国际简称:NEUE RUNDSCH 参考译名:新概述
主要研究方向:LITERARY REVIEWS 非预警期刊 审稿周期:
《新概述》(Neue Rundschau)是一本由S FISCHER VERLAG GMBH出版的以LITERARY REVIEWS为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一本未开放期刊,近三年没有被列入预警名单。
Neue Rundschau is a German literary journal with a long history and has become one of the oldest cultural journals in Europe. The original intention of the journal's founding was to provide a free stage for modern life, especially to provide exhibition opportunities for new art genres such as naturalism. However, it is not limited to a specific artistic genre. After multiple name changes and content adjustments, it was finally named "Neue Rundschau" in 1904 and became an important forum for modern literature and prose creation during the Wilhelm Empire and Weimar Republic periods. The journal covers articles by writers, scientists, philosophers, and critics, as well as dialogues with domestic and foreign authors' works and occasional literary translation themed articles.
Top期刊 | 综述期刊 | 大类学科 | 小类学科 | ||
否 | 否 | 文学 | 4区 | LITERARY REVIEWS 文学评论 | 3区 |
按JIF指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
0% |
按JCI指标学科分区 | 收录子集 | 分区 | 排名 | 百分位 |
学科:LITERARY REVIEWS | AHCI | Q1 | 10 / 45 |
78.89% |
中科院 1区 JCR Q1
Chinese Journal Of Communication
中科院 2区 JCR Q2
中科院 3区 JCR Q2
Science Communication
中科院 1区 JCR Q1
Digital Scholarship In The Humanities
中科院 3区 JCR Q3
Journal Of Chinese Literature And Culture
中科院 3区
Computer Assisted Language Learning
中科院 1区 JCR Q1
Journal Of Computer-mediated Communication
中科院 1区 JCR Q1