惠普的BladeSystem C-Class刀片服务器系统使用了能量智控这一关键技术以实现节能降耗,通过内置的仪器对刀片机箱内的能耗和散热情况进行精确地监控,并对电源和散热的分配进行调节。
HP Integrity服务器的虚拟化和整合技术可以大幅节省电源和散热成本,并且还提供了新的电源管理技术,如面向ProLiant产品的电流调节器,可以在不影响性能的前提下应对能耗挑战。
戴尔的PowerEdge M1000e是一款高度模块化的刀片服务器,该产品采用了FlexIO技术,拥有比其上一代刀片服务器更多的I/O插槽,可对I/O架构进行灵活高效的升级和扩展。因此,用户只需要添加级联或堆叠模块,即可完成对刀片服务器I/O能力的扩展。可以说,这种模块化的设计简化了用户升级和优化系统的难度,同时也让企业能灵活地应对业务上的各种变化,这对于企业来说就是一种资源的节约。
此外,戴尔的刀片服务器还采用了智能节能(Energy Smart)技术,并在高能效机柜、低能耗风扇和动态电源管理等方面都做了节能设计。以动态电源管理技术为例,该技术可以让用户自行设置电源功率的阀值,让刀片服务器在用户自己认可的功率范围内工作,从而避免能源的不必要消耗。
富士通的绿色刀片服务器FUJITSU PRIMERGY BX620S4采用了多方位的环保设计理念,该产品具有负载均衡、高可用性和高度的横向可扩展性,这些无疑都提高了服务器的集成效率和使用效率,同时也大幅度降低了环境负荷。
此外,FUJITSU Systemwalker RCVE虚拟化管理软件有效地减少了刀片服务器的系统管理工作量,降低了系统的总拥有成本。Systemwalker RCVE管理软件只需要简单的步骤即可将刀片服务器连接到现有的SAN环境中,这就简化了SAN环境中服务器的管理难度,并降低了因人为错误造成的损失。与此同时,通过VMware HA及一台共用的备用服务器,物理服务器和虚拟服务器可以自动恢复,这就让虚拟化技术的节能优势得到了更好的发挥。
HP ProCurve Switch 8212zl是惠普“绿色”交换机的代表,其是一款具备高性能和高可用的机箱式交换机平台,支持统一的核心到边缘适应性网络解决方案;其平台与软件高可用性的特性,可以确保系统持续运行并提高网络生产效率。
在降低能耗方面,HP ProCurve使用了各种节能技术,如LLDP-MED可变风扇等;尽可能采用基于机箱的交换机;在不工作的时候关闭PoE;根据实际应用选择电源和UPS。
此外,HP ProCurve系列几乎所有产品都提供终身保修、软件升级、技术支持和第二工作日替换等免费服务,这些对于减少碳排放和节约成本起到了至关重要的作用,因为产品的使用寿命会因终身保修而延长,用户就不用频繁地更换设备,也不用再处理老设备带来的电子废料。
极进网络的BlackDiamond 8810是一款标准的万兆核心交换机,作为服务网络骨干或数据中心的核心交换机,其工作时间一般都是7×24小时,因此低能耗设计带来的电力节省就相当可观了。该设备可以安装最多6个电源模块,每个电源模块功率为1200W,用户可以根据需求灵活配置电源模块数量,且所有的板卡均采用低能耗设计。
此外,BlackDiamond 8810采用了高可靠的模块化交换机操作系统ExtremeXOS,同时也集成了一些节电环保特性,如支持PoE(以太网供电)接口模块,这样就可以自动地按时间计划激活系统;休眠端口功能,例如下班时间PoE网络端口可以按计划自动休眠,停止为无线网AP或IP电话供电,上班时间再激活端口,从而进一步节省电力消耗。
UIT绿色存储的核心是设计运行温度更低的处理器和更有效率的系统,生产更低能耗的存储系统或组件,降低产品所产生的二氧化碳,而其所应用的主要技术是MAID(Massive Arrays of Idle Disks,大规模非活动磁盘阵列存储)――在正常状态下所有的磁带都放置在磁带库的槽位中,需要某盘磁带时才将它放在磁带机中,然后进行数据读写。而在大部分时间,大多数磁带是处在非工作状态的。
UIT BM3800B是UIT推出的一款具有MAID绿色存储功能的光纤通道存储设备,其在绿色节能方面具有以下几个重要的功能和特点:磁盘或磁盘RAID组可以在没有读写访问时依据策略下电;下电磁盘自动按照策略进行故障检查;磁盘在下电以后,一旦有读写请求,磁盘自动上电,RAID组可重新提供正常访问;降低能耗,电能节约可达到30%;减少环境和管理成本;更长的磁盘使用寿命。
此外,日立还基于USP V平台在企业级虚拟层实现了Thin Provisioning(动态精细化预配置)功能:USP V与Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning(动态与配置)软件的结合使用户能够在一个整合的解决方案中同时获得外部存储虚拟化的好处以及由Thin Provisioning带来的电力和冷却成本方面的优势。
飞康在两年前就与COPAN合作,将MAID(大规模非活动磁盘阵列)技术导入了VTL,这就节省了设备闲置时所消耗的电能;其新一代VTL具备重复数据删除技术,可以帮助用户节省大量备份所需的磁盘空间;IPStor具备的存储资源按需分配(Thin Provisioning)功能,更将存储资源的利用率从低于30%提高到80%以上,使用户现有的存储投资能得以继续利用。
据悉,Quantum DXi系列磁盘备份系统能够在整个企业中扩大重复数据删除技术的优势,重复数据删除技术可以使磁盘需求降低90%甚至更多。借助该技术还能够实现快速备份和还原,并减少了对介质的使用,对电源和冷却的要求也更低,整体数据保护和保留成本还相应降低。
