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Cross-cultural Communication in Lu Xun's Collection Work Call to Arms

Shi Miao

Abstract This essay analyzes the translation strategies in Lu Xun's collection work Call to Arms translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, demonstrates the domestication and foreignization in the translation works that made it achieve the "spirit" of the original. To translate Chinese works into English successfully is no easy work, let alone the translation of Lu Xun's works. His works all have a humorous tone and are full of bitter ironies. These features made his works most outstanding ones in the literary world. Also, it is hard to translate Lu Xun's works successfully into English. Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang begun their translation since the . Their translation works Dream of the Red Mansion; The Scholars etc enjoy excellent reputation in the translation field. In the collection works Call to Arms, Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang followed the principle of domestication and foreignization, and made the translation work a master piece in the cross-cultural communication.

Key Words Translation, Cross-cultural communication, Domestication, Foreignization,


Lu Xun is one of the greatest literary masters in the 20th century. His literary works are most read in China. His works are characterized with his humorous tone and bitter ironies. On his writing style, his language is concise, vivid and highly characterized. All these linguistic style make Lu Xun's works outstanding in the literature field. Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang are two of the most prestigious translators in China. They have translated a large number of excellent literary works.

Call to Arms, written by Lu Xun and translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, is a perfect combination of Lu Xun's literature and the Yangs' translation. Call to Arms is a book of great consequence in Chinese-English translation history.

2.Translation theories and methods

There are several important elements in translation. First, the translators should realize that what they are translating are texts, not independent words, phrases or sentences. Second, what the translators present in the translation works should be "natural". So it is not enough for them to just produce sentences correct in grammar, but they should make them natural. Third, we can see from the definition in Columbia Encyclopedia that the translators should preserve the original "flavor" of the works. It means that the special characteristics and manners of writing should be retained in the translation works.

From some modern theories, we may conclude that the translators should present a kind of translation which is "in the way the author intended" and at the same time "for readers with a different background". (Chen Dezhang, 2005: 2)

In this essay, translation would be referred as a means of cross-cultural communication.

The term "culture" refers to the total pattern of beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, and techniques that characterize the life of human community. It means that culture consists of not only material things but also non-material things. In another word, culture refers to entire way of life of a society. Lu Xun, as a great writer and revolutionist, provided abundant cultural information in his works. As it is said above, the total pattern of beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, and techniques that characterize the life of Chinese community was provided. Translation, as cross-cultural communication, deals with the language transmit and meaning "transplant" of the works.

When it comes to communication, though some information is hidden as all known information, these people can easily understand others as well as being understood. Since cultures are diverse, languages are diverse. When readers read something from another culture, they cannot easily relate the information in the content with the knowledge of the other culture. This phenomenon is very common in Lu Xun's case because not only did he provide so much cultural-related information in his works, but also did he give detailed and vivid descriptions of the Chinese characters in the stories.

Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, as the translators of Lu Xun's works, did a good job setting up the links between the two languages. They filled the vacuum of sense in the original works and presented through the translation works the colorful culture of our nation. And in their translation works, they presented the characters just as detailed and vividly as that of the original.

Culture and language are closely related and cannot be separated. It is said above that "without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible; on the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture".

Words and terms in one language do not always have the same meaning when translated into another language. After all, we do not rely on a dictionary to give the proper translation. In the process of translating a book like Call to Arms, the translators can always be confronted with these kinds of problems:

First, the translator may not find a counterpart of a term in another language. Second, terms may have same meanings on the surface, but with different cultural connotations, etc.

2.1Foreignization of Culturally Unique Terms

The words that represent things and concepts specifically in Chinese culture usually have no counterparts in English. If the translators explain this kind of words in English, readers may still be confused since they don't have such things or concepts in their culture, such as language for political life, day-to-day activities, natural phenomena etc.

As there is no "衙门" or "麻将" in the English culture, Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang used transliteration, gave these words names that sound the same as the original terms in the translation work. In this way, readers from the English society can understand that these words bear Chinese cultural information.

e.g. 况且衙门里的大老爷也还没有告示……(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 156) Translated as: Besides, no order's come down yet from the big mandarin in the yamen….(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 157)

e.g. 未庄的乡下人不过达三十二张的竹牌,只有假洋鬼子能够叉"麻将"。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 276) Translated as: In Weizhuang everyone played with thirty-two bamboo counters and only the Bogus Foreign Devil could play mahjong. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 277)

2.2Domestication of Culturally Unique Terms

e.g.例如什么地方,雷公劈死了蜈蚣精;什么地方,闺女生了一个夜叉之类。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 146) Translated as: Where, for instance, the thunder god had blasted a centipede spirit, or where a virgin had given birth to a demon. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 147)

There are no such thing as "……精"or "夜叉" in English culture. Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang translated these terms into something that close to the English religion. "Spirit" for "……精", and "demon" for "夜叉". These terms can be translated into Chinese simply as "鬼怪", but in this book, these terms enable the readers to understand the context.

