾。
(9) 智者应清除自己心灵的污垢,舍弃感官的享受,使内心没有挂碍。
(10) 认真开展安全例检,及时清除事故隐患。
(11) 小年翩翩来到,迎春做好准备了:忧伤烦恼,要清除一下子;吉祥对联,要贴它一打子;幸福窗花,要剪它一屋子;幸运饺子,要吃它一辈子;祝你小年快乐,愿你做个幸福的孩子,好运一阵接一阵子。
(12) 要推行廉政,必须经常不断地清除机关工作人员中的贪污腐化分子。
(13) 那个天井需要清除一下。
(14) 不清除抱残守缺的旧观念,就不能更好地投身到改革的大潮中去。
(15) 正月初六,迎财送穷;垃圾清扫,霉运清除;室内打扫,迎财纳福;焚香拜神,祈求大利;爆竹烟花,辟邪免灾。祝你龙年吉祥如意,顺顺利利!
(16) 五一宣言:不当苦力,释放活力,清除压力,好运给力,快乐有力,成功发力,绽放想象力,添彩生命力,愿你越过越有动力,越来越有魅力!
(17) 从抗病毒程序保护的系统中清除危害更是雪上加霜。
(18) 旧社会的残渣余孽虽已清除,但其落后意识,不良习气至今犹存,还有一定市场。
江南旧俗祭灶十分热闹,范成大曾有《祭灶词》:“古传腊月二十四,灶君朝天欲言事,云车风马少留恋,家有杯盘丰典祀。猪头烂熟双鱼鲜,豆沙甘松粉饵圆。男儿酌献女儿避,酹酒烧钱灶君喜。婢子争斗君莫闻,猫犬触秽君莫嗔。送君醉饱登天门,勺长勺短勿复云,乞取利市归来分。 ”说的正是送灶时节,家家户户摆了丰盛的鱼肉,又做豆沙团子、饴糖元宝等甜食,祭送灶神的情形。甜食是希望灶君吃了糖可以多说好话,另一种说法是用糖粘住灶君的嘴。今天,随着城市化的进程,传统灶台已经被煤气灶、电磁炉等取代。即使是农村存留的灶台,也多为简单的二眼灶。供奉灶王爷的神龛、手绘的灶画都已经很难找到了。生活方式的改变使得祭灶活动的原始意义日益淡化。做酒酿、糖饼、糖瓜、糖元宝、豆沙团子等甜食却一直是小年必备的时令食品,不论是城镇还是乡村,家人团聚,自己动手,风味自然也胜过超市常年供应的工业化流水线上的食品许多。
王 姝
Lantern Festival in Nanjing is one of the most celebrated regional tourism attractions.
God of Fortune statues in a gift shop
Changes in Spring Festival Celebration in Yangtze River
By Wang Shu
Festivities in the south of the Yangtze River Delta have ushered in Spring Festi-val, the Chinese Lunar New Year, for cen-turies. These yearly celebrations are known for luxury, elegance, wonder and ingenuity. Scholars in the past pointed out that these festivities reflected the talent of local resi-dents. However, as urbanization and indus-trialization are transforming this part of the
country rapidly and considerably, the long-standing folk celebrations are changing.
Kitchen God Dethroned
In the past, December 24 on the lunar calendar was the day when the kitchen god left for the heaven to make an annual report of the family’s yearly activities to Jade Emperor. In those years, the kitchen god knew everything about a family and people worried that the kitchen god might turn out to be a snitch. The way to bribe the kitchen god was to bribe him by seeing the kitchen god off ceremoniously and cleaning the kitchen thoroughly. The kitchen God ceremony marked the beginning of hectic preparations for the upcoming Spring Fes-tival. One part of the ceremony was to offer the kitchen god some candies and sweet
God of Fortune Temple at Jade Emperor Hill in Hangzhou
food so that the kitchen god would be sweet about the family. The object that symbol-ized the kitchen god was the kitchen stove. The traditional kitchen stove, a bulky brick structure, has long since disappeared from everyday life. As cooking gas and electric-ity are widely used today, people use gas cookers and induction cookers. In some rural kitchens, the traditional kitchen stove still remain, but the shrine and the painting, the two objects used to worship the kitchen god, are gone. However, sweet food stays. Today, a family buys sweet food or makes sweet food together.
Fortune God Shines
In the past, saying prayers to Fortune God and asking for blessing was a big part of Spring Festival rituals. Worshipping Fortune God has not changed considerably. Instead, it becomes more important.
The people in the south of the Yangtze River Delta still sit through the last night of the old lunar year to welcome the first morning of New Year. Nowadays, peo-ple do not just sit and chat. Watching the CCTV gala on the eve of Spring Festival, which has been around since 1981, is a big part of celebration through the night for
1.3 billion Chinese people. Some people go to Buddhist temple at small hours of the
first morning of the lunar year and pray for
heavenly blessing. Buddhist temples in this part of the country open at midnight. Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai, Xuanmiao Taoist Monastery in Suzhou, Lingyin Tem-ple in Hangzhou, and Grand Buddha Tem-ple in Xinchang are best known temples in the south of the Yangtze River Delta for sending prayers to heaven through soaring fragrance of a piece of burning incense. In some rural temples, statues of Buddha and Taoist gods are often placed side by side. Pragmatic prayers do not discriminate.
Though people pray for fortune on the
first hours of the New Year, the fifth day of
lunar January is celebrated because it is the birthday of the fortune god and it is the day business resumes normal business after the Spring Festival. It is also on this day that some festival taboos are lifted. The first thing businesses usually do is to set fire-crackers as business people vie each other in welcoming fortune god to come in and stay with them, believing that fortune god favors those who hold the biggest welcome rite and set off the loudest firecrackers. Nowadays, government also helps launch large-scale welcome ceremony with folks.
Since 1999, Zhouzhuang, an ancient river town near Suzhou in southern Jiangsu Province, has been staging a festival on lunar January 5th that welcomes Fortune God. It is an event jointly sponsored by the local government and local resident organizations. Fortune God Temple at the tiptop of North Tall Peak on the West Lake, Hangzhou, is presumably China’s number
one altar for the god. On lunar January fifth, people climb the mountain and flood in to
pray to the immortal that controls fortune.
People Become More Important
In the ancient times, Spring Festival in the south of the Yangtze River Delta was closely associated with rice, a main crop in this part of the country. The Spring Festival used to celebrate harvest, worship ancestors and gods. Nowadays, some old rites have been fading as some gods are being forgot-ten. However, the entertainment and special food for these outmoded festivities remain.
A statue of God of Fortune in a gift shop
What is gone is for immortals and what re-mains is for mortals. More and more activi-ties in the Spring Festival have shifted from entertaining gods to entertaining people.
The banquet on the Eve of the Spring Festival was and is the most important of the celebrations during the Spring Festival. In the past, the banquet was prepared for the ancestors. A thanksgiving ritual would be conducted before the family all sat down to the table. Nowadays, the traditional dishes are no longer offered to ancestors. In fact, these religiously symbolic dishes are dropped. The foods whose names sound auspicious are imperatives for the banquet.
Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of lunar January used to be a ritual in honor of gods. Today, the religious nature of the festival is largely dropped. The festival bus-tles with noise and excitement. Nowadays, lantern festivals across the south of the Yangtze River Delta are the last celebra-tion of the Spring Festival. People hang their lanterns along streets. On the night, people come out to watch lanterns, crack
their minds to figure out answers to riddles
written on lanterns. Though some tradi-tional lantern-making techniques are lost, modern technologies have been introduced to enable lanterns to make noise and issue outlandish lights. On the lantern night, food