Quantum DXi7500是一款高可用性企业磁盘备份系统,可以作为磁盘备份系统运行,在这种情况下,利用传统的虚拟磁带库接口就能提供更高的吞吐量,同时也可以作为启用了重复数据删除功能的磁盘备份和远程复制系统。
关键词 计算机软件;移动设备;信息展示;多通道
Abstract 中图分类号 TP 311文献标识码A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6970.2011.01.022
Abstract An Overview of Mobile Information Presentation Techniques
关键词 FENG LingQIAO Lin
(Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100089,China)
【Abstract 】 The popularity of hand-held mobile devices is growing. Compared with traditional desktop computers, these mobile devices have distinct limitations, including tiny display, low resolution, scarce computing resources, bandwidth fluctuation, ad-hoc communication, voluntary disconnection, etc., presenting new challenges to mobile human-computer interaction. In this survey paper, we overview some recently developed techniques for diverse information presentation on mobile devices through visual, audio, and tactile channels.
【Key words】computer software; mobile device; information presentation; multi-channel
0 Introduction
Mobile devices have gained increasingly popularity due to its portability nature. People use these small mobile devices to manage personal information, do simple work with poor processing requirements, or remotely control PCs and computerized appliances [1]. Nowadays, the use of mobile devices has penetrated into the domains of education, business, military, etc.
Compared with traditional desktop computers, mobile devices have many limitations in terms of 1) small-sized display with poor resolution, few colors, and different width/height ratio from the normal setup; 2) constrained CPU processing and memory capacities; 3) slow connection with fluctuated bandwidth; and 4) unfriendly user input facilities (ordinarily used keyboard and handwriting demand lots of screen space, incurring quite inaccurate results) [2,3].
Due to these large differences, the classic desktop solutions cannot directly be adopted to mobile user interface design. [4,5] made a good summary of the main challenges in mobile human-computer interaction. In this study, we are particularly concerned about information presentation on mobile devices. After a brief description of the major challenges upon mobile information presentation, we overview some latest development of information presentation techniques for mobile devices through diverse channels including visual, audio, and tactile channels.
