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Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ SCIE

国际简称:INTERD J RELIG TRANS  参考译名:当代社会宗教与变革跨学科期刊

主要研究方向:RELIGION  非预警期刊  审稿周期: 24 Weeks

《当代社会宗教与变革跨学科期刊》(Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ)是一本由Brill出版的以RELIGION为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一本开放期刊,近三年没有被列入预警名单。

  • 25 年发文量
  • 0.3 IF影响因子
  • 开放 是否OA
  • English/French/Italian/German 出版语言

The Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society is an interdisciplinary academic journal that focuses on religious studies and their transformation in contemporary society. This journal aims to explore how religion shapes personal identity, community relationships, and global cultural landscapes, while also focusing on how religious practices and beliefs evolve and adapt to modern challenges over time. Journal content typically involves theoretical analysis, empirical research, case studies, and critical reflection, aiming to provide a platform for the academic community to discuss the interaction between religion and social change.

This journal encourages scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to submit manuscripts, including but not limited to religious studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, political science, and economics. Through this interdisciplinary approach, the journal aims to promote a deeper understanding of religious phenomena and explore the role of religion in addressing contemporary social issues. The magazine's readership includes scholars, researchers, students, and a broad public interested in the role of religion in modern society. Journals contribute to academic dialogue and knowledge advancement in related fields by publishing high-quality research articles.

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Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ期刊信息

  • ISSN:2365-3140
  • 出版语言:English/French/Italian/German
  • 是否OA:开放
  • E-ISSN:2364-2807
  • 出版地区:Netherlands
  • 是否预警:
  • 出版商:Brill
  • Gold OA文章占比:86.30%
  • 研究类文章占比:100.00%

Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ CiteScore评价数据(2024年最新版)

CiteScore SJR SNIP CiteScore 指数
1 0.188 0.614
学科类别 分区 排名 百分位
大类:Arts and Humanities 小类:Religious Studies Q1 102 / 644


大类:Arts and Humanities 小类:Social Sciences (miscellaneous) Q3 350 / 604


名词解释:CiteScore 是衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数,是在 Scopus 中衡量期刊影响力的另一个指标。当年CiteScore 的计算依据是期刊最近4年(含计算年度)的被引次数除以该期刊近四年发表的文献数。例如,2022年的 CiteScore 计算方法为:2022年的 CiteScore =2019-2022年收到的对2019-2022年发表的文件的引用数量÷2019-2022年发布的文献数量 注:文献类型包括:文章、评论、会议论文、书籍章节和数据论文。

Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ JCR评价数据(2023-2024年最新版)

按JIF指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位


按JCI指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位
学科:RELIGION ESCI Q2 140 / 339


Interdisciplinary Journal For Religion And Transformation In Contemporary Societ历年数据统计


