国际简称:AQUACULT ENV INTERAC 参考译名:水产养殖环境相互作用
主要研究方向:FISHERIES-MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 非预警期刊 审稿周期: 12周,或约稿
《水产养殖环境相互作用》(Aquaculture Environment Interactions)是一本由Inter-Research出版的以FISHERIES-MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一本开放期刊,近三年没有被列入预警名单。该期刊享有很高的科学声誉,影响因子不断增加,发行量也同样高。
AEI presents rigorously refereed and carefully selected Research Articles, Reviews and Notes, as well as Comments/Reply Comments (for details see MEPS 228:1), Theme Sections and Opinion Pieces. For details consult the Guidelines for Authors. Papers may be concerned with interactions between aquaculture and the environment from local to ecosystem scales, at all levels of organisation and investigation. Areas covered include:
-Pollution and nutrient inputs; bio-accumulation and impacts of chemical compounds used in aquaculture.
-Effects on benthic and pelagic assemblages or processes that are related to aquaculture activities.
-Interactions of wild fauna (invertebrates, fishes, birds, mammals) with aquaculture activities; genetic impacts on wild populations.
-Parasite and pathogen interactions between farmed and wild stocks.
-Comparisons of the environmental effects of traditional and organic aquaculture.
-Introductions of alien species; escape and intentional releases (seeding) of cultured organisms into the wild.
-Effects of capture-based aquaculture (ranching).
-Interactions of aquaculture installations with biofouling organisms and consequences of biofouling control measures.
-Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture; comparisons of re-circulation and ‘open’ systems.
-Effects of climate change and environmental variability on aquaculture activities.
-Modelling of aquaculture–environment interactions; assessment of carrying capacity.
-Interactions between aquaculture and other industries (e.g. tourism, fisheries, transport).
-Policy and practice of aquaculture regulation directed towards environmental management; site selection, spatial planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, and eco-ethics.
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | CiteScore 指数 | ||||||||||||||||
4.9 | 0.626 | 0.719 |
名词解释:CiteScore 是衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数,是在 Scopus 中衡量期刊影响力的另一个指标。当年CiteScore 的计算依据是期刊最近4年(含计算年度)的被引次数除以该期刊近四年发表的文献数。例如,2022年的 CiteScore 计算方法为:2022年的 CiteScore =2019-2022年收到的对2019-2022年发表的文件的引用数量÷2019-2022年发布的文献数量 注:文献类型包括:文章、评论、会议论文、书籍章节和数据论文。
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | FISHERIES 渔业 MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 | 2区 2区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | FISHERIES 渔业 MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 | 2区 2区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 FISHERIES 渔业 | 2区 3区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | FISHERIES 渔业 MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 | 3区 3区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 FISHERIES 渔业 | 2区 3区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 农林科学 | 2区 | FISHERIES 渔业 MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY 海洋与淡水生物学 | 3区 3区 |
按JIF指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
学科:FISHERIES | SCIE | Q2 | 17 / 62 |
73.4% |
76.1% |
按JCI指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
学科:FISHERIES | SCIE | Q2 | 21 / 62 |
66.94% |
76.89% |
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