1 Main Challenges for Mobile Information Presentation
The inherent characteristics of mobile devices lead to the following design considerations for mobile information presentation.
-Mobile devices have limited interaction facilities. Constrained by small screen size, poor-quality sound output, and tiny keypad, no-handed or simple interaction operations during information presentation are always preferred. In line with human's perceptual and cognitive ``top-down" behavior, outputting the most useful or high-leveled information and then letting users decide whether or not to retrieve details further constitute a good strategy for information output [5].
-Mobile devices are portable. Users carrying mobile devices can enter multiple and dynamic contexts embedded with various sensors and networks. These unreliable or patchy sensors may also bring incomplete and varying context information. It would be desirable to permit users to configure output to their needs and preferences (e.g., content precision, text size, brightness, etc.) to tailor to the user's current environment [4,5].
-Mobile users have poor focus. User focus is a massive issue, as in a mobile environment, frequency of interruptions is likely to be much higher than on desktops. The information presentation process shall be easily stopped, started, and resumed with little or no effort to enable to switch user’s attention from the device to his/her activity itself. Besides, a multi-modality option via sound or tactile channel can be adopted to prevent user's too much attention in reading the content on mobile devices [5].
-Mobile devices have a widespread population. Simple user interface should be designed, because users often don't have any formal training in their technologies. Besides, it must allow for personalization, providing users the ability to change settings themselves. Also, the information presentation should be visually pleasing and fun as well as usable to offer enjoyment [5].
Among the challenges, one prototypical big problem facing mobile device user interface designers is how to effectively and efficiently present a large amount of information contents on tiny screens. The most common strategy on desktop computers with relatively large screens is using scrollable viewports that reveal a subpart of the data [6]. However, this strategy can hardly be applied to mobile devices, since people often use mobile devices on-the-go, making it difficult for them to drag scroll bars. In addition, as scrollable viewports present only a subpart of data while hiding most of the data, they provide very limited contextual information to users [6]. Therefore, many human-interface researchers are trying new methods to enable and enhance information presentation on mobile devices, utilizing visual, audio, and/or tactile channels. We review these great efforts in the following sections.
2 Information Presentation via Visual Channel
The ways to visually present contents vary from the types of contents (e.g., Web pages, texts, images, maps, or structured data, etc.) to be displayed [2].
2.1 Web Page Presentation
Mobile Web search receives great attention nowadays. Web contents, mostly designed for desktop computers, are badly suited for mobile devices [7,8]. Currently, the majority of commercially available mobile web browsers use single-column viewing mode to avoid horizontal scroll. But this approach tends to have much more vertical scrolls and destroys the layout of original view.
Based on small- and large-scaled user studies, [9,10] provided a list of general principles for Web page display. They are: 1) developing phone-based applications to enable direct and simple access to focused valuable contents; 2) trimming the page-to-page navigation down to a minimum; 3) providing more rather than less information for each search result; 4) using simple hierarchies which are similar to the phone menus that users are already familiar with; 5) adapting for vertical scrolling or reducing the amount of vertical scrolling by simplifying the text to be displayed; 6) reducing the number of users' keystrokes; 7) providing a quick way for users to know whether a search result points to a conventional HTML page or a small screened optimized page; 8) pre-processing conventional pages for better usability in small screen contexts; and 9) combining theoretical and empirical evaluation to gain further insights [9].
In order to deliver adaptive Web contents to mobile devices, researchers attempt to re-author web pages by means of presentation optimization, semantic conversion, or zooming, etc., which can be done at server side, intermediate side, or client side [11].