Similarly, in the example follows, Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang translated something that exists only in Chinese culture into a concept that is well known to the western society.

2.3Liberal Translation of Culturally Unique Terms

There is some information whose origin is too complex to explain, or it is more important to understand its cultural connotation. For these items, the translators adopted liberal translation.

e.g.他很想即刻揪住他,断他的竹筷,放下他的辫子,并且批他几个嘴巴,聊且惩罚他忘了生辰八字,也敢来做革命党。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 307) Translated as: He was greatly tempted to seize him then and there, break his bamboo chopsticks, let down his pigtail and slap his face several times into the bargain to punish him for forgetting his place and for his presumption on becoming a revolutionary. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 308)

e.g.人都满了,连立足也难,我只得挤在远处人丛中看一个老旦在台上唱。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 414) Translated as: There was hardly any standing-room and I had to squeeze into the crowd at the rear to watch an actor singing an old woman's part. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 415)

In this example, the translators did not the term "老旦" in Peking Opera, but explained the term as "an actor singing an old woman's part".

2.4The Use of English Idioms

Translation, as a means of communication between two languages, stands for not only the process of transformation between two languages, but also the process of "transplant" of culture. To translate the source language successfully into the target language, the translators should know well about the social background, customs and logics of the society of both languages.

In the process of translation, Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang were not framed by the meaning of word or by the structure of sentences. They used many English idioms in the translation works. These English idioms made plain words from the original works more vivid in translation works. Though with these English idioms, the translation works seemed to be different in form with the original works, they could emphasize the personality of the characters and bring the style of the work into bold relief.

e.g. 阿Q仿佛文童落第似的觉得很冤屈,他慢慢走近园门去,忽而非常惊喜了,这分明是一畦老萝卜。他于是蹲下便拔,而门口突然伸出一个很圆的头来,又即缩回去了,这分明是小尼姑。小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视若草芥的,但世事须"退一步想",所以他便赶紧拔起四个萝卜,拧下青叶,兜在大襟里。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 267) Translated as: Resentful as a scholar who has failed the examination Ah Q walked slowly towards the gate of the garden. Suddenly, however, he gave a start of joy, for what did he see there but a patch of turnips! He knelt down and had just begun pulling when a round head appeared from behind the gate, only to be promptly withdrawn. This was no other than the little nun. Now though Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns, there are times when "Discretion is the better part of valor." He hastily pulled up four turnips, tore off the leaves, and stuffed them under his jacket. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 268)

In this example, Ah Q is found stealing the turnips by the little nun at the convent. "Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns", little nuns are targets of his pranks. But this time, with Ah Q's hunger warning him, and his being afraid to be caught by the old nun, Ah Q decides to take the turnips as soon as possible. "Discretion is the better part of valour" is just an excuse. Ah Q isn't willing to admit that he is scared. This is a typical presentation of the "Ah Q spirit". The relevant phrase for "退一步想"should be "on second thoughts". But in this way the readers of the target language would have difficulty in understanding the deep meaning in this phrase. The idiom "Discretion is the better part of valour" comes from Shakespeare's Henry Ⅳ. In Longman Dictionary of English Idioms, the explanation of this idiom is "one should not take an unnecessary risk". This idiom reflects the Ah Q spirit in this work.

e.g. 阿Q照例的发了怒,他怒目而视了。



……(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 217)

Translated as:

Ah Q rising to the bait as usual would glare in fury.

"So there is a paraffin lamp here," they would continue, unafraid.

Ah Q could do nothing but rack his brains for some retort.

……(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 218)

Here, the idiom "rising to the bait" claims that Ah Q is seduced to be angry. And his fury just satisfies the idlers, reflects Ah Q's simple-minded personality and the facts that Ah Q is always the target of joking as being low in status. The idiom "rack his brains" gives a vivid picture of a slow-witted and embarrassed Ah Q who always wants to get back of others.

2.5The Use of English Sentence Structures

Here the use of English sentence structure means the modifying of sentences especially the supplements of conjunctions such as "and", "but" etc.

Sometimes conjunctions are omitted in articles for the relations between sentences can be inferred from context. When translated into English, the translators put conjunctions back into their places in order to help the readers to understand the works.

e.g. 华大妈听到"痨病"这两个字,变了一点脸色,似乎有些不高兴;但又立刻堆上笑,搭着走开了。这康大叔却没有察觉,仍然提高了喉咙只是嚷,嚷得里面睡着的小栓也合伙咳嗽起来。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 83) Translated as: The old woman seemed a little disconcerted by the word "consumption", and turned a shade paler; however, she forced a smile again at once and found some pretext to leave. Meanwhile the man in brown was indiscreet enough to go on talking at the top of his voice until the child in the inner room was woken and started coughing. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 84)

In this paragraph, the Yangs added a number of conjunctions in the translation works, such as "and", "meanwhile", "until". These conjunctions clarify the relations among sentences; combine the scattered short sentences together. In this way, the recreated sentences achieve clear logical sequence and are well organized.

