国际简称:BIOSOCIETIES 参考译名:生物学会
《生物学会》(Biosocieties)是一本由Springer Nature出版的以SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一本未开放期刊,近三年没有被列入预警名单。
BioSocieties is committed to the scholarly exploration of the crucial social, ethical and policy implications of developments in the life sciences and biomedicine. These developments are increasing our ability to control our own biology; enabling us to create novel life forms; changing our ideas of ‘normality’ and ‘abnormality’; transforming our understanding of personal identity, family relations, ancestry and ‘race’; altering our social and personal expectations and responsibilities; reshaping global economic opportunities and inequalities; creating new global security challenges; and generating new social, ethical, legal and regulatory dilemmas. To address these dilemmas requires us to break out from narrow disciplinary boundaries within the social sciences and humanities, and between these disciplines and the natural sciences, and to develop new ways of thinking about the relations between biology and sociality and between the life sciences and society.
BioSocieties provides a crucial forum where the most rigorous social research and critical analysis of these issues can intersect with the work of leading scientists, social researchers, clinicians, regulators and other stakeholders. BioSocieties defines the key intellectual issues at the science-society interface, and offers pathways to the resolution of the critical local, national and global socio-political challenges that arise from scientific and biomedical advances.
As the first journal of its kind, BioSocieties publishes scholarship across the social science disciplines, and represents a lively and balanced array of perspectives on controversial issues. In its inaugural year BioSocieties demonstrated the constructive potential of interdisciplinary dialogue and debate across the social and natural sciences. We are becoming the journal of choice not only for social scientists, but also for life scientists interested in the larger social, ethical and policy implications of their work. The journal is international in scope, spanning research and developments in all corners of the globe.
BioSocieties is published quarterly, with occasional themed issues that highlight some of the critical questions and problematics of modern biotechnologies. Articles, response pieces, review essays, and self-standing editorial pieces by social and life scientists form a regular part of the journal.
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | CiteScore 指数 | ||||||||||||
3.4 | 0.408 | 0.839 |
名词解释:CiteScore 是衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数,是在 Scopus 中衡量期刊影响力的另一个指标。当年CiteScore 的计算依据是期刊最近4年(含计算年度)的被引次数除以该期刊近四年发表的文献数。例如,2022年的 CiteScore 计算方法为:2022年的 CiteScore =2019-2022年收到的对2019-2022年发表的文件的引用数量÷2019-2022年发布的文献数量 注:文献类型包括:文章、评论、会议论文、书籍章节和数据论文。
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 医学 | 4区 | SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL 社会科学:生物医学 | 4区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 医学 | 4区 | SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL 社会科学:生物医学 | 4区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 医学 | 3区 | SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL 社会科学:生物医学 | 4区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 医学 | 3区 | SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL 社会科学:生物医学 | 4区 |
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 医学 | 4区 | SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL 社会科学:生物医学 | 4区 |
按JIF指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
20.7% |
按JCI指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
11.96% |
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
中科院 2区 JCR Q1
Frontiers In Pharmacology
中科院 2区 JCR Q1
Frontiers In Public Health
中科院 3区 JCR Q2
Bmc Psychiatry
中科院 2区 JCR Q2
Bmc Neurology
中科院 3区 JCR Q3
中科院 3区 JCR Q1
Bmc Public Health
中科院 2区 JCR Q1
Bmc Womens Health
中科院 3区 JCR Q2