1) Re-authoring Web Pages at Server Sides
Server-side adaptation provides Web page authors maximum control over content delivery to mobile devices [11]. [12] reported a system which used the W3C's Document Object Model (DOM) API to generate an XML tree-like structure, as well as the Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to generate Wireless Markup Language (WML) and HTML content for display on mobile devices. This system could also adapt to users' dynamic contexts. [13] presented another system which could adapt multimedia Web documents to optimally match the capabilities of the client's mobile devices. In a scheme called InfoPyramid, content items on a Web page were transcoded into multiple resolution and modality versions, so that they could be rendered on different devices. Customers could select the best parameters from the InfoPyramids to meet the resource constraints of the client's devices while still guarantee the most “value” [13].
2) Re-authoring Web Pages at Intermediate Sides
Proxies typically apply intermediate adaptation [11]. Today, many of web page visualization efforts fall into this category. Without changing the layout of original web pages, [14] reduced the size of images which were larger than that of mobile screens and removed media which mobile devices did not support. [7] described a scaled-down version to fit the mobile devices screen. Images embedded in a web page and the Internet address bar were removed; and the font size of textual contents was adjusted by the user [7]. The focus+context visualization was also employed in the display of mobile Web. Users could choose what they are interested in with a large font size, while other information in the surrounding area can be displayed in a reduced font size [7].
Currently, Web page transcoding is a widely used approach. [7,15] applied a DOM tree generation and navigation technique for mobile Web interface. Content blocks with extracted labels and their relationships in a web page were automatically identified in the DOM tree. A Web page on mobile devices was represented as a hierarchical structure of content blocks. At the beginning, the highest level of a generated DOM tree was given to the user. If the user was interested in some sub-topics, s/he could click the node to expand it to the next level. Some researchers proposed to do a Web-page semantic segmentation based on a DOM tree [16,17], because they think DOM tree is in disorder in semantic sense. [17] applied type analysis based on the refined typing system to generate blocks.
[18] considered to split a Web page's structure into smaller but logically related units. A two-level hierarchy was used with a thumbnail representation at the top level to provide a global view and an index to a set of subpages at the bottom level for detailed information. [19] introduced heuristics for structure-aware Web transcoding which considered a Web page's structure and the relative importance of its components. [8] proposed to display a web page as a thumbnail view, but preserving the original page layout, so that users could identify the overall page structure and recognize pages they previously viewed. This method provides readable text fragments which allow users to disambiguate the desired information from similar looking areas. When users zoom in for the interesting information, the original unabbreviated version of the page will be shown. During the zooming operation, the thumbnail view and the detail views look similar, so that users can recognize the thumbnail view corresponding to the detail view [8]. [20,21] proposed to show Web pages in a modified original layout, where texts and images on a Web page are scaled to fit the display width. First, the size of the text relative to the rest of the page contents is modified and the browser viewport is limited. Second, a scaled down version of the whole page is overlaid with an indication of the current viewport at the top. Web contents can also be taken out of table cells and shown one after another in the order specified in markup files.
3) Re-authoring Web Pages at Client Sides
A client device can use style sheets to format contents in a browser [11]. For instance, the font size of textual contents can be adjusted by users [7]. Together with the above intermediate-side approaches, by storing user's operations with the DOM tree in a profile, the system could automatically generate a DOM-tree with branches expanded or hidden according to users' interests [7].
Along with the popularity of mobile Web search, Google's PDA mobile Web search interface differs from its XHTML interface in the following three main aspects [22]: 1) it only offers Web and Image searches; 2) it displays the same snippet as desktop search, and 3) no trancoding is performed before displaying a clicked link. In [23], the mobile search interface provided automatic search result categories to present the user with an overview of the result set. In addition, the interface utilized a focus+context method to help present the result list. Researchers have also proposed many novel approaches to mobile search by considering context information. [24] provided a novel interface which is well-adapted to the need of mobile users. They provided historical query and result selection data for users to navigate through on an interactive map-based interface.
