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Texas Studies In Literature And Language SCIE

国际简称:TEX STUD LIT LANG  参考译名:德克萨斯文学与语言研究

主要研究方向:LITERATURE  非预警期刊  审稿周期:

《德克萨斯文学与语言研究》(Texas Studies In Literature And Language)是一本以LITERATURE为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一本未开放期刊,近三年没有被列入预警名单。

  • 3区 中科院分区
  • 24 年发文量
  • 未开放 是否OA
  • English 出版语言

Texas Studies In Literature And Language is a prestigious academic journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality literary critical articles covering all periods of literary history. The journal is known for its openness and inclusiveness, and encourages a variety of critical approaches, including but not limited to new criticism, post-structuralism, feminist criticism, cultural studies, postcolonial theory, etc., thus providing a diverse perspective on literary studies.

The magazine's articles not only reflect an in-depth analysis of classic literary works, but also focus on emerging trends and issues in modern and contemporary literature. In this way, the journal not only provides a rich academic resource for the study of various periods of literary history, but also provides a platform for the innovation and development of literary criticism.

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Texas Studies In Literature And Language期刊信息

  • ISSN:0040-4691
  • 出版语言:English
  • 是否OA:未开放
  • E-ISSN:1534-7303
  • 是否预警:
  • Gold OA文章占比:0.00%
  • 研究类文章占比:100.00%

Texas Studies In Literature And Language中科院评价数据

中科院 2023年12月升级版

Top期刊 综述期刊 大类学科 小类学科
文学 3区 LITERATURE 其他形式的文学 3区

Texas Studies In Literature And Language JCR评价数据(2023-2024年最新版)

按JIF指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位


按JCI指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位
学科:LITERATURE AHCI Q3 129 / 199


Texas Studies In Literature And Language历年数据统计


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