2.6The Use of English Rhetoric

There are great differences between Chinese and English rhetoric. If the translators employ word-for-word translation or literal translation, some of the Chinese rhetorical devise would be distorted. On the other hand, if the translators choose not to translate the rhetorical devise, the translation works would lose the style and certain content that the original works own. Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, as senior translators, chose not to be refrained by the structures of the original works; but to employ the English rhetoric to explain and express the original meaning of the works.

e.g. 又有些胜利者,当克服一切之后,看见死的死了,降的降了,"臣诚惶诚恐死罪死罪",他于是没有了敌人,没有了对手,没有了朋友,只有自己在上,一个,孤另另,凄凉,寂寞,便反而感到了胜利的悲哀。(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 239) Translated as: There are other victors who, having carried all before them, with the enemy slain or surrendered, utterly cowed, realize that now no foe, no rival, no friend is left---- none but themselves, supreme, lonely, lost, and forlorn. Then they find their triumph a tragedy. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 240)

In this example, "slain and surrendered", "find their triumph a tragedy" used alliteration, made the translation work readable and remained the original language feature of reduplication.

2.7Wording of Revealing Personality of Characters

In Lu Xun's works, all characters have their own personalities. A characters actions, sayings and thoughts can reflect his/her personality. Lu Xun used description and narration made their personalities clearly presented in the works. When Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang were translating, they chose words not only the most accurate and equivalent, but also fit and reflect the personalities of the characters.

Here are some examples:

In Kong Yiji, the leading character Kong Yiji is a failed scholar who is doltish and useless enough to consider himself a real scholar. He is so bad off and not trust-worth that he had to steal things for a living. Yet, as he considers himself a "noble" scholar, he is unwilling to admit that he is actually a thief. However, to make thing more hilarious, he makes up a number of excuses which are obviously fake. In the translation work of Kong Yiji, Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang used words that showed Kong Yiji's characteristics clearly and vividly.

Here below is another example.

e.g. 谁知道阿Q采用怒目注意之后,未庄的闲人们便愈喜欢玩笑他。一见面,他们便假作吃惊的说:……(Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 217) Translated as: It so happened, however, that after Ah Q had taken to using his furious glare, the idlers in Weizhuang grew even more fond of making jokes at his expense. As soon as they saw him they would pretend to give a start and say:…. (Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang, 2006: 218)

Here "玩笑他"could simply be translated to "making jokes about him" as usual. But the Yangs used "making jokes at his expense", stressed that Ah Q is always the victim of people's pranks, and made clear the fact that in every conflict between him and others, Ah Q is always the loser.


This essay uses examples from Call to Arms to demonstrate the flexible use of translation strategies which should be appreciated and studied by English Learners in order to improve translation skills. It aims to illustrate how to use the translation skills under different circumstances and to solve certain problems in the process of translation by citing examples from a good model of translation works.

The theories on which the analysis is based are collected from the text books of translation and cultural-related classes and books that I read for information in relevant with translation. Examples in this thesis are quoted from the book of collection works Call to Arms.

Through the reading of the original works of Lu Xun's and the translation versions, I compare the words, meaning and style between the translation works and their originals; analyze the different strategies that the translators employed to deal with actual problems in translation, then display them with examples from Call to Arms. Then, from the aspect of translating novels, I pick out some typical examples of novel translations where the personalities of characters can be revealed by the precise wording.

The examples show that Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang adopted certain translation strategies such as domestication and foreignization to ensure that the translation works are readable and understandable to the foreign readers, or in another word----catch the "spirit" of the originals. Moreover, this paper supports the feasibility and effectiveness of the translation strategy "make full use of good expressions of the target language" proposed by Xu Yuanchong (Xu Yuanchong, 2003: 64); and it further demonstrates that this theory of Mr. Xu can be used not only in translation of poetry but also in translation of contemporary literature works.


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[关键词]《呐喊》与《彷徨》 意象 内在气韵










因为狂人看出了封建文化的“吃人”本质,因此被关进了“黑沉沉”的屋子里;单四嫂子在她相依为命的宝儿病逝后的寂寞中,感到黑屋子叫“他喘气不得”;一心想吹熄吉光屯中从梁武帝时传下来的长明灯的疯子,被关进庙里一间有粗木直栅的只有一小方窗的黑屋子里。1925年,鲁迅在《聪明人和傻子和奴才》中,也描绘了一个“又湿,又阴,满是臭虫,睡下去就咬得真可以。晦气冲着鼻子,四面又没有一个窗”的黑屋子。鲁迅在《呐喊・自序》中也谈到了这个黑屋子:“假如一件铁屋子,是绝无窗户而万难破毁的,里面有许多熟睡的人们,不就要闷死了,然而从昏睡如死灭,并不感到就死的悲哀。现在你大嚷起来,惊动了较为清醒的几个人,使这不幸 的少数者来售无可挽救的临终的苦楚,你倒以为对得起他们么?”[9]



























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