Mobile devices and mobile Internet bring extremely challenging to mobile search. In order to understanding the needs of mobile search, many researchers [22,25,26] studied mobile search patterns. [25] conducted a large-scale study on English mobile queries from the US, Europe, and Asia, which were submitted from mobile devices using Yahoo!. They found the following characteristics of mobile queries. 1) Personal entertainment is the most popular queries, and users are searching for a broad category personal entertainment. 2) Mobile query pattern is still dynamic. 3) There exist meaningful variations in the regional query pattern in terms of the quantitative statistics. 4) There are interesting differences among users query of various search applications in terms of their topical interests of their queries. [25,26] examined wireless search patterns for a major carrier in the United States by analyzing Google search queries. Compared with their study in 2005, they found some interesting trends [26]. 1) Users type faster. 2) More queries had at least one click. 3) There are more explorations within one session. 4) Mobile queries are becoming less homogeneous. 5) There are more high-end devices. 6) The percentage ofqueries is increasing.
Compared with queries in desktop, research in [22] showed the diversity of queries in mobile environments was far less. This might be due to the enormous amount of efforts (in terms of time and key presses) needed for users to enter query terms, so that each session on mobile devices had significantly fewer queries than sessions initiated on the desktop [22].
Users for the most part tended to search similar contents as desktop queries, and the percentage ofqueries was vastly larger [22]. [22] also analyzed Google's XHTML search and Google's PDA search histories related to how and why typical users use mobile Web search, in order to better understand mobile search users. Google's PDA interface is similar to Google's XHTML interface [22], but it has the following three main differences. 1) The PDA interface only offers Web and Image searches; 2) The PDA interface displays the same snippet as desktop search. 3) No trancoding is performed before displaying a clicked link. In [23], the mobile search interface provided automatic search result categories to present the user with an overview of the result set. In addition, the interface utilized a focus+context method to help present the result list.
Researchers also have proposed many novel approaches to mobile search by considering context information. [27] proposed a query prediction system for helping enter a query. The system redefined the prediction dictionary after considering contextual signals, such as knowledge of the application being used and the location of the user. Combining context features, [24] provided a novel interface which is well-adapted to the need of mobile users. They provides historical query and result selection data for users to navigate through on an interactive map-based interface [24].
2.2 Text (Lengthy Document) Presentation
Two popular ways to view lengthy documents on small screens in the literature are Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) and Leading Format Presentation (LFP) [28,29]. 1) RSVP presents one or more text words at a time at a fixed location on the screen [30]. Two variants of RSVP, namely, Adaptive RSVP and Sonified RSVP, were detailed in [31,32]. Adaptive RSVP adjusts each text chunk exposure time with respect to content (e.g., the number of characters and words to be exposed) as well as to context (e.g., the result of content adaptation, the word frequencies of the words in the chunk, and the position of the chunk in sentence being exposed). Sonified RSVP plays appropriate sound when a certain text chunk is displayed. 2) LFP method scrolls the text in one line horizontally or vertically across the screen [29,30,31]. Considering that sentence boundary is important in reading, a sentence-oriented presentation manner was developed for a small window, which presented complete sentences one at a time [30].
In general, sentences can be read more accurately and more natural in the RSVP format than in the LFP format [32,33]. This is because when human's eyes process information during fixed gazes, it is more comfortable that the text moved successively rather than continuously. However, the experiments of [34] showed that comprehension for smooth scrolling times square was at least as high as that for RSVP at presentation rates ranging from 100 to 300 words per minute. [35] compared RSVP with three-line and ten-line LFP presentation method, and found out that readers favored the slower speed, and were equally satisfied with the three methods. But [35] supported the use of RSVP, because even with no experience with RSVP reading, participants were able to read just as accurately and were just as satisfied as the other two, and more participants were comfortable at faster speeds with RSVP than the others.
2.3 Image Presentation
To visualize data-intensive images on mobile devices, an intuitive solution is to compress and transcode images to reduce data transmission and processing. JPEG 2000 detailed a progressive transmission mechanism which allowed images to be reconstructed by different pixel accuracy or spatial resolution and be delivered to different target devices of different capabilities [36]. [37] introduced a non-uniform resolution presentation method, in which resolution was the highest at the fovea but falls off away from the fovea. [38] classified images according to image type and purpose, and transcoded images to adapt to the unique characteristics of the devices with a wide range of communication, processing, storage, and display capabilities, thus improving the delivery.
Besides treating an image as a whole, [39,40,41] proposed to separate region-of-interest and deliver the most important region to the small screen according to the human's attention model. They used RSVP presentation technique to simulate the attention shifting process, and noticed that there was an important psycho physiological activity - visual attention shifting. Image browsing on small devices could be improved by simulating the fixation and shifting process in a way similar to RSVP. An image was decomposed into a set of regions which were displayed serially, each for a brief period of time. [39] further described a generic and extensible image attention model based on three attributes (i.e., region of interest, attention value, and minimal perceptible size) associated with each attention object. [40,41] tried to find an optimal image browsing path based on the image attention model to simulate the human browsing behavior. [42] developed a level-of-detail technique to adapt tree and/or cluster images on mobile devices. For tree images designed to visualize a hierarchy of categories, small rectangles in deep layers can be merged into a single larger rectangle. When users tap a rectangle, the tapped one will be enlarged to occupy the whole screen. For cluster images, details of the cluster image including the spheres in the user groups are neglected, when the user is looking at an overview of the visual presentation.
2.4 Map Presentation
Maps play an important role in mobile location-based services. However, they are often too large to be fully displayed on mobile device screens [2]. To this end, [43] used 3D arrows to point towards the objects and by the side of the arrows, the information about distance and name of point objects was provided with text. The 3D arrows were semi-transparent for comfortable visual. City Lights [44] was another attempt to provide a lot of types of off-screen objects information in that direction. It placed along each of border of a window.“Halo” [45] and zooming [46] are two popular methods used in map navigation task, where zooming allows the user to continuously move in and out of level of detail by using distance to the plane, and “Halo” represented off-screen locations as abstract “streetlamps” with their lights on the map. The map was overlaid with translucent arcs, indicating the location of off-screen places. Each arc was part of a circular ring that surrounds one of the off-screen locations. The arcs on the map allowed viewers to recognize the missing off-screen parts, and let viewers understand its position in space well enough to know the location of the off-screen targets. [46] compared user performance between “Halo” and zooming methods. Their work shows that ``Halo" is helpful for low numbers of distracting targets, and zooming helps independently of the number of distracters. They hence suggest that the interface can combine the effect of these two methods, so that the joint performance keeps the desirable feature of the individual performance.
2.5 3-Dimensional Object Presentation
To visualize 3D model on mobile devices, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and Extensible 3D(X3D) allow a content developer to re-use a large collection of existing Web-Based 3D worlds in the mobile context and develop content for different platforms with the same tools [47]. For location-aware presentation of VRML contents on mobile devices, the user interface was divided into two parts: an upper area where the actual 3D world was visualized and a lower area providing status information and tools for users to navigate the 3D world, setting the system and moving the viewpoint [47]. [48,49] used an integrated camera to visually track physical mobile interaction. [48] provided a 3D interface which can track the movement of a target by analyzing the video stream of the handheld computer camera. The position of the target can directly be inferred from the color-codes that are printed on it [48]. [49] proposed an interaction technique that uses the position of the mobile device in relation to a tracked point as input, as it is believed that the possibility of using mixed interaction spaces is what distinguishes camera-based interaction from other types of sensor-based interaction on mobile devices.
2.6 Calendar Presentation
Showed an interesting fisheye calendar interface called DataLens on PDAs. On the interface[50,51], users could first have an overview of a large time period with a graphical representation of each day's activities. Then, users could tap on any day to expand the area representing that day and reveal the list of appointments in context [51]. The “semantic zooming” approach used in DataLens was utilized to visually represent objects differently depending on how much space is available for displaying. The graphical views were scaled to fit the available space, while the textual views used a constant-sized font, and the text was clipped to fit in the available space [51]. On the DataLens, four views (tiny view, agenda view, full day view, and appointment detail) are available.
There were also some work to explore the visualization of quantitative information on mobile devices. [52] used bars with colors to present negative and positive values, instead of splitting the scarce screen space into two smaller areas.
2.7 Database Presentation
Current approaches for desktop-based database interfaces fall into two categories, i.e., visual interfaces and keyword-based interfaces [53]. In the visual database interface category, visual query specification interfaces (e.g., QBE [54] and XQBE [55]) and forms-based query interfaces (e.g., GRIDS system [56] and FoXQ system [57]) have both received considerable attentions. In the keyword-based interface category, designers equip database systems with an IR-style keyword-based search interface and the systems automatically discover and display the hidden semantic structures that the keyword query carries [53].
However, for mobile devices with a much smaller display, users may feel too heavy and even unreadable when presented with a complete query result satisfying a query condition at one time, calling for new database presentation strategies in the mobile domain. [58] thus conducted a study on how to selectively and dynamically present database contents on small screens. Five selection strategies, namely, Context-based Selection, Context-Cluster-based Selection, Attribute-Cluster-based Selection, Frequency-Based Selection, and Recent Frequency-Based Selection, were designed in order to choose the most potentially useful attributes to be displayed on the screen. The two well-developed methods, i.e., leading format and serializing format for dynamically displaying database query results on small screens were employed. The five methods on both synthetic data and real data were evaluated. The context-based and context-cluster-based strategies were superior over the rest according to the average selection accuracy, while the context-based approach also cost the least selection time. The majority of the users in the experiment found the serial display manner more comfortable and helpful than the leading display manner to get their wanted information from the screen.
further designed a graphical database interface for mobile devices. In this method[59], as soon as a connection was made, the relations in the database were displayed on their interface. Initially, only “top-level” relations were shown, and for the sake of conserving screen space, a nested relation structure was imposed on non-nested database systems. On the interface, users could select any number of relations, and display all the possible join paths between them. The resulting join was displayed on an auxiliary screen, which showed the actual SQL query and the actual answer set for that query [59].
3 Information Presentation via Audio Channel
Given the hard-handling and limited screens, it is beneficial to make use of the speech channel of mobile devices. [60] illustrated a comprehensive list of reasons for audio output. First, voice is portrayed as the most naturalistic way to interact with a system, so speech interface is more natural for interaction. Second, speech interface helps increase interaction efficiency, because speech is faster than any other common communication method like typing and writing. Third, voice interaction avoids “hand-busy” and “eye-busy” operations which happen to the visual interface. Fourth, people tend to think that telephony network is often more trustworthiness than Web. Finally, speech interface can serve as a good input manner, where speech recognition avoids password input [60]. Ease-of-use and the speed of interaction are the two most important requirements for voice interface, and voice interface must be an integral part of the whole user interface of the device, but should not be overused due to the miss-recognition [61].
evaluated reading performance on mobile devices for both a handheld visual display and a speech-synthesis audio display. They found that the audio interface allowed users to better navigate their environment. These findings suggest that users may benefit from an audio display[62]. designed a multi-lingual speaker-dependent voice dialing user interface, which could support speech recognition and speech synthesis[61]. Users need not train the voice tag, and the interface system can generate the tag automatically. [63] offered a speech interface model, where users can use a single personalized speech interface to access all services and applications. This approach decreased the misunderstanding and miss-recognition of multiple appliances.
4 Information Presentation via Tactile Channel
Apart from visual and audio channels, tactile sensation can also be explored for information presentation. The experiments done in [64] showed that a touch-based user interface can provide the elderly an easy-to-learn user interface paradigm. In addition, by tactile feedback, we can reduce possible mobile interaction mistakes, since audio feedback is difficult to apply when the environment is noisy, and visual feedback is also difficult as users have to pay much attention to others and the screen is small. In face, users can feel the vibration with their fingers as they press the screen [65]. [66] did text entry experiments and showed that users with tactile user interface could enter significantly more text, made fewer errors, and corrected more errors they did make.
used paper metaphor to design the switching of scrolling and editing operations[67], where a touch sensor is attached to a PDA. In map or Web browser, when a user does not touch sensor, the screen scrolls according to the movement of the pen when dragging, and when touching, the screen does not scroll and edit while dragging. In the photograph browser, when the user does not touch the sensor, the screen also scrolls the photograph, but when touching, if dragging the pen upward, the photograph is zoomed in; and if downward, the photograph is zoomed out. Dragging the pen left to right invokes clockwise rotation, and right to left invokes counter clockwise rotation [67].
Sometimes, it is necessary to switch among different user interaction modes on mobile devices. [68] outlined five switching ways between ink and gesture modes for a pen interface. Those mode switching techniques are “Pressing Barrel Button”, “Press and Hold”, “Using Non-Preferred Hand”, “Pressure-Based Mode Switching” and “Using the Eraser End of a Pen” [68].
5 Others
Except the above approaches, researches tried some novel methods to help mobile interface design. Considering that users often repeat certain tasks when they use mobile phone, [26] used shortcuts for these repetitive tasks. Some methods of producing shortcuts are evaluated, such as last performed, most frequent, C4.5 decision tree, Native-Bayes Base, and etc. They illustrated that the hybrid approach combining frequency and Native-Bayes approaches exhibits potentials for mobile device user interface.
6 Conclusion
In this survey paper, we gave an overview of recently developed techniques for mobile information presentation through the visual, audio, and tactile channels of mobile devices. The multiple presentation strategies compromise with each other to contribute the easy and convenient use of mobile devices.
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【关键词】博物馆 数字化展览 展示技术
1 博物馆展示设计的产生与发展
2 博物馆展示的特点
2.1 博物馆展示信息传递的载体
2.2 博物馆展示设计是多学科交叉的综合体
2.3 博物馆展示的交互性
3 博物馆展览方式的类型和设计特点
3.1 从观众感官行为上分类
3.2 从展示内容上分类
3.3 从物的表现方式上分类
3.4 从交互方式上分类
4 博物馆中数字化展示技术的应用研究
4.1 静态平面数字展示技术
4.2 静态立体数字展示技术
4.3 动态平面的数字展示技术
4.4 动态空间的数字展示技术
5 结语
该公司发明的法兰盘制造装置,在以计算机数字控制(CNC)系统为核心、集成自动化控制技术的电气控制系统控制下完成法兰盘零件所需的全部机械加工内容,并在法兰盘的外圆打印相应的标识。相较于传统的制造方法,具有以下优势:1、工艺紧凑,减少设备数量。在一台设备上即可完成原来需要5台以上的设备才能完成的工作;2、机械加工车间厂房需求减少,节省厂房建设投资;3、减少工人数量,大幅度降低人工成本;4、大幅度降低工人劳动强度;5、易于实现一个工人看守多台设备,进一步降低人工成本;6、设备适合 24 小时连续工作,有利于产量的稳定提高;7、节省能源;8、减少工序间物流转运成本以及减少工序间转运造成的工件损坏;9、提高工件加工精度;10、提高工件质量的一致性。
专利号:ZL 201420081413.2
该申请人钟小玉毕业于浙江乌溪江化工学院,化工机械专业,50多年来一直从事本专业工作。在工作期间,多项改革都获得良好的效果和奖励,如320公斤大气压的4M8K2高压机油的冷却装置,离心机油的冷却装置离心泵的机械密封、320公斤大气压的循环压缩机的无油等项目的改革,都取得了良好的经济和社会效益。该申请人设计的单缸双作用往复活塞泵(专利号:ZL201320647713.8)、自紧式密封结构(专利号:ZL 201320647725.0)、 往复式驱动装置(专利号:ZL201320647670.3)都获得了专利证书,且已公开。
专利权人:清华大学 北京田园兰德科技有限责任公司
专利号:ZL 201110274964.1
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